ITT We pretend to be normies

>Hey lets all go shopping later!

>Hey guys, did you hear about this thing called Bitcoin?
>It's going up by over 9000% and it's really easy to buy!

Don't do this to me. I come here to get away.

so i leased my 2nd bmw yesterday

quit dicking around and get into Monaco, it's preparing to moon right now, did another %25 these last two hours

Fuck off to r9k

hey lets all post on Veeky Forums

>Hey let's buy bitcoin. I heard it went to 4100.
>wtf why is it at 3999 now?
>I went all in and now it's at 3980

>causes a market crash

Just dip into your 401k if you need some cash! You pay it back to yourself!

You guys investing in Snap?

What's that?

>Bitcoin was so early August..
>Haven't you heard about the altcoins?
>Some of these have these things called ICO or initial coin offerings. You just have to give them your email address and you can buy the coins straight from them!
>We can make a lot of money from this!

Cool watch! Is that an iWatch 2?

look at that creep user in the corner over there

he thinks he's gonna be rich from trading shitcoins but he'll end up being a FA wagecel forever

im really happy

i dont get irrationally angry at anything

i have a social life, women find my humour and attitude attractive

>Hey, Can we stop at Target? I saw they had some great deals this week, my dorm could use some fresh linens and a new wastebasket

How do you do fellow kids? So weird question: who here hates the central banks? anyone? yes the people who give student loans.. oh really?.. well what about the federal government?... you dont mind paying interest? hmm alright I was going to tell you about an alternative called cryptocu-.. ok nevermind no worries ill see you around

Yea totally I need to pick up some new clothes from H&M or Zara its been about 3 weeks which is in accordance to the average new inventory turnover for fast fashion.

I am not paranoid.
I don't get angry at everything.
I am mentally and emotionally stable.
I can make eye contact when talking with people.
I can trust people.
I am able to support myself.

>If I just save half my money for the next 30 years I can retire before I turn 50!

> I had sex last night with my loving girlfriend and fell asleep with her in my arms.

> i value a woman's opinion

So much this.

So basicaly are normies the fuel that makes rich people richer?

>Hey folks I hope you all did well on your mid-terms, we're all learning so much!
>let's plan our next road trip
>this is going to be so much fun :D :D :D
>even though you failed statistics Ayeesha, you can still come, we are inclusive and proud!

>Wait, can't someone just create more coins with their computer? I don't trust bitcoin.


You faggots are pathetic

hey guys, did you hear the news about a hacker leaking the new game of thrones episode? cant believe it! Lol


>Haha anonnnnnn, you haven't heard of the new coconut milk double caramel machiatto from Starbucks? Oh my GOD you ---haveeeee--- to try it, it's like, seriously, the best thing E-VURR! :)
>Let's go get some! :)
>You don't want one?
>Yeah it's just $4 !!! :)
>What? What do you mean? Value? You want a good value for your money?
>Well okay actually I think one of my friends wanted to hang today so I'll see you around user! Nice talking to you!
>*picks up phone*
>Hey Chad! What's up :)

I wish I have 3 jobs! I need to pay up my video game collection, my bmw and that avocado toast after I drink my daily Starbucks latte! Everyone is a ok!

Hey lets all go clubbing tonight!

>Proceeds to waste 100$ on shots and beer

>"I heard that bitcoin is a hacker scam, they're going to steal all your money user"

I'm so ASHAMED to be a White Man in Trumpmerica! And Now we are going to war with NK too. Fuck man can't we just like watch the game over some beers and hug each other???

Anyway, so I bought this thing called Ehterum. It's kinda like Bytecoin but better.

>hey lets go to Outside Lands and burn $1000 in a weekend

>I didn't know you had that much in cash, Stacy

>It's whatever, that's why I have a credit card hehe

Tfw you could have literally 5x-10x that over the weekend by simply buying an alt-coin.

>Oh Bitcoin? Yea I've heard of it. I just bought a shit ton actually.
>Cool. I'm signing up for Coinbase on my phone.

>Let's have sex with our girlfriends

>I trade btc with fiat

Normie is a word used by drunks and junkies to describe people who don't get addicted. You're not special no matter how much you try to separate yourself from everyone else. The teenage years are rough but I promise things get easier. Take care guys.

youre retarded if you think there are addicts or drunks on biz

addiction is incompatible with saving and investment

Veeky Forums is incompatible with saving and investment too.

Half this board is unemployed according to a poll a year ago. Im guessing the crypto boom hasn't helped that statistic.


>Yah mate. Did you see Rick and Morty. Its such a funny show but actually really deep and has a complex plot too.

>Oh man I got so fucked up over the weekend it was so epic.

>Man I knocked up some slut I met on Tinder this weekend.

>Hey look at that guy, looks like an alt-right Nazi lets kick his ass.

>Yah mate lets make racists scared again.

That can't be true because you're clearly fucking high

>friend builds first computer with 1080ti
>tell him to mine ethereum on it
"wtf are you making me download user is this a virus bro"
>doesn't bother to mine at all because it would make his gpu 'overheat and catch on fire'
This was in april btw

>Shut the fuck up Tad, I don't play nintendo.

Crypto currency? Isn't that just the world's largest digital pyramid scheme?

Im a drubk crypto trader. The booze keeps these hands strong.

>Hey, that nazi is driving a car, get him!
>Oh shit, he's backing up!
>Heather, do a barrel roll!

Yes. Did you ever wonder why most normies are drowning in debt?

>I stick with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. I don't fuck with pump and dump altcoins

t. normie


you missed his point


I just traded in my old iPhone for a new iPhone for FREE! All I had to do was sign a two-year contract with Verizon!

Normies =/= liberals

Especially in based Texas

>Anyone talking about racial identity isn't American. We all bleed red, we all vote and we're all loved by Jesus.

>Oh my god I hate people I'm so depressed I just want to die :(((
>Just a sec my boyfriend is calling its probably about the trip we're going on with our friends this weekend hehe

Hi norman. Did you got lost in your way to reddit?

>I just bought an expensive watch

more like:
>I bought some Bitcoin on coinbase
>Why are all the charts saying it went down
>better sell again, before everyone on coinbase does

Fuck you

>I'm the goodest goy, I have a savings account, saving is good.
>one day I'll pay down my credit cards.

>I love giving the bank the use of my money so they can lend it back to me at 30%