Did it have a slight medical benefit? Perhaps. But I have a very strong feeling that this is not the reason why the ritual has endured. Is there perhaps some psychosexual or neurological consequence of the ritual that the community finds valuable? Some sort of tribal imprinting? A manipulation of the sexual consciousness?
What is it, Veeky Forums?
Alright, so how the fuck did this start and why has it lasted?
Outside of America:
Literally only Jews do it
Inside America:
Some whack jobs in the 19th century went 'IT'LL STOP PEOPLE WANKING' and americans don't stop because 'Well, if I got mutilated, my son has to be!'
What the hell? I have never seen anyone open up a banana with a knife. You can easily take off the skin by pinching the top and peeling it off. Repeat the process with all the other parts and your banana is free.
He's on about circumcision
Wrong, 1.6 billion muslims, 800 million of which are males are circucumcised :)
>Literally only Jews do it
No, most Muslims also do it.
It's a sandnig tribal custom that helps with smegma if you're a desert nomad who washes once every 10 years. Americans adopted it because hurpdurp muh puritan heritage kids shouldn't fap. Greeks and Romans found it repulsive and rightfully so.
>be muslim
>hate the jew
>adopt jewish custom of mutilation
Well I'm guessing since they weren't as hygenic back then, there was a much greater risk of getting an infection. So there was some medical benefit.
Islam was created from a man surrounded by Jewish people in Mecca. Muhammad purchased Talmudic recitals and he adopted many of their traditions.
Arabs have followed the traditions of circumcision long before Islam. Now today we see Muslims from Indonesia to France getting circumcised everyday :)
>Greeks and Romans found it repulsive and rightfully so.
Same people found sex with animals and homosexuals perfectly fine. Swell group of people :)
>crazy desert religion that every one hates.
Jews, Muslims, same difference
Not really. What mattered was that you were on top. It didn't matter who the bottom was.
e.g., slave gets fucked by citizen. Citizen shouldn't be fucked by citizen, slaves or freedmen.
Also, they didn't fuck animals.
>passive aggressive smileys
lol google zoophilia in Rome civil life and Greek mythology :)
I got cut at age 18 because i had phimiosis :(
>Same people found sex with animals and homosexuals perfectly fine
At least they had enough respect for their bodies to not to mutilate their sons or cut up their daighters.
>Literally only Jews do it
Muslims and SEAsians actually.
Even Catholic Philippinos do it.
It's a tribal thing in Island Southeast Asia, AFAIK.
Circumcision is beneficial, period. Just like taking your kids tonsilis out as a toddler to prevent a life time of infection.
Then there ought to be a clear difference in men's sexual health between uncircumcised Europeans and circumcised Americans, which simply is not present.
That doesn't mean 'AAAY FUCK ALL THE ANIMALS!' like you're implying
>citation needed
underrated post
Semitic people used to do it before The jews showed up, even Georgians for some reason
Jews, basically
>implying you aren't just revisionist jews
keep telling yourself that
>muslims Never had/continue to have sex with young boys
How to spot the arab 101
> 2017
> Pinching the top of your banana and peeling it off
> Not using the superior knife technique
Fucking barbarian
How do they still have a penis if they get a part of it cut off every single day
Which is funny, because nowhere does the holy Quran say Muslims have to do it and it actually implies that it is repulsive.
It's an odd relic, one of those traditions from antiquity that has inexplicably been revived and perpetuated by an entirely different culture.
It is completely unconscionable to surgically mutilate a persons genitals without their consent, whether it be female circumcision practiced by backward savages or male circumcision practiced by "enlightened" westerners. If they turn 18 and decide they want to have a cut dick, more power to 'em, but I think we all know that shit ain't fucking gonna happen. Which tells us a lot about whether we should be doing this in the first place.
Either way, you don't take a knife to anyone for purely cosmetic purposes without their consent. Period.
It's a "coming of age" thing in some cultures, abos go one step further and cut the dick up to look like a vulva so they have female mana as well as male or some insane shit
not only are you wrong about circumcision, you're wrong about tonsils!
Australians do it too.
>much greater risk of getting an infection
>helps with smegma if you're a desert nomad who washes once every 10 years
Sepsis is 100x worse than smegma.
[1] Citation needed
When you are a desert nomad your resources are limited. So: cut it --> pleasure from sex (unique nerves in the foreskin are gone) --> less desire for sex --> population control
*less pleasure from sex, fucking words-removing autocorrect
Australia is island america.
Absolutely agreed. It dismays me that modern Western society has a blind spot when it comes to male circumcision. The argument for it on grounds of health is taken seriously even though it wouldn't be for most customs that do a similar amount of damage to the body.
Look up aboriginal subincision
It appears that it might have started out in Sub-Saharan Africa, but the earliest historical mention of it in in North Africa, specifically Egypt.
Jesus fucking christ in a handbasket!
"In some Australian cultures, one traditional practice involved the penetration of an elder's subincized penis by the unsubincized penis of a young boy who was usually under age 7. Some authors have theorized that this was the original purpose of subincision."
If sex is less desirable when cut, then why are muslim shitskins breeding so much?
>What is it, Veeky Forums?
It served as a way of permanently cementing allegiance to the Abrahamic cultures/religion, much like the ritual scarification you see among some African peoples.
If a pagan converted and got circumcised, he was permanently marked as separate from his former peers among the pagans, while sharing physical commonality with his fellow kikes.
It does have a pronounced psychological effect on the victim, which is generally marked by anxiety and higher levels of mistrust. The Jew knows this, and uses it to its advantage.
>The Jew knows this, and uses it to its advantage
By subjecting themselves to it?