Over 90% of the threads on Veeky Forums are about crypto currency speculation.
It's time all the coin content got its own (containment) board.
Over 90% of the threads on Veeky Forums are about crypto currency speculation.
It's time all the coin content got its own (containment) board.
this IS the containment board to keep crypto off /g/
get fucked nocoiner
Pretty sure this image is instaban by now
Go be poor elsewhere.
But... that's why this board was created in 2014, so we could leave /g/ forever.
This is the containment board, newfag.
New fag this bored is a containment broad. This bored was created for cyptros. I hate newfags more than Jews
I'm stuck as to what should be done. On one side, this is a method of making money through holding/trading/lending which is all part of what Veeky Forums is. But if crypto gets too big, then it could be time for a new board. For anyone interested in stock analysis and the other instrument discussion/ general financial stuff, reddit is always good. I believe biz used to be quite good with that too, but I showed up late last year so didn't really see much of it.
One very easy solution would be creating more crypto generals, rather than spamming threads. But I gotta say I enjoy this community, but variety is important. It's completely fucking retarded to be entirely ignorant of the financial world, as a whole, if you want to truly be involved in-depth with crypto. Having a view of the whole thing allows you to see where there are opportunities for crypto to augment and improve things in the world, as it currently is.
Veeky Forums is dead, let the kids play with their internet monopoly coins
biz is about crypto, fuck off no coiner cuck fagboi
I miss the days of giving life advice to help you get that job or how to make an intelligent investment
Now, it's only speculative trading
go post on reddit
its not going to happen, the board is filled with crypto threads because thats all that the anons here care about
Deepest Lore
Kys, either make a salient rebuttal or kill yourself
But it didn't use to be ALL crypto, there was non-crypto threads. And the quality of the discussions about crypto use to be better because not everyone was a fucking dirty shill
>One very easy solution would be creating more crypto generals, rather than spamming threads.
Start a thread then?
I'm into crypto but I tend to agree. It's almost 100% crypto threads in here.
We're coming for /c/ next motherfucker.
agreed, I want to discuss buisness
I agree with you OP.
Would be nice to a have a board about personal finances where people give advice about money and tips about getting started in business, etc.
This board is at least 95% neets with a couple thousand bucks in BTC larping as high rollers.
These people you see jerking themselves over shitcoin gambles are just playing with their allowance.
>He doesn't realise Veeky Forums accepts donations in bitcoins.
And for this reason I don't think they will create /crypt/