what does Veeky Forums think of winged hussars?
What does Veeky Forums think of winged hussars?
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Very awesome!
Good job, Poland.
Thanks Jan for saving Western Civilization.
Wish I was polish
Pretty cool. By the time you get them, most of the map has been explored, but in groups they're effective hit and run units. I would use them to mow down villagers at mining or lumber camps and zip off before the heavy hitters show up. You can't set 'em and forget 'em though; they get massacred in a real fight.
We love everything Polish and not just because it pisses off the Krauts. That's a tasty bonus though.
Wait which video is this? I want to play.
they arrived.
Not that user but Civ 5 has Poland with winged hussars. I'd probably look at Europa Universalis 4 maybe a Total War?
Age of Empires II, conquerors expansion.
Overrated. They often won battles but that is due to them having numerical superiority over their opponents who happened to be militia most of the time.
TL;DR - They were seal clubbers
Question: how were they different from knights in tactics and equipment?
It is often said that heavily armored cavalry stopped being practical by the end of the middle ages. That with longbows, pike formations and later gunpowder, a charge with tight formation of heavy horsemen was not as effective anymore. There are many examples that prove that point (battle of Agincourt, Varna, Mohacs etc.)
Yet Poland was still using heavy cavalry effectively well into the 1600s and even beat the Ottomans who were famous for defeating knights in the past.
>but that is due to them having numerical superiority over their opponents
Stopped reading there
The Cossacks series?
The shock provided by small arms could disrupt enemy infantry positions better than before, allowing cavalry to charge in and break up a formation. Also some cavalry used guns, allowing for one last volley before a charge, though winged hussars didn't.
>special hollowed super long lances
>very good horses
>ability to perform as almost every type of medium cav of the era by switching equipment
As for tactics they would provoke first voley while far away and in loose formation, then would charge the enemy while tightenign formation mid-charge before second voley. Because of their lances they were able to charge enemy pikes head on.
I'm going to be that guy and say they look better without the wings.
>numerical superiority
What is klushino and most of other battles?
>having numerical superiority in battles
tl;dr, you have absolutely no knowledge on this topic
>Amerifat detected
Cossacks is god tier gaming
Why do people do this? You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about yet you still feel the need to share your fake news. Does it make you feel intellectually superior?
i like them because it makes wehraboos and vatniks buttmad
Overrated for
Prussia is from an objective standpoint the best faction in the game.
Their 18th century musketeers have the most health, and best stats in damage from ranged and melee
This is all I think and all I need to think of the winged hussars youtu.be