>"Eirik and his brother Atle travelled to England. They did not return, and their father Gunnar had this stone raised in their memory."
"Eirik and his brother Atle travelled to England. They did not return...
>Eirik and his brother Atle went to rape, steal and murder in England but the good guys won
>good guys
wew lad
>the Saxons hadn't raped the shit out of the Kelts living in England already
>two wrongs make a right lol based vikings
>it sucks that people are victims of slavery but rising up to your masters and killing them would be just as bad
Not a relevant argument
To Marcus Caelius, son of Titus, of the Lemonian district, from Bononia [modern Bologna], primus pillum of the eighteenth legion. 53 and a half years old.
He fell in the Varian Disaster.
His bones may be interred here.
Publius Caelius, son of Titus, of the Lemonian district, his brother, erected this monument.
>Saxons get their shit pushed in by the Franks
>Sail all over Europe killing, raping, and thieving from people who weren't involved
Snowniggers not even once
Is this in the Troy canon?
Africans have the Sphinx, Scandinavians have that boulder with a child's doodle on it.
Too bad it's sinking into a lake of shit
sphinxes are shit my man
oedipus btfo the sphinx so hard it literally kys'd itself
>unironically being mad some of your ancestors may have gotten raped by vikings 1200 years ago.
I seriously don't get the viking hate from brits
It's not from Brits. You can find museums and markings in places all across the former Danelaw. People love vikings.
It's mostly contrarian Americans like every bullshit you see peddled on this board.
>It's mostly contrarian Americans like every bullshit you see peddled on this board.
alright my bad.
Also I get that vikings have kinda been ruined by some autists just like Samurai and Katanas have been runined by weebs but I just think the amount of people especially on Veeky Forums who get extremely butthurt over vikings are being silly and over the top
>using a Semitic based alphabet
Good Goy
I laughed >D
Are these real traps? Where can I find the sauce?
Vikings settled across Britain. The cool Vikings settled outside of Scandinavia. Modern Scandinavians are descended from the agoraphobic cucks who stayed behind.
British towns whose names end in -howe or -by are Scandinavian-influenced
The vikings weren't victims of anything the anglo-saxons did when they started raiding.
Ok, this is so weird. I'm a norwegian, my name is Eirik, my father's name is Atle, and his father's name was Gunnar
my name is benis :DD and my father's name is Benis :DDDDD and his father's name was BENIS :DD:D:D:D:::D:DD
The number of people interested in your finnish ancestry: 0
Finns weren't Vikings, they didn't even WORSHIP the same Gods.
Allegedly the first Vikings to land in Britain were peaceful but then they were harrased by a Tax Collector.
Fascinating little fact
You learn so much on Veeky Forums thanks to these little facts which are casually & randomly posted
Thus violating the NAP and they raped in self-defense?
>Sir, you must pay taxes if you intend to trade here in England.
>Dafug dat sheeeit? Muh dick. Imma com bax with muh cousins and cap yo bich ass
Justifying the Irish existing
>Viking hate
>not justified
Hurrrdurr raid everything so everyone light infantry >Viking is an ethnicity
Shut the fuck up, you're a stupid cunt suckmydick- FilthyFrank 2016
>hello randomly foreigners we've never met before, you're heavily armed and if you want to trade here you need to pay
"Oh, okay" *murders tax collectors* oopps *burns down monastery*
When you put it like that the hundreds of years of Viking raids make perfect sense. Faggot.
Nordic niggers. You're fucking nothing. All you ever do is coast on the achievements of the rest of us. Like Varg who moves to France and coasts by on the welfare.
op is a faggot?
t. vikang rapebaby
Finns were so niggish even vikings refused to set foot on that cold swampland
>people posting the le violent saxon invasion of Britain outdated theory
The evidence suggests their take over was extremely peaceful compared to the viking invasion and it is likely they were even invited to Britan to defend the Romans against Irish and Pictish raiders. Their take over was closer to a military coup than an invasion. Unlike the snow niggers they were able to culturally change the areas they settled instead of being absorbed in to the local culture.
Nobody claims that
t. benisson