Why are people mad that protesters got killed?

These were Soros backed protesters that wanted to bring stability and civilization and replace it with western decadence. We should have adopted the same measures in the Cold War especially during the Vietnam War. I can't believe that these Soros backed protesters spat on our veterans and our troops when they returned home because the defeatist attitude of the American public.

So why are people so upset that protesters got crushed? They were rioting and attacking police and soldiers. If history tells us anything, every time there is an alleged "popular protest" against a government, its Soros backed.
>Burma 1988 uprisings. Backed by Soros.
>1989 Revolutions. >Backed by Soros, the CIA and the Muslims
>Protests against the Vietnam War. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
>Civil Rights Movement. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.

you give much credit to the CIA and Soros

This Soros guy sounds pretty cool the way you're telling the story.

Fights commies, military juntas, Jim Crow, and other evildoers.

If what you tell me is true, why would I side against him?

Makes you think doesn't it?

And the Arab Spring? Soros too amirite? Bundy ranch standoff? Soros. Occupy wall street? Obviously one man. The world is infinitely complex and to classify every act done by any group of people done anywhere to one person or group is childish , you are looking for conspiracies so that you can neatly view the world.

Do you have evidence for any of what you're claiming?

this, the CIA couldn´t set up a coup in a banana republic without looking suspicious and you think they would waltz into communist China and organize protests

It's all in the numbers.

Soros started Soros Fund Management in 1970 by the time the Vietnam War was already in the process of Vietnamization. If anything, you should be talking about how "red-pilled" Soros is for fighting DA JOOZ and sponsoring anti-Iraq War protests and saying George Bush was the greatest threat to world peace in 2004. God, fuck off back to /pol/. I bet you're still in denial about Trump not tossing jews in concentration camps on day one you queer.

There is more.
>1917 Revolution in Russia. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
>Invasion of Poland. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
>Protests against the Invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviets. Soros backed and backed by the Muslims.
>Protests against the Shah. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
> Protests by Gandhi. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
>Women's Rights Protests in the 20th century. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.
>Bonus Army Protests. Backed by Soros and the Muslims.

This has got to be bait. No-one is this brain damaged. Right? Right?

What I don't understand is why didn't somebody stop Soros after he financed the French Revolution? The fucking madman...

>i've never heard of NGO's
That's exactly what they do. Why do you think the media threw a hissy fit when China and Russia drafted legislation regulating them

>western decadence
More like backwards religiosity, tribalism, and muh free markets.

>Occupy wall street?

the irony is rich

For what reason would Soros launch the occupy wall street movement? To discredit the anti capitalist left and get absolutely nothing accomplished? What sense would it make? What evidence is there of any of this? Why are you talking out of your ass?

But it's all part of his master plan. Right guys? Right? Bring Chaos and then bring balance to the force or something stupid like that.

So are you a communist or a fascist?


do you even know what the Open Society Foundations is?

Yes, it's an organization founded by Soros and who backed some of the organizations that joined the Occupy Wall-Street movement.

But if you're going to pull some guilty by association card, I have to ask you why *you* are funding him, since you pay taxes to the current US government, same government that's aiding several of his organizations with tax cuts *you* have to pay for.

You forgot he funded all the revolutions of 1848

>the CIA couldn´t set up a coup in a banana republic without looking suspicious
Didn't stop them from setting up coups in almost every single Latin American country during the late 20th century

Can someone list me all of the protests in history that Soros and the Muslims funded?

I think Brazil and Guatemala were the only ones they actually organized.

This is Veeky Forums you dumb /pol/ motherfucker, go away.

>German Peasants War
>American Revolution
>French Revolution
>Revolutions of 1848, all of them
>English Civil War
>Rum Rebellion
>American Civil War
>January Rising
>Cuban War of Independence
>Boxer Rebellion
>1905 Russian Revolution
>Mexican Revolution
>Xinhai Rebellion
>Easter Rising
>Irish War of Independence
>February Revolution
>October Revolution
>German Revolution
>Silesian Uprising
>Turkish War of Independence
>Great Syrian Revolt
>Spanish Civil War
>Slovak National Uprising
>Finno-Korean Hyperwar
>Laotian Civil War
>Zanzibar Revolution
>Wounded Knee incident
He can't keep getting away with it!

How does he keep getting away with all of this?


Yes, the right.

This is some pretty low bait.

Op totally gets it. No one should ever, ever protest or riot because that means that Soros is behind it. He totally gets it. The next time your Mayor fucks up or your local city official is corrupt. Don't protest him! As you can see historically speaking going all the way back to even the times of Jesus, Soros and the Muslims have been backing protests. It all makes sense now.

He also funded both sides of the Wars of the Roses.

reminder that the norman invasion of england was financed by soros

I heard it was Soros who backed the Defenestration of Prague.

so you say Soros or the CIA paid NGOs in China?
have you read how a communist society works?
there are no civil associations free from the pàrty or maybe some are tolerated because they are full of police informers

>Daily remember Soros funded chariot races in Constantinople
Just follow the money guys

Could Soros and the muslims be behind the bronze age collapse?

>Implying Bronze age is not just a myth propagated by Muslim/Soros funded archaeologists and historians

Lusitania was a false flag by Soros and the Muslims to drag America into a war against Germany.