The word "anarchism" usually brings to mind left wing ideologies. And yet, in the modern world, wanting to break away from states seems to be a right wing phenomenon. How did this happen, and at what point? Modern left wing ideology seems to praise global organizations such as the EU, whereas right wingers seem to want to break away from major state governments to establish their own societies
When did anarchism become a right wing phenomenon?
Wanting to break away from a larger state to form a smaller state isn't anarchism.
OP a retard.
Au fondement de l'anarchisme de droite, on trouve en premier lieu une critique assez violente contre le pouvoir d'une minorité d'intellectuels. Cette critique porte paradoxalement à la fois sur l'inefficacité de ce pouvoir et sur ses dangers. Les intellectuels, soumis à l'idéologie dominante des démocraties, sont censés renforcer le conformisme intellectuel qui est inhérent à ce type de gouvernement. Ces intellectuels deviennent alors les principaux artisans de ces démocraties, car les démocraties parlementaires fondent leur autorité sur l'expression d'une majorité justement influençable, et qui doit être influencée pour maintenir la population, « entière » dans leur cage.
C'est là que réside, selon les anarchistes de droite, le fondement du pouvoir politique et, par extension, de la tyrannie politique. Selon eux, les intellectuels ne seraient pas une force de résistance contre le pouvoir politique ; au mieux, ils n'auraient aucun impact sur lui, au pire, ils le renforceraient et recevraient des classes dominantes leur récompense ; ainsi, Karl Marx meurt dans la pauvreté et Adam Smith dans l'aisance matérielle.
La critique des anarchistes de droite ne s'arrête pas à cet aspect politique et idéologique. Elle s'attaque également à une autre source du pouvoir démocratique : le conformisme des foules. Ce « pouvoir du peuple », cette « ferveur de la foule », ils la rejettent comme manipulation. Elle n'admet que la révolte individuelle, qu'elle opposera avec obstination à toute autorité institutionnelle ou s'autoproclamant intellectuelle. Ainsi en est-il de Louis-Ferdinand Céline qui raconte dans Voyage au bout de la nuit comment, n'ayant aucune envie de partir au front durant la guerre de 14-18, il se heurte aux remontrances et aux sarcasmes de ses contemporains qui lui reprochent son manque de ferveur et son absence de patriotisme.
When communists defined communism as left, and everything else "Far Right Extremism".
How is anarcho-communism or any other left libertarianism actually free when it is not voluntary?
Anarcho-capitalism isn't anarchism.
It is the other way around.
when capitalism dropped all pretense of morals and went full neoliberal when the USSR fell
>Modern left wing ideology seems to praise global organizations such as the EU, whereas right wingers seem to want to break away from major state governments to establish their own societies
This is because capitalism as a whole has adopted a leftist face so idiots come to defend it. It works just as well as when they used a christian face and /pol/ types would defend them.
Left-right is a scale of how large the government is, with far left meaning absolute government control and far-right meaning no government at all, making anarchism a far-right ideology despite many anarchists having ideas and values we identify as left-wing.
This post is a joke, right? Or are you just an American?
Are you fucking inbred?
I'm from Vietnam, this is how it was taught here
Not really, but my uncle is married to his cousin
When people with wealth and power want to stop obeying laws and do whatever they want. Just scummy opportunists who want to take advantage of other people and not devote theirselves to the good of society. Enterprises likely to be endorsed by them are bounty hunting, private investigation, and nightclubs.
When did the left became pro-corporations, pro-globalism?
It didn't. Macron, Clinton, Trudeau, etc. are not "left" except in the relative sense.
Anti-intellectualism isn't anarchism. What you're describing simply doesn't exist.
>anti-globalism = anarchism
OP please think twice before you post a thread you literal retard.
Also right-wingers don't give a shit about stuff like corporations or bankers, they just want the corporations and bankers to work in their goal.
The Left-Right division started during the French Revolution of 1789. It came from the fact that those in the national assembly who supported the monarchy sat to the right, while those who supported the revolution sat to the left.
In more contemporary times, left tends to mean a more just/equal political system that decentralizes power to the masses, whereas right tends to mean a system that favors those who are already in power. How much the government is involved in either system varies, but you can definitely have anarchist leftists and totalitarian rightists.
For example: the Maknovists of the Ukraine, the Anarchists of the Spanish Civil War, and Rojava in modern day Syria are all examples of left-wing anarchists/libertarians. Nazi Germany, Hirohito's Japan, and Pinochet's Chile are all examples of right-wing totalitarian regimes.
m8, left and right is COMPLETELY dependent on context.
This applies to you too
yes they are
This, most people on the left are also anti globalists. The only globalists are neocons, noelibs and some centrists. The right and left are actually not that different from each other. They should unite and realize the real threat is centrists.
>left tends to mean a more just/equal political system that decentralizes power to the masses, whereas right tends to mean a system that favors those who are already in power
Lmao, talk about a biased definition.