>Veeky Forums
>/int/ and /pol/ spin off
>doesn't have flags
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums was born from Veeky Forums
>/int/ and /pol/ spin off
Only some of them.
I'm pretty sure Veeky Forums didn't have daily history threads like /int/ used to
I have that book. 1 is an English Varangian or something not Nordic.
>no Veeky Forums
Speaking of, I just got this in my captcha. I thought it was a completely made-up name for Meriadoc, from LotR. Guess it isn't.
Then again, maybe somebody just really liked Merry.
Veeky Forums is a mix of everything. /int/, Veeky Forums, /pol/, /k/, Veeky Forums, /x/... the list goes on.
Veeky Forums (Veeky Forums vidya), /co/. and /a/ (Veeky Forums comics); Veeky Forums for genetics anthropology, geological agriculture, etc; Veeky Forums for economics threads; /g/ for AI and cyberpunk wanking. Who else?
Oh, /mu/ too with occasional music thread.
Holy shit, we're a clusterfuck board.
This is what you get with "& Humanities"
Don't forget /leftypol/
Protip: History is part of the Humanities.
Having flags would be a bad idea. It's basically a soft tripcode that comes with stereotypes which more than often derail from discussion.
Veeky Forums was /the place/ for humanities and history before Veeky Forums
Not /int/ nor /pol/.
Veeky Forums is /pol/, Veeky Forums and /gsg/ (Veeky Forums)
Obviously he means that it should have been just history and not including other humanities disciplines. Either way it's pretty hard, because even most historical topics here eventually drift into politics, economics, anthropology, etc.
>doesn't have flags
We did at first.
Hey, I was here within Veeky Forums's first few days. We never had flags, unless this was in our first fucking hour.
flags are irrelevant on Veeky Forums
We did on the first day. But people bitched about it so much they were taken down instantly.
Also we had Sherman in the sticky at first.
Fuck off faggot, Veeky Forums gets enough shitposting from /pol/, /int/ and /b/'s runoff, we don't need flag faggotry shitting up this board.
We did on the very first day.
Hmm. I had missed the very first day.
Interesting. Thank you.
There's been a couple Veeky Forums threads
Dunno about/pol/ but I used to lurk Veeky Forums and never saw any thread about history. Meanwhile old /int/ had them daily. It's just that the board has been balkanized to death so nowadays it's just generals and shitposting.
/n/, /new/, and /pol/ had history threads all the time
/d/ for pregnant Anne Frank, /lgbt/ for Greek boy
/int/ "history" threads are always complete shitfest
t. /int/pro
Language learning threads are surprisingly comfy and informative, but outside of country generals there's not much worth mentiong
Wasn't always like that. I had legit good discussions there, before all the posters that were actually into history moved to this board. Shit, there was a time you could unironically learn things about other countries too.
I've been a regular since 2013 and can't say it's much different. If anything the shitposting was far worse, Australians rampaged the board like hell, if you remember the whole FWG drama you known what i'm talking about. If there were any good threads they were clouded by bad ones, just like now. Don't know how it was before flags were introduced on /int/ but i reckon it wasn't any better.
It's /int/ no matter how you look at it.
Veeky Forums stay the same, /int/ become slower and with proportionately more shitposting since there're less actual discussion. The only way to describe it.
absolute fucking revisionism. you Veeky Forums fucks need to be genocided irl
Veeky Forums was a mistake, it should have just been /lrh/ - Religion
There's /tv/ too for historical fims, series and documentaries.
megane-chan is my waifu!