Bitcoin is about to surpass Paypal, the largest online payment system

Bitcoin is about to surpass Paypal, the largest online payment system.

Good. Spread the word. So all baby boomers know.

Aren't such comparisons retarded because Bitcoin is not a company? It's like those articles that claim Bitcoin is now worth more than gold in the title and somewhere in the article they mention once that they compare price of 1 BTC to 1 ounce of gold. Like come on.

its happening lads
BTC supporters are going to make it

And yet, Bitcoins are still useless.

so is fiat

Id like to see it compared to the total balance of all Paypal accounts.

paypal is a scam, i can chargeback for literally any reason

>implying this is a scam
mfw free stuff

They should compare the total value of all transactions made within e.g. a day if they want to make this comparison.

>tried to buy BTC on Coinbase during dip yesterday
transaction cancelled twice

See ya later boys

Cryptos are a scam. You can never ever chargeback.

>Everyone and their mothers buy Bitcoins because DIGITAL GOLD
>No one is using it as currency
>Try to use it in real life anyways
>Multiple hours of confirmation time
>Rape fees that makes impossible to transfer small amounts

>tried to buy BTC on Coinbase
transaction cancelled
>tried to buy LTC

but.. but.. but.....

Why are people still using this garbage exchange?

being a britcuck is a curse

Basically like gold. A store of value during uncertain times. Been said a thousand times. Deal with it.

Coinfloor my man

The cuck is you for using cuckbase. Cuck.
Europe has GOAT data protection laws and exchanges. We even have tax havens.

Transfer your wallet to GDAX.

I thought they had silly charges desu like £10 deposit, I'm only going to buy £70 worth...

>be European
>Wife gets raped, daughter dies in bombing, son died in trucking, parents die in stabbing, sister gets acid washed
>complain about it publicly
>get arrested for islamophobia


>be Amerishart
>Wife gets raped, daughter dies in shooting, son died in traffic accident, parents die because they can't pay for medical treatment, sister gets beaten to death by her husband
>complain about it privately
>the local sheriff, Mossad, Apple, Google, Kikebook, Target and Russia get a memo

so are paypals


Mask&Thiel on suicide watch.