Tell me about Rhodesia Veeky Forums

Tell me about Rhodesia Veeky Forums

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Uhh, white people were fine and then niggers ruined it, or that is what /pol/ told me so.

I'm not even a /pol/ack but can you disprove this ? Had Mugabe not done a coup, could Zimbabwe-Rhodesia have continued the progress of Rhodesia?

>Britain wants a Cape to Cairo railroad
>takes over a bunch of bumfuck Africa
>eventually Africa becomes a political liability because the US and USSR are both more powerful than UK and both of them want decolonization
>Britain refuses to grant independence to a country without majority rule
>Rhodesia declares independence to dodge the majority rule thing
>literally every major power basically tells them to go fuck themselves
>eventually get ROFLstomped after the Portuguese stop being fascist and get out of Africa, leaving Angola and Mozambique open to guerrillas backed by the USSR and China
>everything goes okay for about ten years and then Mugabe goes full retard
>later on, stormfags settle on them as a mascot, despite the fact that nobody in Rhodesia liked them

The Internal Settlement was signed in 1978 and Mugabe took over in 1980. Not "ten years." Muzorewa was the country's last best hope and he was imprisoned by Mugabe in 1983. The Shona started massacreing people from 1983 to 1987.

Mugabe was democratically elected through the strength of the voice of the people.

I was referring specifically to the farm takeovers and the economic collapse.

Still, this is a classic example of the 7 Ps in action.

Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Ian Smith could have had better terms in 1964, but he chose to deny reality until it was too late to avoid a total collapse of their system of government.


Who's reality? Why should they have to give up their land simply because of where their ancestors settled.

Because all five members of the UN Security Council oppose your continued existence and moral superiority doesn't stop bullets.

Africa's last best hope (now lost).

Ian Smith originally had high hopes for Mugabe.
Obviously he didn't really turn out.

He also prove the white Rhodesians concerns 100% justified and turned the jewel of Africa into the go to example of a failed state.
Blacks are incapable of civilisation.

A white country with a black majority

They didn't have to give up their land, they just had to let the blacks fucking vote as equal citizens.
Botswana, LITERALLY NEXT DOOR TO RHODESIA, accepted majority rule without an autistic twenty year civil war and they have had a constitutional democracy with regular elections ever since.

Colonialism remembered by /pol/ for only its best characteristics.

Oh boy this /pol/fogram

Where all the Rhodesian olympic medals and World Championships.

Oh wait they don't have any.

Of course he 'proved' the whites right. When you build a civilization on the racist exploitation of the working peoples, don't be mad when POC get pissed off.

>national worth is determined by sports achievements

Yeah, nothing is more liberating like being forced to vote for the same guy under threat of violence for several decades while he steals all the choicest parcels of land for himself and his buddies, while ruining the economy to the point of switching the national currency to USD because your own was so devalued.
wtf I love Mugabe now!

> the guy explicitly put "world class athletes" under the list of (((achievements)))

This post is so /leftypol/ it hurts

Literal communist nigger revolutionaries ruined the best place in all of Africa, and it was of course the best under white westerners.
This is the underlying truth, and why we try and pretend it didn't exist.

"This is German empire. They are bringing civilisation to Togo. They build hospitals, construct railways and plant crops. But they know the blacks would hate them no matter how nice they are to them, so they slaughter all of them in advance.
Germany is smart. Be like Germany."

>Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Those are 6 P's

Yeah and your retardheid segregationism was so great it got overran by a horde of enraged feral niggers who went ahead and turned it into a shithole anyway. Every country that had colonialism, slavery, and segregation sucks more than countries that didn't.

>Every country that had colonialism, slavery, and segregation sucks more than countries that didn't.
USA? Canada? Australia? New Zealand? Hong Kong? Macau? Singapore?

Literally every country except from Japan and Korea have been colonised. Just by the British, I might add


You see, and if I had planned it out better, there would have been better performance.

Howard Wilson sperged out because White Rhodesians didn't want to give their country to a bunch of monkeys

>everything goes okay for about ten years and then Mugabe goes full retard
More like 20 years, it all went haywire when Mugabe enacted the Fast Track Land Reform 2000