Are there any books about white people visiting indigenous tribes?
Are there any books about white people visiting indigenous tribes?
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>indigenous tribes?
what kind of indigenous tribes? inuits? amazons? african nogs?
European indigenous tribes
What's wrong with their heads? The fuck is that shit growing in their hair?
Just watch a documentary
They put mud in their hair. That is the Himba tribe.
I'm guessing it's mud
According to wikipedia it's a mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment, called otjize paste.
Return to Nisa by Marjorie Shostak
It's about this small African tribe called the !Kung and her ethnography on them(she is an anthropologist). She also speaks of her friendship with this old woman in the tribe.
Here a woman is applying the paste:
One of my fantasies has always been to go to Africa and have sex with a random tribesman. I don't wouldn't want him use a condom but don't want to get pregnant lol.
stupid whore
Oh come on don't tell me you don't have the same fantasy in reverse with a tribal girl.
I am not a woman and men do not have a negative connotation relating to their sexual activities, stop being a stupid whoe.
I hope you do achieve your fantasy so that it would be crushed by reality.
How about you just use birth control,you idiot?
also how it this relevant to the thread?
>implying manwhores are less degenerate than whites
Doesn't matter if you have a V or a D it'll burn when you pee
I'm black so my fantasy is being a barbarian chief who ravishes a repressed missionary woman after building up sexual tension as she tries to convert me and my subjects into Christians
I didn't say we become Christians
The Fierce People by Napoleon Chagnon is pretty interesting. Some information is dated or controversial (it's 30+ years old), but it's interesting.
>himba people
i now have a new fetish, thanks Veeky Forums
Things Fall Apart
Check out the Yalawapiti.
Okonkwo was the black version of a /pol/fag
>Fucking foreigners
>M-Muh traditions
>Muh masculinity
>Abloo bloo bloo I hate change
Hans Staden's autobiography of when he was captured by the Tupinamaba.
You could've just told us your a bug chaser. Enjoy your AIDS.
camel toe tribe
Tribals don't have AIDS, it's city dwellers
Bronislaw Malinowski, obviously.
Franz Boas, Pierre Clastres.
Anyway, european early antropology in general.
Whoops meant Yawalapiti. But you found it anyway.
It's a dream of mine to start an adventure club with some anons. But the only adventuring we do is fucking tribal women
Travels in the Interior of Africa, Mungo Park.
I just wanted to say this guy is really cute
I want a Sami, Yap, and Amazonian
>fucking women who've never had access to modern hygiene
ya I'll pass
>Not having sex as god intended
Okay faggot
I don't see what the problem is. If anything, you can be sure they don't have any venereal diseases which is a huge plus.
They're probably cleaner than you.
Huck Finn
Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee by Thomas Bowdich.
Not a uncivilized tribe but a great book that people should read.
Pick up any world history book.
You're a cuck because you've been so indoctrinated into Western culture that you think of white women as the ultimate fantasy. I would never think that about a woman of another race than my own.
I had a great little documentary on Vimeo saved in my bookmarks about this, but I just checked and apparently the man took it down a while ago. Fucking assholes, it's 30 years old.
Anyway it's called First Contact (1983). A small group of white trash Australian prospectors went into the hinterlands of Papua New Guinea cowboy style, where apparently even in relatively recent times there had been tribes people that had never made contact with the outside world. They interviewed the guys and what tribe people they could find years later.
It goes exactly like you would expect to a hilariously stereotypical degree. The documentary doesn't really pull any punches out of politeness. The tribe people literally thought the white guys were ghosts from the land of the dead. The prospectors use guns to awe and frighten the natives who well outnumber them. They abuse their uniqueness to sleep with a bunch of the tribes women by trading mundane things like tin cans that seem amazing to the natives.
Worth a download if you can find it without too much trouble. It's short though.
James cooks journal has some interesting moments in it.
Just want to point out that he's hover handing but the girl to the left is grasping him firmly
The Heart of Darkness, by Conrad
>One of my fantasies has always been to go to Africa and have sex with a random tribesman
Every western city is filled with niggers to the brim, I'm pretty sure all niggers come from tribes.
You should kill yourself or die in crash.
you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
no, just a yeast infection
Typical racist 'noble savage' fantasy
enjoy your crypto-racism leftie
There are some pretty good documentaries, here's one:
He's Asian
How many of them did he knock up you think?
t.ahmed shinbuh kharir carcujh shitbarha
t.James T Shumbernickel
Lemme guess?
You're from London
He probably caught aids the poor bastard
Captain Cook's Journal
It's all pink inside bruh
Those are some great tittays
t. virgin
Pretty good book about a guy's experiences visiting the indigenous people of Nuristan in Afghanistan
Herman Melville's "Typee"
The time he spent there was exaggerated from 1 month to 3 months but everything else has been corroborated as true
Hot. Can I be the corrupt white church superior who assigns her to your tribe in exchange for sum ov dat tribe pussai?
Depends on how many monkeys they've eaten recently. That's how it really spread to humans anyway, the "sex with monkeys" shit is just nonsense.
Is this legal?
t.sexless betuhs
That's not at all how it works. It's because the stereotyped white girl is still, in modern media, referred to as somehow superior the black girl, and the blacks and arabs and minorities in general. It's not hard to figure out that the fantasy of the minority is to impose himself on would-be opressors.
t. swede who really wants to blanda upp for the exact same sense of cultural domination.
How the fuck did this obvious bait so many (you)s
i honestly didnt think that was a snickers until i clicked on it, which raises the question why did i click it?
You wondered if someone posted an image that could be reported, to report.
Holy shit those boobs :)
Swedes causing unrecoverable damage to Finland during northern crusade is well documented, yes.
You wanted to see her sucking on an enormous black cock.
made me chuckle, here's your (you)
He's pretty cute tbqh.
Do you understand how women get yeast infections, user? I would say modern women, particularly those born in the 50s-80s were highest risk. Women shouldn't be washing their vaginas with anything but water (like most of these tribes probably do). Yet, many 1st world women insist on putting soap and God forbid douche products up their naturally acidic vaginas. The main cause of yeast infection in non breathable bottom wear and pH imbalance.
At worse they don't have deodorant to keep them smelling fresh all day.
The chance of contracting a disease from an animal is astronomically small. We've been in contact with so many animals it just became statistically inevitable at some point.
You're not gonna contract aids from eating monkey. You could pump monkey blood directly in to you and you'd still most likely not contract aids.
This, I've smelled tribal women in my trips to Brazil years ago with my family. They smell fine, some even perfumed with natural plant mixes. The idea that they are dirtier is false.
Commentarii de Bello Gallico by J. Caesar
t. ROSA shekelsteinowitz
My fantasy has always been to put a jewish woman dreaming about getting fucked by chimps in an oven.
I always kind of wanted to rape a jewish woman and infect her with my goyim seed.
You're not yourself today
Eat a penis
>he searched for the word "the" in a document
For what conceivable purpose.
Some scanned publications you view online will only allow you to look at pages that contains words you search for. Since user probably can't pirate it and doesn't have a hardcopy he searched for one word that would be on every page.
If I was a slave trafficant/owner I would be rapping negresses all day tbqhf
That guy probably feels fly as fuck.
Being honest those natives are prettier than they have right to be.
>That guy probably feels fly as fuck.
It's funny because the woman on the left wouldn't give a guy like him the time of day if she'd been living in the West.
Heart of Darkness
wtf I love indigenous culture now
Wut, adopted africanas or latin american blacks love whites guys. But those are the only blacks I know.