What's something annoying you'd do when you get rich?
What's something annoying you'd do when you get rich?
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I would have groceries delivered at home or have a nanny do the shopping and complain regularly that grocery shopping is a waste of time and my time is precious $$$.
Get a lambo and a shitload of gopro then get accidents with people who don't put their blinker and are on the phone while driving.
Then watch them cry as they have to pay for my lambo damages. Damn that's gonna be good
Bonus: don't tell 'm it's recorded until after they made their statement to the police, so they also get hit for lying.
Be an even smugger asshole than I am now. And I'm pretty poor.
Already am.
Live in my mom's basement and not do anything with my life even though I could do anything I wanted.
Ha, that'll show 'em...
>on the phone while driving.
I can get behind this. Cant stand seeing people texting when on the highway. Gonna kill me or someone else.
Send someone to every store in town every day to buy up their entire stock of toilet paper so nobody else gets any.
I would legitimately open shitasspetfuckers from Louis C.K.'s bit.
Fly to Australia on Singapore Airlines first class suite and take a shit in the shower.
nigga you gon' be broke in 7 days
I'd just use regular tissues
Or wet wipes
Or paper towels
Or shop rags
Or old t-shirts
Or my moms panties
Post pics of my lambo on biz 24/7 and write "send" to beggars without actually sending.. Hihihi
Walk around the grocery store with an unemployed beard, sunglasses, and buy a bud ice along with some expensive meats and cheeses. Wip out a fat bankroll at the checkout.
Nah I'll just smuggle it to Venezuela and resell it for 10x profit.
>Buy farm
>go back to college
>get better health care
>put some away to retire
Then give rest of the money away to dregs of society that ""chosenites"" don't believe deserve to exist. That'd really piss off those elitists.
I would also drive a really loud car
true story
My dad has a good chunk of money and he has a pretty nice vacation home that my friends and I always go to and party. One of my friends have a gf that i just hate, shes been to place a few times with us. One time she went she was saying some stuff about something i didn't agree with. I kept hinting to her to change the subject and lets get on with a good time. She didn't so i looked at her real serious after she knew i didn't like the subject she was talking about and in a real serious tone i said, just remember, I don't forget things.
She hasn't been invited since. Everyone else still goes her boyfriend can go but she can't and she knows she is the ONLY one that can't go. Even when we are all in a group talking about going and planning a trip she knows she isn't invited.
We usually go about once a month and party on the lake and go to bars and clubs at night. she knows how much shit there is to do and that all her friends are there but she isn't invited because of the one time she kept talking about something i didn't agree with.
That's just petty
I'd buy two homes in a middle class neighborhood so that I have at least one neighbor in between both houses. I'd then build a dirt bike ramp in both yards and do gnarly dirt bike jumps over his house all day.
Alternatively I'd play extremely elaborate pranks on people. Like year long pranks. I'd open a fake business and hire actors and then hire one unsuspecting pranked. I'd have him grow in the company so fast he thinks he's a genius. Then when he's CEO of this billion dollar company after 10 years I'll just make it all disappear overnight. Or maybe I should change his wife into a different woman and see if he notices.
You seem really cool
Whatever the fuck I can do to make old people lose their money.
what was she talking about you akward fuck
Fuck yes. I'd buy an armored car and fuck over shitty drivers.
Or I'd offer to fund my local police force if they hire 50 more traffic cops
I would make a party but you're not invited. teehee.
>I don't forget things.
holy fuck, you only have friends because you have money
Be the Soros of the right.
my family and what they did wrong and what they did right... basically she was killing the vibe, we were all there to have a good time not talk about my family. Shes a bitch, everyone thinks its pretty funny that she can no longer go.
I used to be, the more money I get the bigger the ass hole i become.
lol i had those same friends from before any money was in play. Alot of them have money too. im not from a poor neighborhood and don't hang out with people that don't have money.
It feels good being white.
Sorry mate, but you sound like an awfull person. I'm a white kid with money too
That's actually a solid reason. I expected it to be some political or lifestyle stuff.
>you sound like an awfull person.
I don't deny that. I've been a slum lord since i was 19. im 27 now. The things i've had to deal with have turned me into the person i am now. I really don't give a shit if a useless fucking bitch wants to come but can't because she is just that.. a useless bitch.
If you want to bow down to every female that is around you then feel free to, im not going to, i don't need to. I have the money to say fuck her, isn't that what this thread is about? how annoying you could be because of money? or did you forget what thread you are in?
my parents divorced and years later my brother died from a heroin over dose. She was going on about the right way and wrong way of parenting when she doesn't even have kids. I kept hinting to her that this isn't the time and place to talk about it. It took her a few hints too long to get it, now she is just not invited. we are there to vacation and have a good time, not talk about my family.
>What's something annoying you'd do when you get rich?
Probably the same annoying shit I already do. Honestly, I don't think my life would change at all even if my bittrex balance shot up to $1 million out of the blue.
Well, I might upgrade to higher tier ramen. Cup Noodle is shit.
>want to be rich enough to achieve my dream of starting an asteroid mining company
>need literal tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars to do it
>don't know how to make money
Time for me to learn and get my ass moving
Anyone know of places where I can learn shit about shit, cryptos seem to be a really good background income thing to have
When will asteroid autists such as yourself understand that it's not cost effective to mine outside of earth and that you'd be better off acquiring existing mining companies
I would buy a ranch in Montana and get a fiber optic cable to my house so I can live out my dream of being a cowboy while shitposting on Veeky Forums.
>multiple businesses working on it right now
>multiple governments investing in the 2 space mining companies that exist now
>multiple businesses already looking to buy refueling services
once the first drill goes into the rock, there''ll be profits, since it's a lot fucking cheaper to transport space things throughout space than to transport earth things to space
water will be worth lots of profit, the millions of tons of platinum group metals is just a bonus
why would governments do that.
why would you mine space and bring it to earth?
haven't you ever filled a cup with water then tried to put rocks in it, the water over flows. What do you think will happen if we bring a bunch of shit from outerspace into our ozone?
i would hire a concierge and anytime somebody wants to call me they have to get through him first
good one
I want a lifestyle similar to this man when he was the prefect of terak nor. That would probably lead to some people being annoyed.
I have one of those for my business. It's great. Gets rid of so many annoying calls you'd rather not answer
>Being this stupid
Several things, i'll wear gold rings. Ill knock my bitch around the house a lot, and I'll have loads of Asian whores living with me and I'll get them hooked on heroin. I'll also talk about my cock in third person.
That sounds like an episode of Archer...
I would sit on Veeky Forums all day and send 0.0001 btc to first post ending in 2
Pretty much live like bam margera without all the hurting each other and mean pranks. They do cool shit and generally just dickoff. Thats all i want. Amd anyone that bitches will be trolled untill they fuckoff and leave me alone or go insane.
>"stop saying things I dont like or I'll unfriend you!"
Thats frsud user
Oh hey there SEC
You can do that poor like me. Just box the frame in and weld on pipe bumpers. You are pretty much bullet proof in traffic then
Thank god for u user. Me too
they aren't bringing most of it to earth senpai
the super-majority of the materials mined in space will be for use in space, only the valuble shit like rare earth elements or platinum group metals would be brought home, and they'd be mostly used by industry, palladium is incredibly useful in electronics for example
many companies want satellites, many want to keep their existing satellites going or have them improved
Others want stations for either tourism, habitation, or 100% eco friendly manufacturing
space mining is outright required for any consideration towards stations, as you'd have to pay about 2-3k per kilogram to get shit to LEO
to make a station large enough to generate earthlike spin gravity without giving people motion sickness (about 2 RPM), it needs to have a diameter of 450 meters, such a structure would cost trillions of dollars if we had to haul every ounce into space, but with many asteroids being quite large, and having a sizable percent of their mass as ultra high grade iron, the costs would drop drastically, to the point where Veeky Forums would probably be able to crowdfund one for shits and giggles
this isn't some overly optimistic hype either, it's outright mathematical fact, there are so fucking many asteroids out there, and so many that contain massive amounts of iron, silicon, and other shit we like making shit out of, that up and building Mega structures is not out of the question once you have all this fucking metal to work with
look at this rock for example
it is a over 200 kilometer diameter solid chunk of iron, assumed to be the core of a planet that got torn apart by Jupiter in the early solar system
the iron alone in it is estimated to be worth 10 fucking quintillion
Asteroid mining is no meme, my friend
it is going to be a very, very profitable venture the second a harvester gets sent out to a NEO
It's still more cost effective to acquire a regular mining company. Unless you have billions of dollars of assets, I doubt you have the luxury of investing in something this risky. Maybe in 20 years it will be cost effective but not today, not right now
good thing I got not a dime to my name right now, and still need time to generate the money and knowledge I need to start
it'll probably take me a good 20 years to get to that level anyhow
>i've been a slumlord...
U mutherfucker. Little piss ant cocksuckers like you are the reason it is so hard for guys like me to get into real estate. My 1 rental house is nicer than my own home and i bust my dick to give people a descent place to live at a fair price because i know how shitty it is to rent from useless lazy cunt cocksuckers like yourself. Don't do shit and generally just are a cocksucker to deal with.
Fuck you and fuck your parents for raising such an entitled little cocksucker. One day u will fuck up bad. You will rent to someone like that useless bitch by mistake and she will be a career tennant and fucking make your life hell till u get her out and lose tons of money.
I want you to remember this when it does happen. It happened because you're a piece of shit landlord.
Any bookstore has personal finance and investing books.
Step 2 is to leave this shit site and forget about crypto
As a mine worker i agree. Youll find it a challenge on earth even
Dunno but scientists say there are astroids made of nickke, diamond, and other random shit. It would greatly benefit future space exploration if nothing else
Thats why IPO is...
Beat my wife
you must love alimony
I would not spend it because that drives not miss crazy.
Track people i dont like and pay companies to cancel their job offers, appointments, etc.
Basically bar them off from using any establishment with their money.
I'd never wear the same socks more than once. I'd then give all of my once-worn socks to people as gifts. Not for holidays or anything... just stuff a box and wrap it once my worn-sock room becomes too full.
I would acquire a harem of teenage girls and just fuck them stupid for a few months until I got bored and then I would find jobs for them and send them away.
>What's something annoying you'd do when you get rich?
Gonna blast my osu play list to fuvk with my neighbors so i can buy the whole house and transition it into a private robot sex club
Must be at court, at least here, you can say what eger you want to the police it's not legally binding
Fuck you're pathetic
Getting so butthurt you play the prettiest princes and denie her the entry to your castle because she had the audacity to say chocolate is better than vanilla
Kys faggot