Red pill me on sikhs. What have they done to be considered bro tier?
Red pill me on sikhs. What have they done to be considered bro tier?
Only islamophobic redditors who fear to pass as racists pretend to like them.
They colluded with the British during the British Raj
They fight against the Muslim injustice and the Muslim version of "peace", submission.
Their beards, hairstyle are testament to their faith. So they're pretty religious but in a more open/friendly way the Muslims because its an Indian religion at heart(hindu/jain/buddhist/etc).
While Muslims maybe religious, they're a desert warlord religion. Sikhs are practicing a religion born out of wisdom, not warfare. Their stance towards islam is a self-defense one, not an aggressive one. Where as Islam hates anything non-Islam/judeo-christian believers.
So if you want an image in your head, think Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain + knife to defend against Islam (specifically)
21 Sikhs of the British Indian Army fought to the death in a last stand against 10,000 Afghans. That's something to consider
>bro tier
Fuck off.
They are brothers-in-arms against the mudslime menace
t. mudslime
This is Veeky Forums you /pol/ cunt. Fuck off m8
>can't even hear it being called something irrational
>uses derogatory terms that plays on the persons personal identity as if it's existence is an insult
>searches for things similar to focus in order to prove their rationality
sounds like a phobia to me
>I am a huge faggot who get triggered by a word.
You're not in your safespace here /pol/tard.
Go back to rebbit with your memes amerifat, maybe you'll get upvoted
Do you bunch of retards realize that sikhism reconize Muhammad as a prophet?
Muslims fear the Sikh.
They move out to the West then whine about wanting a Sikh-state back in India.
>Are generally decent and productive members of society
>Hate Muslims
How is that at all a phobia?
I think you should seriously consider lurking more. Consider it personal advice from a randomer to you, using buzzwords and posting unrelated generic anime isn't a good way to convey how well adapted to the culture or even rules of this board, or of Veeky Forums in general.
this fella gets it
Says who?
Stop perpetuating Veeky Forums Facts
>Veeky Forums Facts /FORE-chan-fax/ n. plural;
>Statements, which may or may not be true,
>that are perpetuated as fact on popular NEET
>pedo chatroom Veeky Forums; particularly those which
>carry the alluring pretense of esotericism
>Video games are/aren't art
>Antagonists in film/manga/video games are poorly written unless they have conflicted motives
>Fedoras are worn solely by social outcasts
>Fedoras are worn solely by arrogant dandies/pick-up artists
>Patton Oswalt murdered his wife
>Any statement about quantum computing or the singularity
Sikhs recognize the air we breathe too. As well as recognition of muslims existence.
Therefore Sikhs and Muslims are friends. Right?
>says who?
Look up how Sikhsm was founded you dumb fuck. Look up its history from then onward.
>*Honor kills behind you.*
Only Americans think Sikhs are "Le Brow Tier XD"
Try living with hardcore Sikhs in Britain.
Anyone who hates Islam is a friend of mine.
Sikhs are blowing up churches and shooting people in the theatres?
Woah, I gotta get a load of this.
>Andy Milonakis has an aging disease that makes him look very young, much younger than he actually is
>The Yiddish "Goy" is a pejorative term used to describe gentiles in the Jewish community
Notice that despite maintaining this pretense of esotericism, a Veeky Forums Fact is often quite a commonly held opinion or parcel of knowledge, no scarcer than your average liberal pundit's dialogue.
>"Life Hacks" apply as well, since the word "hack" implies a certain exclusivity or counter-cultural flavor about the information.
>Example: If you put your keys on the dash when you get pulled over, cops will respect you
Veeky Forums Facts!
>X is shit.
>Y is automatically not.
PROTIP: They're all shit, m8.
>I just learned this information last week in a Veeky Forums thread
>This gives me license to refer to the uninitiated like a smug asshole
He "gets it" because he has a shred of skepticism about it. Enough to one-up the Veeky Forums Fact with one that is *actually* based on relatively exclusive knowledge to the average Veeky Forums denizen.
>I don't know therefore you're wrong
>one blows up and kills innocent
>other doesn't
>call out one as shit and other as friendly
>Look up how Sikhsm was founded you dumb fuck
Like anyone who says this shit has
>>I don't know therefore you're wrong
Wrong about huh?
That's not what I'm saying.
You're neck-deep in the point and you refuse to look down.
Fuck off back to /pol/ m8
It's not /pol/ to hate a religion. Religions are ideologies like everything else criticized here. There are people who hate communism, national socialism, fascism, capitalism....
>you can't criticize my religion
regressive left in action
Whatever you do, don't go to wikipedia. Some of the most blatantly dindu shit I've ever read there, on all articles related to sikhism and islam, from both perspectives.
So much for being publicly editable.
Last week I read there, that Iraq was THE founding member of the UN, and the central fucking area of the Roman Empire. I'd laugh if I hadn't thrown up in my mouth.
Like that guy was about to have any sort of real discussion
Yes because all of these things have been perpetuated by Veeky Forums alone. Sounds like you need to get out more user.
>They are brothers-in-arms against the mudslime menace
bitch please, before 9/11 sikhs went around proclaiming that they were closer to islam than any indian religion.
guru nanak had hindu and muslim devotees and early sikhism was one of many local syncretic movements all across india.
the entire concept of the khalsa arose much later.
You can criticize religion, never implied you couldnt; but if all you want is "redpilled" religions and to tote the /pol/ line with muh islam this, muh islam that, fuck off back to pol make. this is for /history/ cunt.
They have done literally nothing. They are yet another group of subhuman shitskins.
>you can criticize religion
>just not islam because muh feelings
>ignores all the posts with regards to christianity in this board
The doublespeak is astounding, how are you blind to this?
>a Veeky Forums Fact is often quite a commonly held opinion or parcel of knowledge, no scarcer than your average liberal pundit's dialogue.
Remember how ragecomics used to be a "Veeky Forums thing"? Who propagates them nowadays? That's a similar concept.
Imagine what this intellectual thinks when he stumbles upon a real gem of a Veeky Forums Fact.
"The doublespeak is astounding, how are you blind to this?"
Bla bla bla
Muh "you dont care about christianity, christians are persecuted, waaaaah"
Fuck off back to /pol/ m8. This isn't about religion, this is /history/. If you wanna talk about how much of a closet muslim you are and how you hate islam, go suck a camel dick and go back to /pol/ fag.
Fuck off if you wanna talk about christianity too, but at least then its not just regurgitation of "ISLAM, ISLAM, MUDSKINS, RELIGION OF PEACE"
Not him but you are so salty its hilarious
Praise KEK fellow believer! We're gonna bring 'em down! Fight the good fight!
BTW Have you seen Religulous? Like woah talk about thought provoking!
"peaceful islam" of any kind is the most insidious, most dangerous.
Thats why they are bros, in this place
Jesus Christ.
Chill out with the sjw. This is pathetic. Your feelings got hurt, now you're resorting to irrational tangent discourses to deflect this.
The only way you can find such mild, rational salt funny is if you yourself are leaking sodium chloride from your peehole
>irrational tangent discourses
Dude's been consistent throughout the exchange. There's intelligent discourse, theological debate, and there's cringy memey content like "Battle mudskins with me bros! Fuck Year Sikhism!"
/pol/ is the prime hotspot for that low-hanging fruit whether you like it or not.
>Indian religion
Sikhs aren't Hindu, streetshitter.
Hey gurdeep, put the heroin needle down.
The fact that anyone on this site is trying to act like an intellectual is pretty embarrassing.
Like how Jesus was a Jew.
Guru Nanak was against the Dogmatic wars constantly forcing even brother and brother killing each other.
Sikhism rose out of the defiance of this. It's why the idea of a fundamentalist Sikh or a fanatical Sikh are hilariously stupid and contradictory.
Sikhism is a moral code that's very hard to bend to extremist ways because ultimately, it's about not losing yourself in devotion.
>this is /history/.
Well you're half right. Unfortunately, you forgot the important part.
the part the majority of this board has been about? History? Not kek kek kek "fucking islam, deus veult, I'm as cancerous as the rawr fags of the myspace era?
>mfw a couple of officers think we're all fucking buddies just because I'm also Sikh
Nothing. They may be nice, but reminder they have similar global numbers to Mormons worldwide. They're not even 2% of India's population let alone large and historic enough to have an impact other religions have had. It's just PR. Which is okay, there's nothing wrong with advertising the positive tenets of your faith. But when your belief is really just a syncretism of two of the world's largest faiths and you number less than 50M globally, it really raises my almonds why their representation is relentlessly overt.
they dislike the muslim. a lot of their bigger temples have a tasty meal for anyone who shows up. they bathe more than the hindu and don't have problems using a toilet.
It's literally a religion that was created to kill Muslims.