In hindsight, isn't it a bad thing that Japan lost the war?

In hindsight, isn't it a bad thing that Japan lost the war?

If the U.S. had the foresight, they should have declined to go to war with Japan, and so let Japan have the territory they wanted and become the dominant power in Asia.

The U.S. wasn't fighting for much more than some European colonial outposts that would eventually be lost in time anyway, and having a superpower Japan is a much better thing, all things considered, than a superpower China.

Other urls found in this thread:ō_ichiu

>gets walked to death

I doubt Japan would have won, in the end much like Germany invading the USSR sheer weight of numbers would have done them in. Even if they had succeeded China would have rebelled and kicked them out again in time.

>having a superpower Japan is a much better thing, all things considered, than a superpower China.
You are comparing modern day Japan and China. Imperial Japan would be a pain in the ass as a superpower in East Asia. Of course there is no way to simulate what would happen, but here are some possibilities.
>The EoJ turns communist at some point. So you get what would be more like a vast (and better industrialized) North Korea, with its mix of cult of personality and authoritarian Juche, right above Australia.
>The EoJ stays as is and competes with the US over asserts in the pacific. (bases, oil etc.)
>The EoJ westernizes and works together with the US towards their respective interests. Now this is the most unlikely scenario seeing how imperialist and dogmatic the EoJ was, and the fact that they only westernized and worked with the US only after threat of annihilation and the subsequent US occupation.

Japan invaded their former master China, you think in time they won't do it to America?

How the hell do you decline to go to war with Japan when they're actively bombing the shit out of you? It wasn't really a question of choice.

*Nanking rape intensifies*

>The EoJ turns communist at some point.

>The EoJ stays as is and competes with the US over asserts in the pacific. (bases, oil etc.)
>The EoJ westernizes and works together with the US towards their respective interests.

>unlikely scenario seeing how imperialist and dogmatic the EoJ was
they had a natural mutual enemy in the ussr and eoj only wanted to sit at the same table as the great powers

Well if you look at that map, their empire involves warring with Britain, France, China and most importantly the USSR for North Sakhalin. There is basically no way they win that war.

Yeah the USA should've just forgotten about Pearl Harbor am I right?

>The U.S. wasn't fighting for much more than some European colonial outposts that would eventually be lost in time anyway

US market interests in Asia were threatened by a rising Japan, where an imperial Japanese closed market that encompassed the entire Pacific region would shut off trade and goods in the region to Western powers.

The colonial outposts in the region were established to protect the market interests of the Dutch (east indies), Britain (Singapore and Malaysia), France (Indochina), and the US (Philippines). These regions were a lot more important than some colonial outpost.

Japan knew that if they were to attack western markets in Asia directly by invading these colonies, it would certainly mean war with the United States, but Japan needed the resources these western markets were in possession of, so they gambled on invading them and hoped to wipe out the US pacific fleet in one stroke to buy them enough time to secure South/SouthEast Asia, and the gamble failed.

The Western Powers also would never accept all the trade wealth of Asia in control of one militaristic empire, with a Japanese closed market that controlled all of the Asian coast would mean lost revenue for the West.

You do realise that imperial Japan would've been much more anti-American than current Japan, right?

>If the U.S. had the foresight, they should have declined to go to war with Japan
Are you retarded? Who was attacking who in the first place exactly?

>having a superpower Japan is a much better thing
What alternative reality are you from? Japan was meant to crush US and annex half the whole world(including US) back then.

The Japanese weren't going to share in influence with the West in Asia.

USA wisely saw that Japan was going to use the co-prosperity sphere to assert dominance in all south-east Asia, maybe as far as India. Plus, USA was also not going to share the territory in east pacific, as it threatened their power projection.

Comparing Communist China with Imp. Japan is like two worlds apart. China was easily contained in the Korean war and in Manchuria with relative ease. Also there was an economic rapprochement after the inevitable sino-soviet split. Nowadays China is a willing participator in US hegemony as the free trade that exists between them allows for cheap manufacturing.

China is also a lot more insular than Japan geopolitically, Imp.Japan was in berserker mode during ww2. By comparison China is being bullied by the US in the south china sea, which is chinese by right for centuries.

By the time of your pic Japan already had basically lost anyway.
Okay, that might be a bit hyperbolic, but the second Sino-Japanese War was a mistake, no two ways about it.

But to get to the question, i find it difficult to see how the EoJ winning is preferable to anybody outside of Japan.
A communist China maybe wasn't great, but how exactly would imperial Japan been better anyway?
Plus, in your scenario where the US doesn't intervene in the Pacific, does it also stay out of Europe?
If so, the borders of the USSR would have been about one Germany further West, which i wouldn't say was any improvement.

And even if the US helped in Europe first, i don't see a scenario where they wouldn't continue to help its allies in SEA.
We are talking about pretty big and important colonies here, not 'some European colonial outposts'. They maybe where lost over the next decades anyway, but that wasn't a given in the 30's and 40's

t. 50 cent army

>they had a natural mutual enemy in the ussr and eoj only wanted to sit at the same table as the great powers

this is how it starts. first you want to be free of their influence, then you want to be well respected by them, and then you want to be greater than all of them.

plus the US (Philippines) and we already know how that went


OP's post is definitely one of the stupidest things I've seen on this board, and that says a lot.

>having a superpower Japan is a much better thing, all things considered, than a superpower China

>ikr? animu, mangah, gamez, aesthetics etc...
>burgers tends to forgot the japan we see today is a muricca ass-raped japan

lol nope, they're batshit insane on expelling all foreign(european) foothold on asia, uphold muh yellow honor, and be the final imperium.
Sounds cool? Except that they're doing so in 20th century.

They fucked on russia for creeping into china too much. What makes you think that the giant burger in the room will never be noticed by the jap?

The world is so warped that Asia for Asians is an inherently evil concept. Because it keeps America out.

Before you QQ unification isn't usually peaceful.

>and having a superpower Japan is a much better thing, all things considered, than a superpower China.
Remind me who attacked the KMT when it had the CCP at the corner.

Red China is as much Imperial Japan's fault as it is the KMT losing to it.

>Superpower Imperial Japan
No thanks

>Now this is the most unlikely scenario seeing how imperialist and dogmatic the EoJ was, and the fact that they only westernized and worked with the US only after threat of annihilation and the subsequent US occupation.
Don't you think that this had something to do with the two nations just finishing a war against each other? Japan's largest trade partner before the war was the U.S, if there was no war I imagine they'd continue to be great trade partners at the very least which could be a springboard for further negotiations.

Whether the west could accept it or not it they were eventually going to lose that control.

>militaristic empire
>Japan would've been much more anti-American than current Japan
>Japan was meant to crush US and annex half the whole world(including US)
Where are you getting this world domination meme from? Japan only ever wanted to sit at the table as a great power and continually got fucked due to racism, as when the Western powers gave Japanese territory to Russia because Russians were white (leading to the Russo-Japanese War) and more importantly when Japan put forth the Racial Equality Proposal at Versailles which would grant Japan equal standing with European nations; they were laughed out of the room and told that whites outright rejected the idea that asians could be their equals.

>The equality of nations being a basic principle of the League of Nations, the High Contracting Parties agree to accord as soon as possible to all alien nationals of states, members of the League, equal and just treatment in every respect making no distinction, either in law or in fact, on account of their race or nationality.

>Plus, in your scenario where the US doesn't intervene in the Pacific, does it also stay out of Europe?
I don't think the consequences for Europe would have been as different as you speculate. The major difference I think would be post-war, i.e. potentially no NATO.

*wouldn't have been

>Japan bombs pearl harbor
>nah we wont go to war with you

Are you a white cuckold by any chance?

fuck you desu

>Asia for Asians
>proceeds to rape and massacre chinamen

I smell a big fat, anime watching, waifu claiming, katana owning, manga reading, Hentai masturbating, body pillow fucking, /pol/ browsing, Nanking raping, Pear Harbor bombing, rice eating, trap loving, panty sniffing, fedora wearing, neck bearded...



Have you read up on the escalation leading up to Pearl Harbor? There were many, many chances to have avoided antagonizing the Japanese before late 1941 but it was bungled due to poor communication.

"""Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere"""

>There were many, many chances to have avoided antagonizing the Japanese before late 1941 but it was bungled due to poor communication.

You still don't get it? They're not just want to dominate Asia, they want the whole world in the end. What's matter with revisionists like you? How do you keep avoiding something just want to come after you and make you submit no matter what?
Time to leave your ivory tower or safespace or basement or trapland or whatever for once, weeb.

>former master
Trying to trigger the japs, are you?

You still don't get it? They're not just want to dominate Asia, they want the whole world in the end.
where the FUCK are you getting this?

>What's matter with revisionists like you?
Do you know what that word means? It does NOT mean "an opposing view that hurts my feelings."

>Time to leave your ivory tower or safespace or basement or trapland or whatever for once, weeb.
Wow, another word salad full of buzzwords whose meanings you've totally made

>There were many, many chances to have avoided antagonizing the Japanese before late 1941
Do you not think it should be the other way around? Like "Japanese should stop antagonizing/attacking US and stop expanding the war"?

>where the FUCK are you getting this?
Good goy, I really wonder what the fuck "Hakko Ichiu" means.ō_ichiu

>Do you know what that word means?
Yes, it means people like (you).

I see you’re a bit mad. That’s good, weeb.

The Philippines were a American protectorate at the time. Abandoning the Philippines to Japan would have meant accepting foreign violation of American territory.

>a concept exists, therefore it is literal and official policy

>japan wuz good boys dey jus wanted a lil co prosperity fo they east asia

>posting this on a taiwanese knitting website

japan has been reduced to the lore behind anime and manga

Without the war we wouldn't have anime.

So no!!

imagine all things we might have missed out