Order 1 latte worth $3.5

> Order 1 latte worth $3.5
> Pay by Bitcoin
> Charges you $2 for a transaction fee
> Barista keks at me
> Everyone keks at me

wait for the segwit lightning network

does it include zero fees / mofo fast transaction? if not im switching to IOTA

>onii-chan buy bittocoin!

>3.5$ latte
what the fuck

Nobody wants your fucking refugee coin

Probably Australia

post the one with shaq

>never been to Starbucks

I too kek at you

someone yells "KEK!" as you slump out the door and everybody kek's once more before you trip outside on the sidewalk and passerby in their cars have a kek at your expense before running over and killing you. you thank the lord for his mercy

>Buy a $0.59 stick of gum
>Pay by Bitcoin
>Charges you $2 for the transaction fee

That would be fairly standard down here, but expect to pay double figures for anything remotely resembling our coffee abroad

who is this semen demon


This why Bitcoin will never have mass adoption. It's fucking slow and expensive for small transactions.

>Order 1 latte worth $3.5
>pay by bitcoin
>scan my bitcoin QR code over the bitcoin terminal
>no one keks
>everyday life

Just you know, make sure you have a day to day wallet and your actual real wallet is at home safe and secure.

>one day bros, one day

>How would you like to pay today, sir?
>Ok, please send 0.00063672 BTC to 1KWTJ6a9iKMLEgfZ1tTnE6fkNxSHKTKWK6, got that?

Fucking kek.

ye idk what these delusional faggots are dreaming about

Hmm except the coin and transaction fee were worth 50c 9 months ago.
Also you will be able to use bitcoin cash soon and problem solved.

>$2 for a transaction fee

credit cards take a week to resolve a transaction, bitcoin is 6 million times faster

Dude it got up to $5 before this whole fork thing.

How much is segwit actually doing to help? How many more transactions/second will it give?

Dumb anime poster

it will double the transactions/second

Depends on the payment processor.

or just scan the QR code with your phone

use paper wallets and coin wallets
it have zero transaction fee

I would have laughed too but if $2 is worth trying to look cool with your autist tokens then go for it.

You forgot to tip.

>walk in
>get to counter, order $5 late
>cash only
>go to BTC atm
>wait 35 minutes
>lose 10% on cash withdraw
>this is the future guys

>ever spending your precious bitcoin

shit is more valuable than gold and you morons order pizza with it

>Want to transfer 250k USD to a person in a short amount of time.
>Pays $2 fee.

BTC at this point may as well be used for large transactions only.

>implying merchants won't pay the tx fee like they do when you use a credit card

is it so hard to convert btc to something else fit for spendimg before hand...? like, just the budget you need.

The role of bitcoin, by its design, is securing decentraliced value.

Fees are meant to go higher, the less you can spam trade it the more resistance to its hype trains.

I order drugs to put up my butt sempai

>use paper wallets and coin wallets
>it have zero transaction fee
it have zero transaction fee
you give it to someone- it is transaction

>buying anything with bitcoin
Wait for normies to adopt at their own pace, all you're doing is diluting your lambo

I thought the point of Bitcoin is that we could send money to someone without transaction fees.

Y'all niggas need a TenX debit card

Over-the-phone transactions though.