What's in a name?

What are the best and worst crypto names? Does it make any difference?

best: Monaco
worst:can't remember

Best: Bitbean
Worst: Dentacoin

HoboNickels is clearly the best name, but it's a Z tier shitcoin.

There is no justice

Antshares of course

Best: bitcoin
Worst: firstblood

Neo and Ethereum are good. Bitcoin would be a shit name if it wasn't the founder. Anything with multiple words is generally lame ie. Safe Exchange, Basic Attention.

OMG is both

Bcash is not the same as bitcoin cash - facts two different entities mind blown right?

Well i absolutely refused to pay any attention to antshares and went balls deep the moment it rebranded

both are shitcoins so who cares

Basic Attention Token makes perfect sense for what it does.

Ethereum sounds too tryhard

Bitcoin is perfect because it defines the whole thing.

Inter net

Bit coin

Ehereum = autistic scam

Neo = chinkn shit bullshit

Bitcoin also sounds like a currency, something of value.

Ethereum/Neo do not.

I avoided Ethereum when it was $23 because I also felt the name was too try-hard. this was when I wasn't even in crypto tho.

Dogecoin is best name

Nigger con was the best ever.

2nd best is Hitler coin

Arbitrary as fuck. Eth could be associated with currency if it were currency long enough. Do you think the word dollar was always associated with currency?

"ants in my pants"
best slogan too

VIA - Viacoin: simple, modern, professional

We're talking about names, of course it's going to be arbitrary. But it's more than just historical precedent. The name "bitcoin" describes a divisible unit, a coin. 1 bitcoin, 2 bitcoins, 100 bitcoins. "Ether" just sounds stupid. And I don't even know what NEO retards call their currency, probably something equally dumb sounding.

I quite like IOTA's name and branding.
It's got a very sci-fi minimalist aesthetic to it.

thats why it will fail, fucking hipster coin

I miss the ants in my eyes johnson threads

sauce on pic?

I actually liked antshares better. I like the idea of owning shares. I miss meming about my little ants.

As much as I liked my ants, NEO wasn't a bad rebrand seeing as how everything relates to the Matrix. Goes with the whole decentralization aspect of crypto, even the dev community calling themselves City of Zion. Everyone else is stuck in the Matrix, NEO will free you from it.

Still, blue ant in my heart forever.

Firstblood isn't a bad concept, or actually that bad a name. I was debating getting in on it, given the pervasive nature of gaming today (esp in Asia, think of all the E-sport culture over there). Reminds me of staking in Runescape, people used to do that shit.

I dunno could be wrong, maybe someone will deal 100k dmg and Firstblood moons.

>ID William LuTher Pierce


best IOTA
worst Patientory, Storj and any other unpronounceable nonsense