I missed BTC
I missed ETH
I missed NEO
I missed OMG
I missed LUN
I missed BNB

I'm lying in my bed sweating right now at the thought of how much money I've missed out on.

Now the normans are arriving and the whole thing is going to fuck up sooner or later when I do decide to invest in something.

How the FUCK do i find a good coin to invest in before it moons?

I don't want to be a wageslave. Just someone give me advice, please - anything. Tell me what coin to invest in next for 10-20x gains and I'll do it. I can't go on much longer like this.

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>I missed BTC

BTC hasn't even started.

OMG is going to explode like neo did. trust me, you're not too late m8

I suggest you buy Bancror before it takes off

Buy binance. Going to ten dollars end of the month.

I never get tired of hearing this. At some point I realized this. And started making a lot of money with this mind set. I tried to time the market. Bitcoin is going to do what it wants. Not what you want it to do

maybe the lush life just isn't your thing?

BNB is gonna go to 10$ This week... you've hardly missed shit

Just throw all your money into BTC, ETH and NEO. It's not too late to make a good amount of profit.
Also look into Lisk and IOTA

You didn't miss BNB dude...

get a job

This joke will never not be funny

absolutely savage

I would literally jizz in my pants if it even hits $3.00

Don't sweat OP I'm here to help. Tell me what made you miss ETH? There's no way you weren't hearing about it so what was the thought process

dont swear

It had already multiplied many times and was at ATH's which put me off investing in fear of it dipping down. Then it spiked 10x.

>I missed OMG

Announcement still coming

CFI is the next moon mission
stole bancors use case when it partnered up with jaxx wallet recently
had a nice test pump few days ago
get in for ez 10x

don't miss on Monaco

don't miss STX you faggot

BUY ETH NOW. wait for BTC crash. It will probably worst case crash to ~3200 at most, then buy that too.

Get in on SingularDTV, they have huge announcements coming next week. Screencap this.

Market cap is already huge. None of these coins will do 10x. I want large gains like everyone else.


We are gonna make it lads.

CFI is a fucking piece of shit. Im bag holding 8000+ coins. Friend of a friend was on the team from the start but got let go few weeks ago. Talked to him about it, they dismissed everyone that wasn't Slovenian.

Don't miss unify

>he still hasnt missed ICN
>He still hasnt missed PIVx
>he still hasnt missed NEO technically

come on user

This has the same cap OMG did before it mooned this week. Depending on the partnership, could easily 5x or 7x your money

its already $10

Easy 6-7 bagger this month with -

underrated truth

ETH will have it's turn soon. get ready

anticipated timeframe?

Buy Binance or you'll regret it


Don't miss Ripple now XRP look no the charts and the news, you are at time to get in soon, it has just started

Just extend your timeframe and you'll be fine

I dont want 2x gains. I want 10x.

what fucking news

Red pill me on BNB

why tf would i buy a coin for an exchange? I dont get it

This is from their slack. So I assume tomorrow or Tuesday. This happened 3 days ago but waited for the pump and dump from FOMO to die off so that Veeky Forumstards don't buy at ATH.

No one here has mentioned this one yet, its definitely a sleeper.

I think they are going to announce a big partnership, been going to lots of conferences with big players the past few months.

>zach.lebeau [6:09 AM] Thanks @complexitycomplex. There's so many great things going on now and the potential news is piling up. We're coming out of our summer quiet mode next week and look forward to telling everyone all about it.

Ark still has anywhere from 100-1000x gains left. Look at its market cap, it can get there if you're patient and I think a $10 price is almost assured by the end of 2018 at the very latest, most likely it will hit and surpass that by end of this year.

Hodl you doofus. I bought some ant shares last year and just never sold. I do that with tons of coins that aren't scams. It's not that hard.

I dont even know which ones to buy at the time. I would've thought antshares/neo was a scam when it was a dollar.

How do you know which projects are good and will increase in value by 10x + ?

But antshares/neo is a scam.

1. think for yourself
2. do some research
3. take a risk
4. try not to buy on green candles if possible
5. read Veeky Forums but don't listen to them much

put a bit in everything popular
if one goes 1000% you're good

also, $DNT retard

No one knows idiot, do your own research and decide for yourself.

Fake News

Kill yourself, NONEO.

You haven't missed BTC, it's the only coin that has potential to reach normies. I'd watch it and go all in at a correction, there's serious potential for it to get to 40k a coin in a few years.

thinking about this. only have 200 OMG, thinking about rolling it over to BNB

>lush life
How I know you're in debt

I bought ARK way back in May. Every fucking day I open my Bittrex wallet and I see ARK dropped in price.


thats the best call youll ever make

How do you determine what makes a good call and what doesn't in situations like this? Like how do you know?


no one knows, most of this shit is a scam

If Bittrex is a scam, where should I buy coin?

So is everybody really just guessing? I'd like to be able to do some research and make educated decisions, but I have no idea how these values are actually determined.

Who the fuck said it's a scam? It isn't.

How is BNB gonna moon? I'm not saying you're wrong, i never looked into BNB. But looking at the fees on their site:

1 BNB = $2 based on a BTC price of $4k.

So how can it go over $2? Unless the 50% discount isn't included, in which case $4... but you guys are saying $10.

that's called valuation, and it's a difficult thing but you have to do it before you put serious money down. personally i try to look for ones that i think have real world use.

if someone handed you a list of 1000 random companies you knew nothing about and said "invest thousands of dollars in this one, that one and that one" would you do it? there are 1000+ crypto projects and most of them probably won't be around in 3-5 years.

Don't FOMO.

Just enable 2FA on bittrex. Someone on their team steals coins

That means you ARE a norman, nerd

Don't miss out on Bytom. Thank me later. Its team has people from NEO and Alipay as well as its a newly released coin.

I'm gonna shill this one as well. This will be the next NEO.

When will be verges turn?

You need some block cat

They got any word on if/when it's coming to bittrex?

I'm considering adding in if that's a possibility. It'll practically explode when it does.

I actually don't know. There is little info on this coin and it was released a few days ago. The reason I bought it is the great team consisting out of several professionals who worked on other moon projects, solid influence and low visibility for now. Taking my GAS I decided to invest in this promising project and right now it's earning me great cash. I don't expect it to have news at hand. This is what NEO and OMG are for. But this might be my lucky horse if I wait 2-3 months and it goes to the moon. This could be my NEO buy in at 0,15€.

Monaco is starting to take off it looks like earlier user said. TA agrees with it. Figure getting in a bit on the major payment card coins, at least one will meme to the moon.

where do i purchase bytom

>little info
>$153 million market cap

what the fuck

not too late to get in SNGLS and SAFEX

I can only find it on some crazy chinese exchanges

Does this shit even have a working wallet? No way I'm keeping it on a fucking chinksite

Spheris for easy x10 gains. They will start out very low, will go up without much effort. 2 trillion supply for poorfags like you to swim in.

right, i'm waiting for it to come to bittrex but i don't wanna be late to the party

CVC is a good undervalued coin. I'd go with that one.

SAFEX and BAT are good choices. CVC is good too

Didnt it moon few days ago?


you realize that when "normies" adopt cryptocurrency, it will be a moon so spectacular, early adopters will be rocketing out of the milky way

bagholder general?

Hey Rocky, when's the next hustle update coming out?

Binance isn't hard to use, it's how I got some Gas for when that moons again.

I'm so hard thinking about it.

It hurts that I started crypto on mid june when btc ath and i saw ans at $3-4 but it was shilled here non stop, was used like a whore for pump and dumps, and the logo was awful, so i never bought. I could have easily bought $10k of that and 15x already but never did, goddamn.

nice just bought 100k

same, I thought "antshares" was in the same vein as Shrek or Putin Coin

How can u profit so much?
Teach me, overlord.

Same. I thought it was a like Bitbean

Is BTER a legit trustworthy exchange?


I was here even earlier, saw ANS below 100k sats but that awful branding stopped me from giving it a serious look. Even when I finally bought in much later, I was reluctant to commit for the same reason

this wont be lambo money, except if you already have porsche money

went balls deep in bytom 2 days ago, best decision I've ever made

it's not to late to join BNB mission
