All around me are familiar faces

all around me are familiar faces

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Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark Waiting in the dark

you are not alone my brothers. We will honourably sink down with the ship. been a pleasure meeting you all lads.




At a certain point, the coins get low enough that you can pretty easily day trade the position and lower your average price to a reasonable level.

I'm selling bros
65% but
Bittrex isn't coming...

65.75% down I meant to say
But I have to sell
I need a 195% increase to break even
And that's just not happening with this coin

Told you bizraelis yesterday that the bad news hasn't hit the public yet, it's spreading amongst the whales and they are dumping every opportunity they get.

This is literally the last chance, You could have saved 100-200 sat had you listened last night.

Now, I don't know how much it's going to go lower, but it will be a lot.

>no source

Yeah the coin is shit now and the devs are cunts, but don't go around with this rumor bullshit.

Oh btw fuck all of the FUDing in this thread. I will keep holding for at least a month and see if it gets added to one of the big exchanges.

the coins great, the devs quit. Out of respect for the people that provided me the information I decline to post it. Also I have no idea how the fuck to use gimp to block names out, it should be easy like mspaint but its not.

Hold your bags good goy.

You too, hold those bags.

where is screenshot guy.

he took my screenshots last time when i was warning yall.

you alive buddy?

I told them to cap me last night as well, they they got mad.

I can't wait for the pink wojak parade.

What the fuck are you guys on about?

>I don't have anything to back up my claims, just hodl goys!!

Yeah, fuck you, just unloaded my bags. .3 BTC loss, disaster, but also relief.

b...b..b..bittrex when?

This was the same exact fudding that went down last time. Im not selling everytime i have its been a mistake. If youre all in on sigt i feel bad for you but if you diversified in omg and bnb your gains should be good as hell

>devs quit

Source? I know the one guy went on vacation (wtf) but I haven't heard about the entire team quitting.

Literally nobody talks like this on Veeky Forums unironically. I see through your bullshit.
>tfw still in the green anyways
Yeah so fuckoff

>tfw still in the green anyways

why haven't you sold then? best case scenario the last two pumps repeat and you get up to like 4000 sats again. volume is currently 40 BTC, and it's dropping every minute. face it, this coin is dead in the water.

Im not selling you my bags my man. If theres no updates in another few weeks ill just write it off as a loss. Only people who trade their whole stacks or retarded proportions should be worried about stuff like this. It dropped to much lower volume at a much lower price last time. Im not Soros. If it gets to a buck then good to go, if not i write it off. No big deal.

They would prefer to get emotional about it.

A coin that is truly lost will not have people telling you to sell ASAP, it would just be full of people laughing at those stilll holding. Just look at the difference between SIGT and Digi threads.

Devs quitting has no source.
Bittrex confirmed has no source.
Bittrex lost has no source.
It's all FUD.

Do what you feel is right. I'm sure most of you holding could still profit if it crash to 1000sat anyway.

lol dump sigt and make your gains back on rain

FOMO is going to be real soon

hashpower is gone, devs are on "vacation", bittrex was a lie what else do you need to know


good luck getting out when the miners switch to something more lucrative.

Dear Lord my sides

Except in the after DGB dropped people WERE telling DGB holders to get out ASAP.
But yes, in a couple months, this too will be like DGB where the only thing left to do is laugh at those who couldn't save themselves.

Finally dropped these bags by the way, this shit is on it's way down to 500 sats.

>I'm sure most of you holding could still profit if it crash to 1000sat anyway.
Anyway that's the problem with your attitude. It's why you don't care enough to take a real look at what's going on, there's no urgency for you, yet at least. Same as the DGB holders
>it'd have to fall below 500 for me to lose money lol so who cares that it's plummeting might as well stay mindlessly hopeful
>oh 600 well I'm still in the green lol
>500 huh well it can't dip anymore time for the bounce it's not like I'm in the red so who cares
>400 oh whoa the signs were all around should have sold sooner but I still believe!
>300 pink wojak.jpg

>this shit is on it's way down to 500 sats.
Whoa, sooner than I thought by far

BURSTnation isn't FUD sage

Wow ive never seen my money go away so quickly before. All gone. Well like i said i wrote it off anyways. I LITERALLY cant use cryptopia on my phone anyways it doesnt work. So money gone forever. Faggot scammers win sometimes

lol just seen the price now, no point even selling, im sitting with 15k sigt