You have 5 seconds to explain why you haven't bought NEO yet

>you have 5 seconds to explain why you haven't bought NEO yet

Because I'm not a retard that believes in Chinese scams that even the Chinese themselves laugh at.

I'm going to drop this bomb right here,

Max number of NEOs = 10 million.
Max number of ETHs = infinite

ETH is a depreciating asset just like fiat, get out while you can, put all into NEOs

but I have
it's both hodler's and daytrader's dream

point of entry doesn't even matter with this coin

Devs have 50% of the coins

>buying the non existent third fourth wave.
user, everyone that ever wanted to buy NEO already has.

They are locked for developers of DApps until October. And they can release max 15m/year.

ETH devs can generate ETH any time they want.
Whats worse for you?


Lots of future bagholders with this coin...

Because BTC cant get past $4.2k meaning its going to crash taking all ALTS with it.

because BTM is the future

Because it is sinking, don't you see? I'm going to buy of course, but at 800K

This is the next ethereum.

>ITT: More noobs who don't understand NEO pays dividends in the form of GAS and there is no reason to sell regardless of what the price is doing

>Buying anything Chinese

Because it is going down ATM?

When it was 50 cents, and I was interested in buying it, the white paper was in Chinese, and I had no idea what the project was so I stayed away. I still have no idea what the project is.

It is a block chain that runs smart contracts, similar to Etherium but instead of spending ETH on smartcontracts, you spend GAS.

And you have NEO that generates GAS just by hodling it. This is literally a dream coin, anyone that not bought yet is a moron.

They're both bad coins for investors. I can't rest easy knowing devs could dump their bags anytime they wanted

>thinks dividends matter when his shitcoin will most likely be worth $0 in 2 years

Fugg the noNEOcoiners salt is so good.
Will you kill yourself next month when NEO reaches 100$?

it's like the epic of ETH but condensed into a short story

next month your vaporware chinese scam shitcoin can only crash back down to $10

Yeah, this time we skipped the DAO hack, hardfork, and anxiety about switching to a "very soon we will have" PoS coin.

So comfy sitting on my stack of ants.

It will rebound very soon.

d-deus vult