*shaves your head*
Heh, nothing personnel Han.
*shaves your head*
Great movie.
What movie is this?
I mean I understand (kinda) wanting to humiliate your opponent and show him you're boss, but really, they couldn't find any other way to do it?
That haircut is so hideous (and would have been so common, since Han would have been the vast majority) it's as bad a punishment for the watcher as it is for the wearer.
it was the traditional manchu style, says alot about the manchu really
>yfw some manchu got laughed at by han for having that haircut so he just sperged out and forced all han to wear it
I can just imagine it. They wanted to spread their pain.
Why didn't the Chinese go back to long flowing hair after the Manchurians were defeated?
something something communism muh revolutionary ideals fuck confucianism
not my long flowing hair pls dont
becauselong hair is a huge pain in the ass to maintain and wash no one actually wants to keep their hair long but muh filial respect forced them too.
Fuck yeah that haircut is the shit.
Because modern, anti-Qing, non-Confucian, western-educated, nationalist Chinese believe combovers were the hairstyle of the modern, anti-Qing, non-Confucian, western-educated, nationalist Chinese.
Hair was all the buzz in the ancient world and in this case, China. Hair symbolizes fertility, manliness, loyalty, social status, etc.
The que was to show that Han are cucks as it devalued their social status, their manliness and showed them to be subservient to the Qing.
I'm not even joking about the "cuck" part, the word maybe bit of a meme today, but the meaning stands.
fucking hair politics
is there any other society as autistic as china? is it even possible?
>21 million killed over a bamboo pole price dispute
I mean the jews who committed mass suicide in masada is another example.
>Hair was all the buzz in the ancient world and in this case, China. Hair symbolizes fertility, manliness, loyalty, social status, etc.
>The que was to show that Han are cucks as it devalued their social status, their manliness and showed them to be subservient to the Qing.
So the Manchu Emperor was also a "shaved cuck?" he had the same hairstyle.
It was just the Manchu interpretation of Chinese custom.
>Chinese all have long hairs, just like their Emperor.
>Think they should have your Emperor's same hairstyle too.
>Everyone loyal to the Qing should be the same lol.
'Sides, the Manchus didn't practice Race-Caste System like the Mongols did. Han generals could rise high in the Manchu court, considering the cooperation of the Chinese generals allowed for Manchu Conquest to happen in the first place.
It's not particularly autistic. I mean how is it different from say european wigs?
Haircut styles are fashion and symbolism in fashion is a universal thing.
>Romans basing their political parties on sports teams.
Wait what?
He's probably referring to the chariot races factionalism. It sometimes happened that people supporting certain political interests aligned themselves towards supporting a specific racing team out of the four.
Short hair is just better.
So i know about the queue order...but what happend if you shaved it ALL off and claimed you were a baldlet... would they execute you for having shit genes?
Manchus definitely played the race card. Ethno-centrism was a common thing during Manchu ruling especially since they were getting the western scientific racism literature.
You can always know someone's a pleb when they start what they say with "I mean"
It's no better then "Um, y'know?"
I saw then and was going to fix it but the captcha took ages.
>Manchus definitely played the race card. Ethno-centrism was a common thing during Manchu ruling especially since they were getting the western scientific racism literature.
Is that why the Manchu banners gave Manchu princesses and ladies out like popcorn to every Han/Mongol leader at the very start of their empire to ensure that everyone felt "in"?
Losing your language and culture by the 1700s doesn't seem very ethnocentric to me m8.
Thing is: Manchu ethnic identity was so brand new, it was founded while they were founding the Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately for that identity, it clashed with the Manchu Emperors embracing the Imperial Chink Culture that came with being rulers of China.
Like, you're a fucking asshole, bro.
How did everything go so wrong after the qianlong emperor's abdication?
It wasn't about humiliation since Manchus had this haircut too, but more about trying to force Manchu customs on the Han. Which failed quite spectacularly since the Hans pretty much assimilated the Manchu by this time.
Why exactly was this hair style enforced by the Manchu? Was it solely aimed at indigenous ethnic Han Chinese?
>I'm not even joking about the "cuck" part
I don't understand? It's not like the Manchu's practiced literal cuckoldry or anything.
>inb4 autism
I feel like this image captures so much in a few words
Always thought the Queue was goofy as shit but those guys look cool
please explain
Nvm, I thought it was a scene from The Last Emperor.
It was a mix of both since everyone had their own views. For the Manchus it was them imposing their power. While the Chinese felt it really bad, as it was almost sacrilegious for somene to cut his hair
Uh, sweetie, how about no.
>be southern Han Chinese, weeaboo or Korean
Reminder 80% of the Manchu army was filled with Shandongers and Shandongers colonized all of Manchuria and was the cradle of Korean and Japanese culture as well as Chinese civilization. Confucius was a Shandonger and Shandongers are the tallest, strongest people with the biggest dongs of the East
Great movie.
That's just called being south european.
They read that literature? I thought the Qing were pretty much against modernization?
Also Manchus conquered China is a meme. The Manchus used Han Banner and Green Standard army soldiers, most of them Shandongers and Hebei'ers to do 99% of the fighting during Xinjiang, Jinchuan campaigns and also Taiping. Shandongers cucked the Mans and Shandongers continue to spread their superior seed all over Asia and the world
When I went to China, Qingdao was the only city that didn't make me want to kill myself
*blocks your path*
Half-Mongol half-white here who knows some culture and language. The Manchuz were always Kim Jong Un-tier chink-gook WE WUZZERZ who constantly claimed connections to Genghis and Mongolia and Mt Baekdu Shan, when in fact most of them were mixed blood Korean-Chinese with the worldly understanding of peasants and spoke broken Mandarin as well as broken Manchu. They couldn't even govern like the Norks of today and are directly responsible for the failures seen in East Asia, which was made worse by the Japs when they came in, raped, and butchered the Manchuria's inhabitants in their sadistic scientific experiments at Unit 731
Thats because of Germcucks.
Not even once
They were Tungusic, user.
my point was clearly they weren't. can you read?
The worst meme in china is "mandate of heaven", where you would cuck your own people because some horsenigger said he could do it better than your dumb leaders
Actually, the real movers for dynastic transition were often ambitious defecting strategists, with the nomads almost reduced to figurehead rallying points. Nomads usually just want to plunder and capture Chinese as slaves and then go home to the steppe to enjoy the spoils. It's usually defecting Chinese strategists who want to become big shots running the bureaucracy (the nomads certainly aren't going to do that) that push for dynastic transition, and it's usually only the most Sinicized of the nomadic people who want to go along with it.
Consider for example that Liao and Jin originally tried to just raid and plunder and leave a puppet state in the territory proper to do the actual ruling. Shunzhi of the Qing was even said to have resented becoming Emperor, and his uncle Dorgon, who was his regent and the main driver of the Qing conquest (along with his defected Chinese strategists), ended up being posthumously stripped of titles and denounced.
Peace and prosperity and the lack of barbarian raiders were more important to the old Chinese desu.
Besides, that horsenigger's culture gets cucked down the road and a few generations, his descendants will be Confucius-spouting cunts far removed from the tent dwelling bloke his great granddad was.
Chinese are the masters of turning you towards them on their side. That's what's so dangerous about them and more relevant than ever right now. It's their whole culture, once you give up and accept their mediocre enticing demands you cave in to mediocre Chinese civilization and start acting, thinking and becoming more Chinese yourself.
They did that with the Qiangz, Xianbeiz, Manz and now they will do that with Tibetanz, Uyghurz, Mongolz eventually Korea and Vietnam
Trump and Putin are cucks falling into their demand
Nignog, please. Hanz never had any intention of assimilating foreign peoples other than Miao/Hmongz and Tibeto-Burman peoples no different from Hanz before the Qingz. Instead they would slowly ethnically cleanse them, than mix or assimilate them. The Qingz and Jinz clearly had a choice to choose to assimilate. There were plenty of cases of Xiongnu, Tujue, Mongolz and Khitanz not choosing to assimilate and returning back to the steppe. Han Chinese aren't steppe nigz, genius
The assimilation meme doesn't actually work.
How did the chinese go from genociding Xiongnu to getting cucked by Genghis and his descendants
Defectors. See There's that old story that Genghis wanted to kill everyone and convert everything into steppe, but one of his (Chinese defector) strategists assured him it'd be more profitable to just take over the pre-existing bureaucracy structure and collect the taxes.
Thanks for the link.
That is why they are massacred after the revolution.
Manchu are so fear of revenge that they all change their name to Chinese and never speak their language again.
>Manchu are so fear of revenge that they all change their name to Chinese and never speak their language again.
Lol, the Manchus declined in speaking their language by the mid 1700s, during the height of the Qing Dynasty.
By the 1800s, only the Emperor and the Imperial Clan were the ones left fully fluent in Manchu. The only way you could tell if someone was Manchu was if they had a Manchu name. But that cunt would most likely be babbling in Mandarin