Give me one thing that Bismarck did wrong
tip: you can't
Give me one thing that Bismarck did wrong
tip: you can't
He introduced huge pensions which now cost Germany tons of money
Sided with Austria instead of Russia during the Berlin conference.
Let William take over.
Stole Hannover
Didn't make the monarchy British and constitutional
Excluded Austria
Declared all conquered realms to be Germans thus stop the true unification of Germany
>Things that Bismarck did wrong
We can start with creating Germany
He got fired.
He let Germany have colonies when he knew they were a bad idea.
Being a staunch monarchist.
Attempted to actually destroy other European cultures.
Took Alsace Lorraine despite knowing the French would get massively butthurt over it.
Singlehandedly and litteraly led to Germany's downfall.
[Citation needed]
This. He should have known that the monarchy was weak and dangerous and put in motion plans to institute a republic with him at the helm.
Should have adequately trained his replacement as well as educate him on existing alliances and treaties so that Wilhelm doesn't do stupid stuff like let the treaty with Russia lapse without renewal.
the problem isn't necessarily the pensions themselves so much as migrants taking advantage
Alsace Lorraine
Aging too fast and allowing a weak leader as Wilhelm to take over
this. Alsace Lorraine permanently alienated France and the kulturkampf alienated the conservative catholics (centre party), who could have been his allies against the social democrats in parliament
So you worship a guy for the blood and iron meme or what? You don't even know his goals or quotes?
Hint: no it's not just about catholics. It's about nations in German-controlled area.
He should have allowed social democrats to tear down the monarchy.
His foreign policy was complete shit from the second he left the room. Sure, it was great while he was in charge, but failing to allow a successor to easily understand it is a problem.
He was born not retarded in a nation of retards
Creating a foreign policy so complex that in anyone else's' hands would certainly crumble
Backing Kulturkampf followed closely by abandoning it and siding with the Catholic party in the Reichstag.
Was too trusting of monarchy and that it could continue to do well. He was wrong, he should've taken direct power, removed Wilhelm II's autistic line and groomed a successor to take over and continue his work.
>The annexiation that came with germanies unification was ultimatly it's downfall
Really encircles Sedan...
In the same place too. So brutal I'm almost sad. Hitler's inspiration for the Compiegne surrender perhaps?
Well, it was far more brutal to do the proclamation of the Empire in the Versailles.
He was actually against the annexation but emperor Wilhelm I. forced it
they were? von lettow of german west africa was the last german commander to lay down his guns in wwi. seems to me like the war was lost in europe, not because muh colonies were bad.
*east africa
Gave birth to a bunch of /pol/ shitposters,
fuck off cunt, this is Veeky Forums
He didn't crown himself German Emperor.
This is literally the only thing he did wrong.
Not OP, but this is historical. Just because he's a German doesn't mean he wasn't one of the most important statesmen in history.