>"On this day... July 8 1709 – Great Northern War: Peter I of Russia defeated Charles XII of Sweden in Poltava, effectively ending Sweden's role as a major power in Europe."
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"On this day... July 8 1709 – Great Northern War: Peter I of Russia defeated Charles XII of Sweden in Poltava...
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Sweden was one of the most evil small empires at the time.
Can you elaborate? How evil could a country that didn't even employ feudalism be?
The only unfortunate thing about it is that it didn't kill that useless autist Karl XII.
>invade russia
>win practically all battles so far
>the great frost of 1709 aka the coldest european winter in 500 years hits
Russia is truly blessed by god
Let's not forget who suffered the most in these imperial conflicts: the Finnish people.
F. He was Napoleon or Hitler before losing all your army in a failed Russian invasion was cool.
>practically all battles so far
The ratio was around 8:5
I'm pretty sure winter is part of the Russian army
when will sweden apologize for bullying finland so long
Charles won every battle he ever commanded, the Russians only won Lesnaya and of course Poltava. And he was severely outnumbered every time, sometimes facing an army up to 5 times larger than his own.
>Be any neighbor of Muscovy/Russia
>For hundreds of years win basically all battles and wars
>But each time Muscovy/Russia returns stronger
>at some point start losing
>time for Swedish Empire
>win one battle against Russians
>this is it guys, we won!
>Russia returns back
>bu...but we defeated you!
>lose one battle
>losing one battle ends your status as >great power and kicks you into eternal irrelevancy
>Battle between God tier Swedes, Good tier Poles, and subhuman tier Russians between who will shape Eastern Europe
>The Russians actually fucking win
>On this day ... July 8 1998
I was born.
I can apologize for eastern Finland, but western Finland, especially all coastal area, is swedish.
On this day July 8 2014
Happy birthday
Blue and yellow masterrace.
Besides The Deluge, it really wasn't. For its time, the peasantry and burghers had pretty good lives and the power of the aristocracy was rather small when compared to other countries, especially Russia.
>chinese are masterrace
Fader Vår, som är i himmelen
Helgat varde ditt namn
Tillkomme ditt rike
Ske din vilja,
Såsom i himmelen så ock på jorden
Giv oss idag vårt dagliga bröd
Och förlåt oss våran skuld
This defeat fucked up both Sweden and cossack Ukraine. Damn shame.
How did he die?
Peaked over a trench and got shot in the head, most likely by a Norweigan sniper. According to legend his last words were to his soldiers "Don't be afraid."
To think of it: there was time when swedes were actually cool
If Karl woke up today he would tear the remains of his hair in shock and grief of what became of Sweden.
On what Foundation stands the warrior's pride,
How just his hopes let Swedish Charles decide;
A frame of adamant, a soul of fire,
No dangers fright him, and no labours tire;
O'er love, o'er fear, extends his wide domain,
Unconquered lord of pleasure and of pain;
No joys to him pacific sceptres yield;
War sounds the trump, he rushes to the field;
Behold surrounding kings their power to combine,
And one capitulate, and one resign;
Peace courts his hand, but spreads her charms in vain;
"Think nothing gained", he cries, "till nought remain,
On Moscow's walls till Gothic standards fly,
And all be mine beneath the polar sky."
The march begins in military state,
And nations on his eye suspended wait;
Stern Famine guards the solitary coast,
And Winter barricades the realms of Frost;
He comes, not want and cold his course delay; -
Hide, blushing Glory, hide Pultowa's day:
The vanquished hero leaves his broken bands,
And shows his miseries in distant lands;
Condemned a needy supplicant to wait,
While ladies interpose, and slaves debate.
But did not Chance at length her error mend?
Did no subverted empire mark his end?
Did rival monarchs give the fatal wound?
Or hostile millions press him to the ground?
His fall was destined to a barren strand,
A petty fortress, and a dubious hand;
He left the name, at which the world grew pale,
To point a moral or adorn a tale.
To be a Swede in his time wasn't to be cool, it was to be a woman, crippled, or dead.
> For its time, the peasantry and burghers had pretty good lives
>gets forcefully recruited into Swedish army