Social Media

Anyone here still making money from Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/etc pages?
I remember before all the newfags swarmed us with the constant crypto threads, lots of people here were discussing the topic

i got 16 plays on my spotify page before FileZIlla send me a cease and desist for our logos lookin too similiar
>.005 cents per play

well, guess thats something...

i remember people here owning big meme isntagram and facebook pages and making real good money every month, anyone still around?

Bump for interest

How were they making money? Haven't heard of this.

By shilling stuff, duh
How do you think all those meme ig models and fitness gurus make mad dosh?
Also, iirc FB pays for impressions now

>I remember before all the newfags swarmed us with the constant crypto threads
What can we do about this btw? This subchan has gone to absolute shit in these last 6 months thanks to the neets.

I dont mind crypto discussion, Veeky Forums helped me learn a lot about the subject, but yeah, this is getting out of hand...Maybe a new board would be a good idea, but i really doubt that the gook will bother with that, he only makes shotth meme boards no one asked for and ignores people's demands

Post more threads like this. While FUD all obvious shill threads, but be covert about it.

The problem is it's legitimately ruined any discussion about crypto, before people were informed. Now it's just shills and trolls.

People have said it before, but if you see a coin being aggressively advertised on Veeky Forums then don't buy it.

I really miss that time when people told about that sm money making meme. The crypto shill fags ruin the board. Are those fags bots or payed eastern europoors? What's the deal with flooding a board with that poorly made shill threads? As anyone would buy shit like . Everyone knows you it is all about getting more bitcoin because in the near future no damn altcoin will ever be able to replace it.

Back to OP's question. Back in the old and glorious days of this board people came up with stories about how they've build up sm accounts and were contacted by middlemen who offered them money for shilling products. You don't have to wait until those contact you. You'll find a lot of websites offering money for shilling products or buying accounts. If you want to make some NEET bucks ye ol waye create an instagram account and collect followers. You'll need at least 10k to make profits.

I had a friend who did this, id hardly call it NEET bucks, he used to make around 5k euros on a good month
But he worked pretty hard for it and had 2 accounts with around 100k+ followers

What did he do to get 100k followers?
Did he copy an already famous account?

IIRC one of his accounts was some meme shit, just stole pictures from 9gag/reddit/Veeky Forums/etc, videos from youtube, removed the watermarks and reuploaded them.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to impress the normies

>People have said it before, but if you see a coin being aggressively advertised on Veeky Forums then don't buy it.

I agree with this, but sometimes you dont listen and miss actual gold. Like NEO or ETH.

Maybe I'll try this in autumn.

FB now has monetization, not sure how it works tho, bit theres that, with good page you can apparently make money just from impressions too aside for affiliate shilling, like on youtube

What's the chance I can make money by reposting titty models on instagram and leaving a link to their social media accounts/websites?

You'll most prolly get claimed

Nice to know. Thanks!



>with good page you can apparently make money just from impressions too aside for affiliate shilling
Fugg, that's a game changer!

You'll need to value-add to the content I think, like those websites where it's like "this week's hottie" and they have about 1-2 paragraphs of copy about the chick filled with bad, post-playboy puns and pop-culture refrences

>Look at these classy pictures, it's literally impossible for Lauren Bonner to not give you a Boner.

Im not sure if the monetization is live tho, ladt time i checked(more than a year ago?)it was still in beta and only some accounts were invited