What magic is this? Did Poles made a pact with the devil or what?
What magic is this? Did Poles made a pact with the devil or what?
The king ordered quarantine on the borders. Plus, this coincided with great harvests, making the population well fed and less susceptible to diseases.
Well, according to Polish historical biologists it's because Sarmatians had natural immunity to Asian diseases as they lived in Asia for thousands of years.
How can sardinia even get an outbreak? There were no people there
Don't fucking start
Maybe Sardines caught a plague? That is how it traveled overseas, by fish.
The solar proto-finnic slavers spread the plague to the local hwan traders
Sparse population. But it wasn't much good eventualy. The depopulation in the west caused higher demand for peasants and crops, resulting in increasing their personal laws and liberty and weakening the serfdom system. In Bohemia, which wasn't depopulated so intensively, in conjuction with obvious higher demand of crops in the west it resulted in the exact opposite - more intensive serdom, maintaining the feudal system and less civil rights for the peasants.
t. pissed Czech
This map is incorrect - nobody even lived on Sardinia, how could it have the plague? It took decades to get there from italy.
Not this meme again
>implying Sardinia was populated
Would pact with the devil even work? Shouldn't you take the better bet by summoning Beelzebub?
Agreed, they'd need at least Renaissance technology
The jews did it
>plague is punishment for Godlessness
>Poland doesn't suffer plague
Gee OP I wonder why they didn't suffer. Why don't you connect the dots?
How did sparse population matter when Sardinia couldn't even be settled by then and they still got the plague?
He was right though. Why is everyone making fun of him?
I'd like to hear this
Mate, we still had one of the most democratic systems until 1620, nobody gives a fuck about the peasants
>sparse population
>in medieval Poland
yeah, that would explain why there also wasn't any outbreak in East, Norway, Sweden, England, etc.
oh wait.
Are you joking or are you an idiot who is speaking seriously? Sardinia was populated since the mesolithic times, and in 14th century had a stable population of about 100,000 inhabitants, who lived in 4 kingdoms called Giudicati
Poles are God's chosen people, bearing the sins of the world on their shoulders, saving Europe time and time again without receiving any appreciation for it.
God bless them /pol/lacks.
nobody likes poland not even plagues
It didn't even matter.
There were several more outbreaks that they got. Moscow had a terrible event with bubonic plague somewhere in the middle for the 18th century.
Poland has been immune from terrorist attacks in recent days also lol
what's going on with Poland