>the flood didn't happen
How do Christians justify this?
The flood didn't happen
>he doesn't know about the historically attested global flood
it's an indo-european meme
look up "black sea deluge"
the ie peoples spread after their lake became a saltwater sea
the jews probably got this myth while in babylon, if you believe in their own stories of captivity
>if I double post my (((wiki))) page it might come true
Nice try, synagogue of satan.
That's nothing even approaching an argument
There are no historical documentation of the flood only a flood myth found in ancient religious texts and beliefs.
>he doesn't know the meaning of the word "myth"
A lot of Christians believe the flood was local.
Middle east flooded (omg the world is drowned!), atheists are still buttmad about it centuries later and claim its a myth. Flood myth was lifted from Mesopotamia either or
Fucking hell that's old
>he... he shit all over my argument
>"that's not an argument user desu ;_;"
atheists don't care about the flood or the rest. it's just people looking to shit on Christianity (some of whom may be atheists)
The Bible says the entire world though.
yeah, and neither is waving around a wikipedia article.
What part of his post was an argument?
Yes it is faggot, especially when it completely destroys your point
Why is there an ocean today and it's really big
>destroys your point
But it proves his point.
The Bible says not to lean on my own understanding. Admittedly my understanding is that the flood didn't happen and that's okay because I don't look to my own understanding but instead defer to the Bible on all matters. If I believed the flood then I would merely be leaning on my own understanding which happens to coincide with the Bible. I am called to turn away from expecting my own understanding to reconcile theological matters.
that's a pretty weaselly way of divesting yourself of the articles of faith.
>not understanding the difference between faith and reason
Read some Tertullian queer
The flood was universal if you look at the cretaceous layer.
Philosophical suicide
Haha that actually makes an incredible amount of sense. I never thought of the world as being less than like 80% water before God flooded it.
>what is Pascals wager
Believing in God is literally the only rational conclusion
Yeah but which one?
>historically attested global flood
>what is the end of the Younger Dryas
I forgot to quote. But I was mocking
accepting cosmologies or histories is not necessary to being saved. I'm not called upon to understand such complicated matters.
phoneposter pls
The flood myth is ubiquitous across the world and most people peg it to rapidly rising sea levels at the end of the Ice Age.
Many, if not most people lived next to water.
>I'm going to take the Bible as literal history just to make Christians look bad
>Prove me wrong
I bet you think you're so big and clever
>>the flood didn't happen
Wow. Bible predicted that in the end days there would be people as stupid as you are. Another prophecy fulfilled.
it is literal history tho
no christian doubted the flood happened until the 18th century
>No Christian doubted the flood happened until independent thought was a thing
Consider my Niggertoes notified