Can someone red pill me on how a country filled with so many natural resources isn't wealthy as fuck? What happened to all the diamonds and shit overflowing from the ground?
Can someone red pill me on how a country filled with so many natural resources isn't wealthy as fuck...
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begin with telling a continent from a nation state dumbass
right. Because you can eat diamonds.
Bread and mass grain production is more precious than diamonds could ever be.
Look up the economic concepts of the Dutch Disease and the Paradox of Plenty
Retarded obruni fuck
Diamonds are and have always been worthless
And the mines were all owned by western colonial companies anyway
Unironically, European post colonial exploitation.
Look up Thomas Sankara and Francafrique for an example
The inhabitans have an average IQ of under 85. The ultimate question is whether being poor for thousands or years makes you stupid or if being stupid makes you poor for thousands of years.
They fear the black warrior
They average the IQ of 1950 American in Nigeria so no, doesn't explain it.
If genetics are to blame it's probably ability to cooperate and aggression more than IQ. Africa is the most genetically diverse continent, which may make cooperation since altruism in similar phenotype humans is selected for more than cooperation with diverse peoples.
Colonization and geography also matter a lot though.
well either way you look at it, the reality is that every other continent on earth seemed to figure it out. meanwhile africa is still building mud huts.
>post is about Africans
>attaches a picture of an American black
What did he mean by this?
Fuck off, there's arabs still living in tents and sami still living in igloos. Of course rural people don't make big houses made of various metals and mass produced materials.
Most of South Asia isn't far ahead of Africa.
but arabs and south asians have good parts. africa literally has no redeeming parts. the only infrastructure to speak of is a result of international efforts to capitalize on their resources. it's nothing native africans came together and did on their own (unless you count the white africans who promptly got ejected for being too successful)
Yes, It truly is a wonder why the country of Africa isn't doing better.
> What happened to all the diamonds and shit overflowing from the ground?
The diamond market and their "rarity" is a creation of the diamond industry, there is no shortage except for the one they create to keep prices high as fuck.
>Can someone red pill me on how a country filled with so many natural resources isn't wealthy as fuck?
Look at the state of it. Pic related is Africa before all the world powers got there and decided to chop it up.
Yeah no, most of the "continents" you are talking about are single nation continents.
Which singular country in Africa has living standards comparable to Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea ect.
And Africa has good parts. FFS have you ever been to downtown Accra or Kumasi?
t. Asante
>every continent on Earth
That's due to previous help. If British people didn't go to Australia it would be 95% of Africa.
*95% worse than Africa
Aborigines didn't have fire, ironworking, agriculture, or livestock.
wrong... literally what?
true, it wasn't needed
What the fuck is a dingo?
Seychelles, Cape Verde.
They domesticated plants? Like what? Also, if barely domesticated dogs count as livestock then that's decent I guess. Though, it's not saying much because when the dingos' ancestors came over there thousands of years ago (via humans I think?) most of them became nothing more than dog-like wolves.
>most of them became nothing more than dog-like wolves.
>Agriculture or farming is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life.
Pic related, some fish farms.
You literally said aboriginals had no fire, when fire making is one of the major aspects of their fucking culture. Why are you still replying? I actually have no clue why I am responding to you.
forgot pic.
>They average the IQ of 1950 American in Nigeria
[citation needed]
You need a citation to make a claim that their IQ was that high.
Europeans and chinks own all the mines
I'm actually not the original person you responded to, I'm the guy he responded to. I knew they had fire, I'm not stupid, I just didn't know about the fish farms. No need to be rude user.
How can you be soe retarded? Did you actually think I could know you are two different people when you are replying to me without even saying so? It's an anonymous image board, if you want to jump in on someone else's argument and expect me to know, you have to fucking say.
You first, jabroni. Can we at least agree that is retarded? I mean come on, one of the things Aboriginals are criticized for is slash burning/getting rid of most of their forests (when Europeans did the same thing). How could they not have fire?
>Cape Verde.
Fuck NO!
Why do I feel like you're from there, and you're about to tell me how shit it really is?
Tasmanian Aboriginals did 'forget' how to produce fire.
Unsurprisingly, Tasmanian Aboriginals don't exist any more, all the Abos in Tasmania are from the mainland.