chart attached for your review, brah.
Other urls found in this thread:
your charts are trash. the price goes up when the gook robots decide the price will go up. your gay lines can't predict the robots!
my gay lines can predict when i buy and sell so thats good enuff for me but your feedback is greatly appreciated.
gookbots can suck my nutz i'm cashing out at tomorrow's HOD.
gay lines? HVF?
I fuckin FOMO's on 195k...I really suck at this. Hoping it breaks ATH on this next pump.
settle down, pervert.
300 OMG reporting in.
omg is going to moon.
omg is going to moon.
doesnt moon.
Only 404. We'r gonna make it user, just give it a few years.
People don't realize how rapidly crytpos and blockhaintech is gaining momentum.
People will call me a rtard but OMG is going to be four figures in 2020.
what's your favorite flavor crayon?
what did you use to get a dark background?
I've propably been longer in crypto than you. I had 14 btc in Cryptsy and we all know how that played out (doub't you even know what im talking about)
Started again 1½ months and I'm up about 650%.
>he doesnt color cheme
you sound like a nice lady. i'm guessing....purple.
I'm referring to the page, not the chart.
i like it. looks like the Rockies.
whatever bro, check out my color schemes
oh shit here comes the buy support
we are going UP
Honestly, I want to use this but I really dont like how much access it requires to your pc, seems really dodgy.
>Using TA
>Not using Trading View
Well I use it and have for awhile with no issue. Also use it for dark version of chan.
Man fuck crypsty and everyone that ever was involved in that bullshit
I hope that slut whore that took all her husbands stolen Internet monies and refuses to give it back gets cunt cancer and dies a slow painful death
Only been around for 4 months, was Crypsty worse than the recent chaincoin?
i bought 65 of these at 149 id love for it to shoot to 225 again for a quick 2day $200 profit
>tfw throwing money at altcoins at a low and selling high is earning me more money than my shit fulltime job
We really need more memes, images, activity...ANS community was strong through all the FUD, really helped push the coin and get people interested.
Come on OMG!
more like OmiseNO...seriously thought I need this shit to come through for me, but i'm not convinved since it's already close to 10x since the ICO.
im surprised... with a name like omg why isnt there a porno meme with gains coming out of a blonde pornstars asshole with her face expression like OMG
no thats retarded
coin is a coin. if anything the ans fomo was detrimental
What does this mean?
Zero hour at 6am EST?
to a coin that shot up 385% in the last month kek that might be one of the dumbest posts I've seen on Veeky Forums to date
450 OMG checking in. Ready for the imminent moon mission
1010 OMG here
going to bed. I want at least 25% more profit when i wake up.
just waiting on Chink whale to pump. 1800 OMG down from 2800 least its something.
10200 of these bad boys.
Bring me moon.
moon mission baby