Is there any chance of an altcoin overtaking bitcoin before the end of the year?

If so which would it be?


ETH, clearly

Bitcoin cash is the only one with any real chance since it's quite literally bitcoin.

There is no fucking way.

ETH to $10k

Bitcoin cash has been entirely stagnant since it debuted though.
I doubt something so similar to bitcoin will overtake bitcoin.
Why not just get bitcoin?


ETH almost did as your graph shows, and the trend has been bitcoin losing share slowly to other coins.

The bitcoin jews arnt going to let their coin go under that easily and will pump it to shit, but eventually bitcoin will not be number 1 and it could easily be tomorrow.

So evidently bitcoin hasn't suffered a loss of confidence or anything since it's still growing very strongly but why have the altcoins seen so much growth as of late?

>I doubt something so similar to bitcoin will overtake bitcoin.
it's not as similar as you think. read up about blockstream.


Greater demand.


ARK is going to take over BTC by 2022. Screencap this, also check em


Go to bed, Roger.

This would be the one. I don't think it's likely but it's the most likely.

Thats just pushing the question back a step.
Why is there all of a sudden this huge demand for altcoins and where did all these whales come from?



because of the easy potential to double your money with lots of people content on buying and holding. many of these icos are genuinely good so everyone benefits nomatter what happens

the general idea of the ethereum blockchain is here to stay forever

>The bean beating bitcoin



The day will come when the first bitcoins will be blacklisted, its going to get ugly from there

Nope, sorry mate but Bitcoin is the king.

Is there any actual chance of bitcoin being blacklisted anywhere or are you just memeing?
I think I remember hearing about it being blocked in china but that doesn't seem to be the case.

>The flippening will be a sproutening
>Nobeaners will be floored and confused
>"How did this happen?"
>We didn't let our memes be dreams

this is honestly the only legitimate answer in this thread.


NEO only has a chance if they switch their logo to this.

Instant classic

NEO and ARK both will by 2019

not bitcoin in general, but certain bitcoins because of "shady uses" will be blacklisted, since the blockchain is transparent it would be trivial

I will kill you.


>We didn't let our beans be dreams

it's the antithesis of bitcoin
i don't want to live in a world where ripple replaces btc or bcc


Not going to happen despite mETH-heads delusions.

Praise be.

i think bitcoin will fall when cryptocurrency becomes mass adopted.


unironically Facecoin

BTC Core was hired either to hijack or kill BTC.

Hmmm, I can actually see a valid issue with BTC now.

1] Government(s) allow BTC payments everywhere.

2] All store's and ATM's accept BTC as payment.

3] Government(s) create a white listed group of addresses which you are allowed to use and pay with.

4] ATM's and other stores will reject all payments that are not on the white list. This effectively allows the government to "freeze" certain addresses.

5] To get a white listed address you have to apply for it with the government and give up all your personal info. These address will then be linked to your name/personal data.

6] If large amounts of BTC flow into your address you will be put on a blacklist and the IRS will conduct an investigation from where that money came from. If valid it will be put back on the white list else you will be questioned.

7] The government will have access to your private key since they will issue you a personal address, this means they can seize the "illegal" BTC that flowed into your address.

8] Crypto is now regularized just the same way as fiat is (fiat has certain money IDs blacklisted) but less securely since once your funds are stolen they are gone. Albeit the attacker will have to structuring to launder the money in some way which might decensitive this.

I just realized crypto solves jack shit.

Even if ATM's are gone and we all use BTC payments, using your bitcoins will not be possible unless you are white listed.

This is actually a huge valid flaw in BTC.

Same thing could be done for any ALTcoin btw.

We need some way addresses mutate over time so it can not be bound to a certain person. (Monero has the same issues I can imagine)

Anybody an idea how to solve this shit, you can guarantee something similar of this nature will happen.

I concur

Ripple is shit but not because of that but because banks don't need it, they could use their own chain or smart contracts.

Relentless selling as been keeping the price from soaring, as soon as the retarded dumpers have finished this baby is headed up. All those dumps got absorbed and the price has managed to maintain itself at a $5 billion valuation.

IMO get in now or you lose.

this is the most interesting post i have read in a while here

No man sell or trade, save he have......

never thought of this
this is a big problem and lets hope this doesnt happen

This is actually very concerning.

Additional issues.

- It is also possible with BTC to trace where your money you received came from, if it is a blacklisted address your account will be blacklisted until you explain where the BTC came from or until you forfeit your BTC.

Possible solution:
Could be solved by having a private blockchain, not sure if such a thing will ever be adapted but it is a good step to stop the governments of tracing the payments and asking questions.

Possible continuation of the FED:
- All BTC that is seized will be send to the federal BTC reserve. This reserve will determine the price of BTC by either selling said BTC at discounted prices to certain companies at an interest rate. (same thing as the FED)

Possible solution:
None that I can think of really.

As long as BTC addresses stay the same the government can still track the money coming in and out of white listed addresses. They just will not know where it came from. If weird things happen they can freeze/black list that address.

They can even require you to fill out a form where 95% of your BTC came from. If you do not you can be fined each day until you do it. Meanwhile your funds will be frozen.

It seems like that we forgot the government can not control crypto but they can control the trade of BTC to possessions.

I hope somebody launches a crypto coin that fixes all these issues, but even if such a thing is done the government might only recognise blockchains that have public blockchains with fixed addresses.

Seems like we have an issue at our hands gentleman.

Thats not realy an issue. All it does is allow the government to see what money you are using but does not allow them to know how much money you have or are making. Effectively bitcoin becomes as hard to track as cash.

Delete BTC transaction history every day at midnight.

General public doesnt give a shit about privacy and government tracking, so bitcoin is just fine for general consumption. All these altcoins like monero and zcash try to solve problems the only small educationed people care about, rest of normies can be kept distracted enough not to care about such 'complicated' issues.
Regulated bitcoin will just be another controlled currency, and everyone is ok with it.

What is so special about BTC anyway? We can let it be government-regulated and throw it to the normies so that they feel safe, and create a replica.

Actually it does since they can simply follow up on the amount that is in the account and who send it. They will issue you a new white listed account, to transfer funds they will also take their cut by demanding your transaction history so they get their TAX cut.

If you deposit a large amount without the agreement of the government they will put your account on blacklist rendering it useless.

Remember that they will only allow whitelisted addresses, any other addresses will not be able to be used for payments through laws.

You can not delete transactions, all transactions until day 1 can actually be publicly tracked.

That would be illegal via anything but a court order.

If there's a record of something, it can be destroyed.

I guess but I am kind of disappointed since it defeats the purpose of returning control of currency to the people.

Their are still other advantages to be had, but it's a bit disappoint imho.

Who cares about the people? What are we, lefties? Let the gubmint regulate this shit. It means that normies will trust it and institutions can unload massive fiat in it. Everybody wins except for a few g*mmunists.

The government can already freeze your bank account if it suspects suspicious activity on the grounds of fraud.

They will go to court and will get the warrant, it's still the same user. And you can not even spend the cash as compared to money you earned without the taxman knowing since they can blacklist your account and all transactions are visible.

I guess, so much for an open peer to peer payment network.

Yeah this exactly. There will always be coins like monero that we can use to avoid oversight anyway. As if the government can ever eradicate the black market.

And they only do that in rare cases with millions of dollars involved. Because the bad press of freezing Joe Freds bank account because he didnt report the 3000 dollars he made would be political suicide. Not many judges would grant it and no politician would peruse it. Banks can freeze their own accounts but you are not using a bank so who cares.

There can always be a better alternative to BTC. Faster, anonymous transactions. Something BTC can NOT do.

Monero is already anonymous. Not sure how fast it is. Great of laundering coins. It will get really popular when governments start interfering with coins.

They might not freeze it but they can start asking questions and fine you. And if you refuse to pay the fine drag you to court or send some guy to confiscate belongings, ...

Either way an interesting thing to think about Id say

i was trying to avoid shilling Monero but yes it would be a step in the good direction.

If addresses changed somehow it would even be better imho.

Fine you for what? Unless they get a court order to investigate your etherium gains then they have nothing. You are going to be paying some taxes if it ever gets regulated.

1. If they dont already report you the exchanges will eventually start reporting you.
2. They could very well implement a internet tax or just a national sales tax, which people have been clamoring for and bypass all the backdoors and loopholes.

They dont need to do unpopular freezes or go through the trouble of white lists. They only have to hit the large hubs where currency changes hands.

Another thing to consider is that someone malicious could frame you by sending you a ton of Bitcoins.

With crypto you cannot refuse a deposit. Therefore you are stuck with those suspicious funds in your account and made to explain yourself to the government.

What other good anonymous coins are there?
I've heard a little about verge lately but I think thats just hype.

Unironically Ripple

Monero is the only proven one. The FBI could not track it or break it.

it really is the only paradigm shift in the market

anonymous transactions are useless for business

>being so clueless about blockchain and bitcoin

>being so clueless about life


there is already a solution.
This is why Monero exists.

>watching VICE.
Faggot detected