$400 in 5 weeks - The trend hasn't changed

Some people laughed when I wrote this last Wednesday:

>I've analyzed all data available and concluded that if the current trend continues, Neo will be worth 0.1 BTC (about $400) in five weeks or less.
>3 weeks ago, 1 Neo was worth $7 USD.
>2 weeks ago, 1 Neo was worth $11 USD.
>1 week ago, 1 Neo was worth about $ 19 USD.
>Now, Neo is worth $24 USD.
>Notice the trend?

4 days later, Neo is at $46. The trend hasn't changed. The price of Neo has nearly doubled every week. It dipped dozens of times, but each time it recovered and reached the ATH the next day.

Show me something that NEO is doing that no one else is?

Have you looked at their github?

Please tell me where the value is for the coin holders.

I'll wait.

Please tell me how eth which has an unlimited supply and its only real use case so far is to create more coins, could ever be worth $400

>Show me something that NEO is doing that no one else is?
Smart contracts with support for multiple programming languages.
POS supply (of Gas).
Long tail potential (the Chinese market).

>Have you looked at their github?
Yes. They haven't updated it in a while. They don't use it.

>Have you looked at their github?
you mean the one that hasn't been updated since january? gee, that couldn't possibly mean they don't use it anymore. lol it must mean they aren't coding anything and it's all one big scam, am i rite

Thinking about selling all my Eth for neo is that a good idea

Reminder that eth is but a platform for launching shittokens when we're talking utility

So how is NEO better than the other upcoming smart contract platforms?

Dont ask me im not OP but these are crazy times. I mean people are paying $4000+ for imaginery internet money. What a time to be alive.

you read that one thread about their github right?

you have no neo right?

you're mad right?

>imaginery internet money
All money is imaginAry.

Multiple programming languages, a team that is actually engaged holding conferences etc but at the end of the day it only has to equal eth and its undervalued right now but as has been shown it fixes multiple eth problems so you tell me what it should be worth

>le Chinese ETH
Chinamen account for less than 30% of the volume.

>thinks no chinese people use bittrex

ANS was traded almost exclusively in Chinese exchanges (>90%). Suddenly they all moved to Bittrex?

>Chinamen account for less than 30% of the volume.
Where did you get this information from? It doesn't matter who is buying Neo. Neo is NOT a currency, it's shares used to make a currency. Right now the market is speculating. Investors are interested in the possibility of mass adoption of the platform in China (we're talking years from now), where the market is huge.

To be clear, I don't think Neo will replace Ethereum in the West. Still, I see much more growth potential in Neo at this moment.

So are we still on track for $400 in 5 weeks? 5 weeks from now?

>thinks he can know if btc belong to chinese or not

>are we still on track
Absolutely. The price went from 24 to 46 in a few days, that's in line with the initial prediction.

As I said earlier, it has dipped dozens of times, which is normal and healthy.

pretty entry-tier

can we stop with this "gas is the real currency" meme? Read the fucking paper.

>Read the fucking paper.

I've read it. It says:
>NEO represent the ownership of the blockchain, which is used for electoral accounting, to obtain GAS dividends, etc. GAS represents the right to use the blockchain, and is used to pay fees of various systems on the chain.

Pic related. Gas is cash, Neo is shares. Period.


this guy is right Why the fuck was it called AntSHARES before otherwise?

Who else saw the whale pushing the price down?
This wall disappeared seconds after I took the screenshot. Then the price shot up.

Why did they have to have such a shit conference the first time? I sold off afterwards because of how terrible it was (and that Microsoft Exec that never showed). Goddamn I could be rich right now

>>Have you looked at their github?
>Yes. They haven't updated it in a while. They don't use it.
How delusional could you be. Rofl.

if you think NEO ICOs are going to ask for gas and not NEOs, you got another thing coming

>Being this retarded

we tried to tell you it wasn't a big deal, user

It's that shitty avatarfagging that convinced me not to jump back in

Folks, get ready to buy cheap Neo after Bittrex recovers from the outage.

>How delusional could you be. Rofl.
Well, I have projects on GitHub that I haven't updated in a while, yet I'm still working on them.

You're not the only one, everybody hates this guy.

He almost had me convinced at $11 but I powered through it. And now I have more money than I used to.

what's the fastest way for me to get BTC from gemini to bittrex? I cant buy neo and I don't want to miss out :(


if you aren't holding neo, you're delusional. check yourselves, this shit is not done mooning.

Can't wait for NEO to moon again so I can dump this shitcoin for BAT

shit coins don't usually moon again after being injected with 2 billion dollars already.

but yeah, chink scam coin dude. totally.

there's always such epic asspain whenever a coin does this

i just sit back and enjoy these threads even if i'm not financially invested


>shit coins don't usually moon again after being injected with 2 billion dollars already.
B-but it mooned yesterday.

saw it too user

Just bought 10 more and am going to keep buying 10 NEO every hour until this dip is over