I'm a 20 year old australian with 100k in crypto...

I'm a 20 year old australian with 100k in crypto. Would i be an idiot dropping out of my shitty marketing degree and go travel and work around the world while trading crypto? I mean it sounds like it could be a really good life experience. I work in hospitality and i feel like i could get a job anywhere in the world.
some thoughts please biz bros

aren't you almost done your degree already if you're 20?

i was late 20 when i finished my marketing degree. What you have 1 semester left?

>absurd pic
>legitimate question
this formula always makes me lol for some reason

What the fuck is wrong with that nig's head

You would be an idiot, yes. Not saying it couldn't work, but if you decide to do it you will have to accept that it's an idiotic idea and adjust accordingly. If you convince yourself it's a good idea, that's when you will fuck up. It's ok to do risky things, but you need to be fully aware of the risks and the rewards.

hold for 5 years and retire

Yes you would be an idiot. Grow up

>tfw when you post a picture and then see someone use it a day later

I've got about a year and a half left, its a business bachelor with a major in marketing.
Jeff berwick ((lol)) says that business degrees are a meme. I have the capital to travel and work around the world, in doing so i would like to think i'd learn more than studying.

>grow up
>don't live and all and don't travel

What a boring fuck you are.

tf is wrong with his head?

Stay in school.

A degree makes you look legitimate and not a loser to the normies.

The 100k in crypto will be much higher in value in a few years.

Keep in mind for everyone that got rich in crypto, there are 15000 people that bought in, and sold a year later to buy a new laptop. If you don't have the patience to finish your marketing degree, you're going to have a hard time letting the crypto ride out to its potential.

Besides, marketing is at least interesting as a degree. Maybe you'll be able to create/sell a product in a way that makes you a hell of a lot more money than your crypto.

You never know.

i have a little under 1m and im planning to do that too. you need to be able to ride out a long dip. Im using the bitcoin crash 2014-2015 as an example and doubling that, so Ill need to be able to deal with a portfolio value of

Berwick also says eos could kill eth

Only if you can make money in a down market. How did your portfolio perform in the bear market from Jun 19th to Aug 1st? If you lost any percentage at all for that period, you can't make money in a bear market and you shouldn't go professional. Anyone can make money in a bull market, don't be fooled into thinking you're a genius. You have to have long term sustainable growth, my dude

I should rephrase, i could hypothetically defer a semester or two and travel rather than drop out.

cutis verticis gyrata is his head condition. Quite common, but not at that severity. I have a mild case but have long hair so I dont look like a cropfield nigga.

Drop out of your degree, you have nothing to show for it except a hex debt. Blow $100k in trading shit coins, probably money you borrowed.
You can take a year off to travel and then come back and get into life. There is a difference between doing a considered life choice and being a complete idiot.

Thanks for the insight, might just take a month holiday instead. Also didn't take a loan in crypto, literally just dumped my entire lifesavings into ethereum in february

I've literally been having this exact same thought. Would be interested in hearing others input on this topic.

any decent office job has a bach degree minimum, doesn't particularly matter what its in unless its meme to the max

I always assumed it was from having corn rows for too long.

>travel around the world while trading crypto
Sounds kind of stupid desu.

Don't be an idiot. Finish your degree. After that, you can take a chance and still have something to fall back on.

dat niga proon hayde

it's fun, I did it for a while


making me sick

just cut your losses now and blow you brains out. or finish your degree. so close, dont throw it in

holy shit thats the ugliest sandnigger i've ever seen

That's just a regular nigger, dummy.

Smart move with ETH and congrats. I think in 5 years you could take a permanent holiday.

Also its a meme for millenials like us to romanticize the idea of travelling and being "somewhere else" with no specific details of a trip planned. I am guilty of this. its a good idea to plan out what you will do exactly while travelling.

Just finish your damn degree you faggot