Setting stop losses

Greetings Veeky Forums, amateur bag holder here, and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what price is a good one to set stop losses at.

I've got a few speculative purchases I want to set stop losses for, but I'm not 100% sure what an acceptable % loss would be for them.

depending on how volatile 5-10%
and thats if you buy in at support

It's been extremely volatile lately so I wouldn't set your stop loss too high. I usually set mine at 25% lower than what I bought in it. It hasn't fucked me too hard yet and seems to survive pump and dumps.

Yeah I'm a little worried about how volatile everything is, and I'm confident in the tech I chose to invest in for mid-long term gains so I dont wanna totally fuck myself

I think I'll go 25% under as well

It's a good place to start, but do what you're comfortable with user. If it dips below that stop loss there's some heavy shit going on.

Stop loss orders are market type orders or limit type orders? depends on the exchanges? Say Polo and Bittrex.

holyyy shieeeetttt i need to get a gf that isnt fat :(

By my calculations.

That's a vagina.

nice poosay and feet

limit or you will lose all of your money to flash crash manipulation. this is VERY important. stop-LIMIT, NOT stop-loss. do NOT set a stop-less, EVER. LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT.

but generally speaking, dont set a stop-limit unless you absolutely have to.

I learned the hard way on polo.

I case of a P&D is it wise to set a Stop & Limit?

I fucking hate pussy. Especially pic related

I think I know this fat bottomed girl.


Show your work user.

Hailey Joel Osment

this is a blue board. reported

Is it normal that I want her to sit on my face so i can sniff and eat her ass?

You can't post stuff like that here faggot.

> reward>risk
> the previous minor low

isnt difficult nsfw-poster-faggot

Why the fuck are girls so hot holy fuck it's not fair