>muh free speech
cried commie-loving leftards
>muh free speech
cried commie-loving leftards
>muh morals
cried weaker nations and bleeding heart liberals
the apologetics for mccarthy is so insane because of how deep in ideological brainwashing you have to be to think he wasn't entirely a fuckup failure whose particular brand of toxic self-promotion rightfully ended his career in disgrace
>lies and destroys the lives of patriotic americans
>kills millions to stop an ideology that doesn't work anyway and would've been over sooner without his involvement
This is the best America has to offer.
>yfw he never revealed the list of 205 communists in the state department
What the fuck was his problem?
>the apologetics for mccarthy is so insane because of how deep in ideological brainwashing you have to be to think he wasn't entirely a fuckup failure whose particular brand of toxic self-promotion rightfully ended his career in disgrace
>Soviet Union collapses
>KGB papers revealed after the collapse prove McCarthy was right
>never hear a peep on said paper but (((they))) will go on and on about McCarthy's "witch hunts"
really sparks the old noggin'
>he didn't read the venona files
McCarthy was a blowhard dumbass, and whatever successes he had was not of his own doing, but somebody was feeding him reliable information.
Say it with me. McCarthy. Was. Right.
>KGB papers revealed after the collapse prove McCarthy was right
I'm going to need a source on that
>witch hunts are ok if they're done against people I don't like
is this what you're saying?
Persecuting people for their political belief directly violates the nfirst amendment.
Don't come crying to me when an even bigger bully beats you up, then.
you SJWs don't deserve respect
"Muh free speech" also cried anyone who doesn't want to see the US go authoritarian, you retarded piece of shit.
If by "people I don't like" you mean KGB affiliates, then yes. They're literally, and I mean it in the literal sense of the word, committing treason.
Read some Harvey Klehr breh
Facts do matter. And it should be a matter of concern to all of us when historians distort facts. Just as the views of Holocaust deniers cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged because falsehoods about the past distort not only our sense of history but our view of the present and future, so too the falsehoods of Senator McCarthy and the falsehoods about the widespread Soviet espionage directed against the United States must be answered. The debates about the McCarthy era force us to reflect about why a substantial number of American public servants gave their allegiance to a totalitarian regime that murdered millions of people and the difficulties and dilemmas of how a democratic society responded to that threat.
Concluding our most recent book, In Denial, John Haynes and I were reminded about the Lost Cause myth of the south that held sway among many southerners in the first part of the 20 th century. The myth of a genteel, magnolia-scented Southern paradise was used to buttress legal segregation and racism. The Lost Cause, however, was not primarily about states’ rights or agrarian populism or resistance to Northern capitalism, although these may have been elements, but about slavery. In the same way, American communism was based, not on fighting for civil rights or civil liberties, but on support for the political regime created and ruled by Joseph Stalin. The United States vanquished two totalitarian foes in the 20 th century. Any academic who defended Nazism would rightly be regarded with loathing. Those who defend communism and those who served it deserve no better — and no less. That so many American historians, including past presidents of the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association, remain willing in the 21 st century to apologize for or ignore the evils of communism and that pointing this out is controversial is, alas, another one of the legacies of Senator Joseph McCarthy.
they were all jews
Based desu senpaitachi
>At the height of McCarthyism, Belfrage was summoned in 1953 to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
>In 1995, the decrypted VENONA intercepts—a project between the US and British intelligence services to decipher Soviet wires — were made public. United States intelligence has alleged that Unnamed Codename Number 9 (UNC/9) was Belfrage.
>In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy referred to Karr as Drew Pearson’s “KGB controller”.
>After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, in the new atmosphere of openness, Soviet investigative journalist Albats published an article in Izvestia quoting documents from KGB archives that Karr was “a competent KGB source” who ‘‘submitted information to the KGB on the technical capabilities of the United States and other capitalist countries.”
>Called before the HUAC (chaired by Congressman Karl Mundt), Coe denied under oath having ever been a member of the CPUSA.
>A recent investigation into the KGB archives claims that files show Coe to have been a Soviet agent.
>the United States refused to renew his passport in 1954 due to the McCarthyism atmosphere in Washington, DC.
>He appears in the VENONA cables under the cover name 'PAGE', and in Soviet intelligence archives as 'VIM' and as a source for the Golos and Bentley spy networks.
How much more of an insufferable social justice minded cunt can this person be?
>muh feelings
>muh feelings
>muh feelings
Don't bother trying to educate the radical communists of Veeky Forums. Multiple times, the declassified NKVD and KGB records, known as the VENONA files, have been cited as evidence that Sen. Joseph McCarthy was mostly right about communist infiltration. Unfortunately, there's never a real debate about the new information that was brought to light after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Lurking beneath every "liberal" in this thread is a radical communist, or at least a useful idiot, who will try their hardest to coverup the facts to proclaim their virtuosity to the world or sabotage academic discourse.
>McCarthy was right about a few
>McCarthy also ruined the careers of many innocent people
>not to mention most of the communists he blacklisted were just normal amercan citizens who didn't collude with the Russians
nice argument breh
>dude let's compromise the basic founding morals of our nation to find some commies!
Reminder McCarthy drank himself to death, alone and ashamed, after bungling the anti-communist witch hunt so badly.
Do you know how shitty you have to be at politics in the 50s to not be able to sell hunting commie spies?
McCarthy was a joke. He was right about some things...but wrong about a lot more than he was right about.
Okie dokie
I'm sure the commies love the first amendment... until they replace it with what the party decides...
McCarthy was right about the vast majority of his claims. He deserved his lifetime of alcoholism and infamy, however, for being a total incompetent fuckup who was handed the names of America's communist traitors on a silver platter.