Why the fuck everyone thinks serbs are kebab removers? They were allied to ottomans and contributed to defeat in battle of warna by delaying Skanderbeg and his soldiers. If he managed to get to battle christians would have won thanks to his military genius. Albanians are true kebab removers
Why the fuck everyone thinks serbs are kebab removers...
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dont you understand memes?
That's a strange way of spelling croats
>he doesn't know about Greatest Kebab Remover
Other kebabs?
>Kebab remover
>Literally the only nation in Europe with over 51% Muslims
But they fought turks. And they done it well
How muslim were the Ottomans really?
>But they fought turks
Well, just like a lot of other countries.
What do you mean?
They literally BTFO them for a couple decades without little to no external support. Also they are atheist
Being a child is thinking Serbs removed kebab
Being an adult is knowing that the Croats did it best.
Being mature is knowing croats sucked Austro-Hungarian dick willingly while serbs at least resisted their colonization
Didn't they go to war against Hungary in 1849 or something?
>Also they are atheist
Albanian confirmed. Leave this place, subhuman.
He used to be one of the most-well known generals in europe, almost as well known as Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar.
/int/ is down the hall and to the left.
Timur the lame?
Skanderbeg was a military genius of the first magnitude. From all the guys the Turks fought in Europe, he likely was the single most efficient military commander. His battle record reads like something out of a Hollywood movie. Like he and a small band of peasant militia, bandits and whatever he could muster fight 100'000 Turks and win, twice.
Yet, he had about the worst political cards dealt to him, poor fucker literally never caught a break, and so in the end his fight was only largely unsuccessful.
Still worth reading about him. Guy that wears a helmet like that to battle is always worth reading about.
Genghis and Timur where the biggest removers.
However, you can make a fair case that Skanderbeg was the greatest {{{Christian}}} Kebab remover. He likely killed more Ottoman soldiers than any other Commander.
The Jew?
He was the GOAT!
You misunderstand most people belive in God they just don`t care about Religion since caring about it would have stopped the forming of a Albanian identity wich you still feel today with everyone having 3 shirts with the Albanian flag on it and claiming it`s the best country while being in Germany (like everyone else)
>wonder what user means
>google Croatia
>find out he just means that they fought alot of wars on this land
I mean if we look at it that way Albania was a major contributer in WW1 cause they shot some Serbs and had battles take place in Albania wich had nothing to do with it.
>resisted colonization
>already colonized by Turks and gypsies
Lmao. Not that the Austrians really colonized. No native Germans in Croatia today, the Austrians just built a shitton of roads, railroads, and bridges, taught people how to read, and taxed the shit out of the population. That's why Slovenia and Croatia are so much wealthier today, while Bosnia and Serbia suffer. Turks were a lot worse than Austrians, they just took and took while giving nothing back. The Austrians gave infrastructure for selfish reasons, but they still gave it.
That's just your average balkanite behavior.
>100'000 Turks and win, twice.
Do people really think the Ottomans had 100,000 men when they went to war with Skanderberg? Even in mass concripts there's no way they would have gotten enough men to be throwing away dozens of thousands year after year.
Fucking retarded Balkanoids.
Although true Timur was also himself a bloody turko-mongol.
I know of a battle where he beat 100.000 Turks with 10.000 Albanians and killed 30.000 Turks while doing so.
>I know of a battle where he beat 100.000 Turks with 10.000 Albanians and killed 30.000 Turks while doing so.
Lmao that's what I'm talking about
found it:
Also note that 100.000 is a very significant force, it is more or less the biggest number the ottomans were able to field in a battle.
that pic is some new level of autism
>Taking memes seriously
I'm not saying that the Ottomans didn't have a larger sometimes when they went to war but being able to wielding 100,000 soldiers in 1457 long before they reached their prime is ridiculous and clearly an exaggeration.
Especially for a single battle kek
ottoman prime began 1453 with the conquest of constantinople, where they also fielded around 100k.
>ottoman prime began 1453 with the conquest of constantinople, where they also fielded around 100k.
>Figures according to recent estimates and Ottoman archival data. The Ottoman Empire, for demographic reasons, would not have been able to put more than 80,000 men into the field at the time
We tend to go with the minimum figures when it comes shaky stuff like this so they had something around 50,000.
Not saying Skanderberg wasn't amazing btw. But he didn't repel a force of 100,000.
the army was supposed to capture Kruje, which was Skanderbegs main castle but they got beaten before reaching it.
>No native Germans in Croatia today
Like one in twenty Croats I know have German surnames. Funnily enough, they're the most hardcore Croatian nationalists.
>Do people really think the Ottomans had 100,000 men when they went to war with Skanderberg?
Yes, inf act they do: en.wikipedia.org
>Even in mass concripts there's no way they would have gotten enough men to be throwing away dozens of thousands year after year.
History tell us the great Turk did pretty much that for 25 years straight. And Skanderbeg fucked him up year after year.
We all know who the real kebab removers are.
>History tell us the great Turk did pretty much that for 25 years straight.
History written by whom?
>100,000 to 160,000 men
>Hodkinson p. 107.
>During his career he supported the Albanian cause and took up strong anti-Serb and anti-Bulgarian positions.
The guy has no credibility and everything about him screams bias.
why exactly is it outrageous that the army that conquered one of the greatest empires to have ever existed would field armys of up to 100.000.
i think you are the biased one, probably serb or greek.
>why exactly is it outrageous that the army that conquered one of the greatest empires to have ever existed would field armys of up to 100.000.
Because it's impractical for demographic reasons.
>i think you are the biased one, probably serb or greek.
Nope lol. If anything I'd be a Turk.
it is impractical for an empire with a population of around 20 million to field an army of 100.000.
>History written by whom?
Well, the Venetians had a great seat to view the show, so did the Papal states. And then the Ottoman archives also hold some good sources.
Before you go full chauvinistic balkan asshole, Albanians are the same shit balkan niggers as the rest of you apes, but Skanderbeg was a great general.
Yet history tells us times and times again that the Turks did exactly that. They fielded a gigantic army every bloody season.
Check the Austrian Turkis wars, the siege of Malta, the Albanian Turkish wars and so on.
that was sarcasm. it is obviously not hard to recruit 100.000 soldiers if the population is in the millions.
It actually is very hard when you are a pre industrial nation without any modern technology. And the Turks where one of few empires that had that ability for centuries.
>Well, the Venetians had a great seat to view the show, so did the Papal states. And then the Ottoman archives also hold some good sources.
The Ottoman sources say the opposite.
They may have had these soldiers later on, but in 1450 when they were still barely a power? No fucking way.
Who are you trying to kid? The Ottomans where the most formidable war machine at the time and this was their main phase of expansion, including sacking Constantinople.
Go take your balkan shit bias elsewhere.
>I don't care about historical consensus if I don't want something to be true it isn't.
Typical american attitude. Go vote Trump you retarded donkey fucker.
>If anything I'd be a Turk.
user if you are not sure what you are go outside and ask someone how your national flag looks like.
>You're biased if you don't believe in inflated numbers from medieval sources.
I bet you believe the Persians could field 5 million soldiers too.
Those numbers have been checked and double checked countless times by different historians.
Thats what we call academic consensus.
Now go fuck off and spread your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
>by different historians.
Post these historians here then albo scum.
>we wuz kebab removers n shiieet
more than half the ottoman empire grand viziers were albanian. fuck off you turklet.
>Those numbers have been checked and double checked countless times by different historians.
Which ones? What historians?
>Now go fuck off and spread your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
The turks wouldn't raise 100,000 troops to deal with a rebellious albo fucking goats in his mountains, especially in the year 1450.
Kebab = turks
Not all muslims are kebabs, but all kebabs are muslim
>dozens of respected academicians from all over the world say something completely different than I want to be true
>they all lie
>because I say so
He was a giant pain in turkish ass. He even had to lead to a crusade
Vlad Dracul, John Hunyadi, Stephen of Moldavia.
All of these were huge thornes in the Sultan's side and yet he never sent more than 80,000 men to defeat them. What makes Skanderbeg special?
He was right in the neighborhood and was trying to get an alliance with Venice and the Pope, threatening the entire Balkan and Greece.
>I hate Albanians and their history so much
>the post
Venice was busy fighting the city-states of northern Italy and the Pope had almost no power to organize a new crusade.
>I hate Albanians and their history so much
This is why you're the laughing stock of the balkans, right behind the ''macedonians'', everything is about YOUR history and everyone who contradicts your point of view is an evil serb or turk.
Well, I guess you have to ask Sultan Murad II and Sultan Mehmet II why they did send their full armies to Albania then. While you are at it, ask them what made them lose to Skanderbeg again and again.
Dear Balkannigger, I am not a Balkannigger at all. Just a guy that happens to be interested in history and chauvinistic fucks that claim shit like you just trigger me.
>I'm not an albo, I swear!
And once again, you haven't refuted any of my ''claims''.
Why would I try to do that. All academic sources say the opposite of what you claim, plus you didn't bring a single source.
Frankly, I don't see reason to take you for full. with all the ad hominem ad "albo" hate it is pretty clear what kind of nutcase you are.
An albanian lord that controls some mountaneous regions in todays northern albania can recruit 10.000 soldiers but the ottoman empire controlling most of the balkans, greece, and anatolia can't recruit 100.000
t. butthurt balkanigger.
Because most people only cares about relatively modern history. Albanians are muslim, serbs genocided muslims (bosnians).
On a related note, the french are "bad at war".
All muslims in the balkans are kebabs by association, though. The remove kebab meme actually refers to bosniaks.
One of the greatest Montenegrins ever.
the butthurt balkanigger is back guys
Seriously though, his mother was from Doclea.
who the fuck cares
The guy who got butthurt that the greatest Albanian ever was actually from Montenegro. I personally don't give a fuck.
Having a mother from an ethnically mixed dynasty does not make him Montenegrian, butthurt balkanigger.
Incredibly Muslim, this was central to their identity and legitimacy as a state. However, they were much less observant of scripture than your average Arab Muslim today.
>resorts to namecalling
why? Is there something inherently wrong in the guy being from Montenegro's noble family and ruling over his fiefdom in what is now Albania during time when national identity was nonexistant?
he was part of the Kastrioti noble family, which was albanian, balkanigger.
I didn't want these Feels man ;_;
Why can't be a part of that family and still be Montenegrin. Helen of Anjou married some Serbian king, marriage doesn't make her serbian by magic.
The Serbs killing of Franz Ferdinand lead to a war that you could argue caused every single other war that came after it, therefore the Serbs have indirectly caused every war after WW1.
wtf i love serbs now!
It is true though they lost the meme war against Germany wich it won by skillfully making France look like the loser .
The good old times before Albanians outbred Serbs so much they eent from 40- 50% to 90% of the population.
So serbs didnt have a phase of massive population explosion? Kosovo became albanian because the serbs migrates from there into the vojvodina. Albanians made kosovo albanian, serbs made vojvodina serbian.
>all kebabs are muslim
But I'm a Turk and not a Muslim.
An old name for Bosniaks is "Turks", so in the song, the line:
"Ustaše i turci"
refers to Croats and Bosniaks.
Either you are member of a 0.2% minority (1 in 500) or just another lying roach.
should be noted that those migrations happened because of oppressive turkish rule, not because people felt like they coulf use a stroll
>citing wikipedia as a source
why are wh*Te subhumans so fucking retarded?
like you're extraordinarily retarded, is it genetic inferiority?
t. not him
>t. not him
I want to understand why you wh*Te dogs are so fucking retarded. Tell me wh*Te subhuman (or balkanrapebaby)
>most high ranking ottoman officials were albanian
>ataturk even was probably partially albanian
>b-but they removed kebab
If anything albanians are the biggest kebabs after turks themselves.
i love balkanites' autism. turks kicked their ass hard, ruled them centuries and they cant stop talking about how they resisted ottoman military machine.
Ataturk being albanian is a balkanrapebaby meme.
first, Ataturk's heritage is documented
second, he's too wh*Te to be considered as an albonigger