So we can all agree that France is the successor of Rome, Britain is the successor of Athens and Germany was the successor of Sparta, can't we?
So we can all agree that France is the successor of Rome...
Other urls found in this thread:
Russia is the successor of the Mongol Empire
This is retarded, sage
Isn't Finland the successor of Rome?
Show your reasoning.
There's a heap of bullshit in your premise, but I'll just take the part of Germany = Sparta successor
In any sort of way you slice it this isn't true.
Sparta was a 'luddite' warrior aristocracy ruling over two major subclasses of merchants and labourers.
Germany has never been anything close to that, nor has it ever idealised itself that way.
Germany has always been rather egalitarian, even in the time of absolutist monarchies the common culture had a streak of egalitarianism that wasn't found in other Western European societies.
Germany is the successor of Sparta because the Germans are warlike. France is the successor Rome because the French eat lots of baguettes and the Romans ate bread.
Britain is the successor of Athens as it is the cradle of modern civilisation.
America is the sucessor of Rome, Athens and Sparta.
America is the successor of the Mexican Empire.
America is the successor of the Empire of Mexico.
No, it's Turkey.
Mexico is the successor to the USA.
America is the evil that must be driven from the world.
America is the successor to all the precolonial civilisations of Sub-Saharan Africa.
America is the successor of the Iroquois Confederacy.
Britain is tge successor of Judea
If you're implying that the British are God's chosen people, I entirely agree.
t. Anglo/Burger
I think OP's reasoning for France being the heir to Rome goes
>Carolingian Empire heir to Rome
>France heir to Carolingian Empire
I've actually thought similar things, but come on, there is zero value in claiming to be an "heir" to any civilization except the government immediately proceeding yours.
Pic for reference
this is the worst thread
Rome ended with the fall of Constantinople. Every western civilization since just likes the broken carcass and calcified fossils of Rome.
There is no successor of Rome, but there are many children of Rome
Tajikistan is the true successor to the Roman Empire.
Explain the connection of Claudius to House of Windsor
These posters have the right idea. Though as a romaboo it hurts, I have to admit that the civilization has been long dead, with the fall of Constantinople and earlier of the eternal city itself, and the loss/changing of Roman culture into the culture of the countries inhabiting its ruins. Any civilization claiming to be a Roman successor is just LARPing.
The successor of Rome hasn't risen yet. Rome ruled the Western world, no one else has done that. Since the entire world is now westernized to some extent, this successor will have to literally rule Earth.
This is just weak. Try harder. I don't even feel like insulting you or the frogs.