Phone explodes(yes, the battery fucking exploded somehow)

>phone explodes(yes, the battery fucking exploded somehow)
>almost burns down my house, barely lucky enough to put out the flame in time
>my ethereum wallet was on there
>had 20 eth in it, along with $10,000+ in other altcoins

I'm fucked, Veeky Forums. I can't believe I was retarded enough to put this much money on a phone. Is there any way to get it back? I'm desperate, I was going to pay my student loans with that money.

Here's my address if anyone wants to donate: 0xcF481F44E68D8A28318ba1CB39a1F15adFbc75EA

any chance it came with a restoration key/file when you made the wallet?

begging is against the rules faggot, enjoy being banned on top of being poor

Nice just sold my phone

nigga dont put your fucking wallet in a galaxy note 7

Is that the big list of words that comes up when you make a wallet? I had it, but it was saved as a screenshot, which is... on the phone.

Did you catch all the smoke that came from your exploded phone? Maybe you can reverse entropy somehow.


Don't mind me, I just want to take advantage of the free money aura.
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k


nice, sent 100k

>putting it only on a phone
You deserve this

You should be able to access your account from a PC.

lolol you got 10k+ on your wallet and you're begging. GTFO

>people who don't back things up on 5+ different none internet connected devices.

>Not backing up your wallets onto a usb, making an additional paper copy, wrapping them in aluminum foil and plastic to protect from emp/water, and burying them in a box under your vegetable garden

>trusting any device with your shekels
This is why passphrases are a thing nigga.

REKT! thats what you get for buying cheap chink phones

My phone has 3% battery left, send some BTC


begging is bannable fuck off fag

wait there are actually people who doesnt do that?

Donating is pointless, your dumbass will just lose it all again.

Begging?? That was an order, fag!


>he doesn't have his crypto stash rainy day doombox surgerically implanted underneath his kidneys
enjoy the neighbor's dog making off with your gains

>I had it, but it was saved as a screenshot, which is... on the phone.

LMAOOO, sorry man, I spit out my drink from laughing so hard. That's like keeping the spare key from your safe inside your safe...

So, anyone with access to your SD card could just take your life savins?
Sounds kind of genious.

maybe the electronics in your phone are okay and you can just replace the battery.
Also wich phone was it?


That's why you keep your coins at the base.

You don't understand... I lost access to the wallet with the coins when my phone exploded.

It was an Lg G Vista 2. It's cheap, but it's from a reputable company.

No SD card. It was on the phone's internal memory.

LG G Vista 2. I doubt it, to put it out I had to pour water on it.

My whole reason for putting the coins on my phone instead of an exchange is that I didn't want Mt. Gox to happen again to Bittrex/Poloniex.

>>phone explodes
>>almost burns down my house

Best kek all day. I pray that this is true. If you send me a photo of your exploded phone I'll send you 0.3 BTC. Just post your address alongside the photo.

weak story op

sent 100k

If there's anything of the phone left take it to a data recovery shop and cross your fingers, will lose a chunk of that change from charges but at least you get some back