Yeah I killed those guys and all...

>yeah I killed those guys and all, but I didn't know it was the law and cultural differences and shiiiet so we okay right? xD

Other urls found in this thread:

1) don't turn this into a /pol/ thread mother fuckers

2) how the fuck are they going to punish the "murderer?" Most likely it was a joint effort, and India's not going to wipe the last civilization untouched by the modern world (or a large part of it) out because of two murders

It's not like they have cameras to figure out who actually killed them, and technically the entire village is at fault for not intervening if you want to try them the same as humans
So if a gorilla escaped its cage and killed two zookeepers you'd put it through trial?

Shit bait.

They violated the NAP




India is, at least in theory, a society ruled by law. The law is the same to all people.

You're saying it's better to ignore a double homicide because the prosecution would be too hard?

In fairness they would all probably drop dead of disease when they got brought to trial

>this murderer would get too stressed and sick from a trial and sentencing so lets not prosecute him/them

>An Indian Coast Guard helicopter that was sent to retrieve the bodies was driven off by Sentinelese warriors, who fired a volley of arrows
holy shit, this is primitive x-com

With India's """judicial""" system, it's pretty much justified that a bunch of law breaking poo in loos got what they deserved.

They actually consider them inhumans. That's why they don't "colonize" them.

Anyway, get out of our America. America belongs to the Amerindians, you dumb eurangutans.

Prepare your luggage.

The fishermen violated the NAP by trespassing on their property

Civilization was the wrong word to use
Can you even consider them people? Our humanity is defined by our progress

Group punishment isn't lawful, they would need to locate the specific offenders and provide evidence in court of their guilt.

Ignore me I didn't read the whole OP.

Stupid bullshit aside, how long until they get colonized for resources?

Probably never going to happen now if it hasn't before.

worked at Nuremburg

India is a cancer in Asia and these Pajeets should strop trying to enforce ridiculous western concepts on people who want nothing to do with them.
India has a problem with all its neighbors because Pajeets for some retarded reason are enforcing British colonial borders, concepts and ideals without taking into consideration what was there before the Brits arrived.

India is pretty much headed for a major two-front war with several Muslim nations over Kashmir and China over Tibetan regions that were gifted to India by the Brits.
Nobody even remember the last time Hindus controlled anything in South Asia, because Hinduism was only defined after Islam entered the region. Sure it exited for a trillion years before that etc etc.

>being this retarded


That's pretty much the reasoning for not apprehending these people.

>literal spear chucking niggers

>Fishing illegally
Sounds like they got what they deserved

>several muslim nations over kashmir

No one gives a single fuck about muh muslim unity

Not him, but no it isn't. You don't have any evidence or witnesses showing which ones did it and you aren't going to get any. There is absolutely no way of apprehending the offenders and appropriately prosecuting them. Anyone that could give you information speaks a language that no one in the world has any knowledge of other than the inhabitants of the island and isn't willing to interact with outsiders other than with hostility.


should have mortared the island for a week afterward to pavlovian condition them against further chimping

Consider how the technology pilfered from that boat must have altered their civilization.

They're like a time capsule of prehistoric humanity, its amazing

> more men came out of cover armed with their usual weapons, threatening to shoot at us. We had taken a few large fish caught during the previous night to offer as an appeasement gift to these people. We exhibited these, with gestures of offering. Meanwhile, men were converging on the spot from all direction. Some were waist deep in water and threatening to shoot. However, we approached closer and threw a couple of the fish towards them. They fell short of them and were being carried away by the water. This gesture had a mellowing effect on their belligerent mood. Quite a few discarded their weapons and gestured to us to throw the fish. The women came out of the shade to watch our antics. In their height and stature they were equal to the men except that the lines were softer and they carried no arms... There were 20 children. We approached the coast a little further from them and managed to land a couple of fish on shore. A few men came and picked up the fish. They appeared to be gratified, but there did not seem to be much softening to their hostile attitude. Again we approached the group. They all began shouting some incomprehensible words. We shouted back and gestured to indicate that we wanted to be friends. The tension did not ease. At this moment, a strange thing happened - a woman paired off with a warrior and sat on the sand in a passionate embrace. This act was being repeated by other women, each claiming a warrior for herself, a sort of community mating, as it were. Thus did the militant group diminish. This continued for quite some time and when the tempo of this frenzied dance of desire abated, the couples retired into the shade of the jungle. However, some warriors were still on guard. We got close to the shore and threw some more fish which were immediately retrieved by a few youngsters. It was well past noon and we headed back to the ship

they have no civilization, unless you use the heavily butchered leftist college student definition of civilization

Civilisation is a spectrum there is no exact defined point when human society changes from non-civilisation to civilisation, including no "heavily butchered leftist college student definition of civilization".

So stop being such a baity faggot.

It'd be so much easier to just impose over them, force them to have a representative and fill them with lead whenever they get cocky.

Either that or just fuck with them. Come through heli and drop a box of plastic dicks and see what they do

Also, the buried the pig? huh


Tribal civilizations are still civilizations.

>Our humanity is defined by our progress
t. retard

>When will India finally go and bring these murderers to justice?
Because they already know what they're about before that.

>Tribal civilizations are still civilizations.

Yes, but this isn't a tribal civilization, they had no organization whatsoever, no agriculture, no monumental building, no towns, no writing, no specialization of any degree

Iran and Turkey have repeatedly tried to get involved because Pakistan has successfully equated Kashmir with Palestine. Dont be a raging tard.

Civilization isn't synonymous with culture you LITERAL NIGGER

>any attempt to distinguish between 2 things is oppressive, there is no such thing as land or sea
>t. leftist college student
yours was the baity comment, denying this obvious and serious problem in academia outs you as irrational or worse too cowardly to stand up for reason

they can't even start fire iirc
it's safe to say they have no civilization

There are multiple well defined classifications of human societies. 'Civilisation' and ''not a civilisation' are not two of them. Randomly referring to "problems in academia" has no relevance to you being a fool that shouts at someone on the internet for using an extremely imprecisely defined word in a way that triggered you.

I have no idea if that is true or not and neither do you. Nor is that the issue, clearly these are an extremely primitive people, by our standards, getting wildly butthurt and screaming bitterly about "leftist college students" just because someone used the word 'civilisation' in a well meaning post is beyond childish.

There is no precise definition of 'civilisation' for anyone to make an argument over.

>they can't even start fire
You're kidding right?

>I have no idea if that is true or not and neither do you

No one has communicated with them in anyway, user or visited them, or lived among them. I'm not even trying to argue they can start fires, quite possibly they can't, no one knows, not me, not you, not the writer of that article.

>No one has communicated with them in anyway, user or visited them
WRONG, they had an orgy in front of some guys who were tossing them fish

I don't know who's worse, OP for being a complete faggot and not posting this on any of the correct boards or the retards who replied.

these guys being the last untouched civilization meme needs to die. They trade for alcohol with civilized people all the time, its quite well known theyre drunks.
also these people are more than likely the descendants of a slave ship that wrecked on the island, not some untouched tribe that is 60,000 years old.

>just fuck with them
Why can't we do this? We could set up scenarios like a dogfight between 2 aircraft or establish a cargo cult just to see how a primitive community does


>dunning kruger
I am inclined to believe whichever anthropologist wikipedia cited
after all, they know 10,000 times more about this subject than you or I

I was the person that posted that, I hardly think that counts as meaningful communication that would establish if they have fire starting abilities. Neither was this bizarre tangent remotely the point of my posts.

user, it is helpful if you can read properly before you start claiming "Dunning Kruger". Clearly you have misread what I said and what the article says.

>Completely wipe out your people with ease

Pick one, hombre

They must be inbred as fuck

Fuck pasta, fuck white people

you can if you want.

just shoot off some fireworks off the coast or slingshot some porn mags

>They trade for alcohol with civilized people all the time, its quite well known theyre drunks.
That's another Andamanese tribe
>these people are more than likely the descendants of a slave ship that wrecked on the island
That was the first hypothesis before people learnt about abboes and other negritos

no, we have to follow the prime directive.

Could there be a way to introduce metallurgy or any other ancient technology and see how there society changes

There's probably no iron or tin on that island, what the fuck would metallurgy change? It's like building a shipyard in the middle of Australia.

Here's the question.

Why haven't one of you retards built a drone to film secretly?

Imagine how interesting that shit would be, to watch like the Big Brother kind of shenanigans in their villages, see what their religion is like.

Bonus points for dropping microphones disguised as rocks.

neither did the steppe peoples and they still count as civilization.

personally I draw the line between tribal civilization and hunter gatherer groups with the development of language.

that's real? Aren't they like 40 people? how many arrows can one of them drop

>Aren't they like 40 people?
Around 500 actually, and that's without knowing who or what lives in the densely forested middle of the island.

Steppe people did have cities and writing you memelord.

>neither did the steppe peoples and they still count as civilization.

Most of them don't.

>calling it murder
these people have a right to defend their territory from outsiders.
they don't know what the fuck india is, and they sure as shit never agreed to a social contract with New Delhi

this picture is fucking awesome

>these people have a right to defend their territory from outsiders.
No they don't.

>the picture
shit I just did some googling, and it's from some lame art exhibition, so not real at all

By illegally fishing they violated the NAP

Imagine how beautiful it must've been in the age of exploration, when the white man civilized most of the world. Everything was full of primitive hominids like that. It must've been incredibly interesting and a cause for introspection. I always thought that explorers were probably baffled by how inferior the natives were.

lolbergs out please

>thinking meeting spear chucking niggers who want to eat you for breakfast is exciting
Well you can always go to Detroit if you miss that.

Black africans didn't eat white people. It was said that whites taste disgusting and spread disease.

>Everything was full of primitive hominids like that.

Africa. Tasmania. Australia. North America.

>North America
>primitive hominids


>can kill a whale


I'm not going to pretend the natives there weren't stuck in the stone age.

Pick both, reddit.