>The Jews dindu nuffin. They innocent and shiet. They Gods chosen people.
The Jews dindu nuffin. They innocent and shiet. They Gods chosen people
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OPs at it again.
Veeky Forums is an LGBTQ+ friendly space, please contain your homophobia and bigotry, you stupid faggot
You abstain from any pornographic material, avoid violent films and television as well as modern music right?
Do you have premarital sex?
Society is morally corrupt because of the jews but surely you have the ability and righteousness to resist it?
Wilchelm Reich was right, fascism is deep down a cause of severe sexual repression.
>Betafag mad he can't get any pussy
>Blames the Jews
So this...is the power...of the 4th Reich
>can't come up with a valid argument
>hurr durr you can't get laid! xD (That'll sure show him)
Try again.
This is why documentaries suck. They are always so sensationalist, factual errors and miss so important informations.
Watch documentaries for fun, read books if you want to know more.
Of course they didn't mention that prostitution was actually illegal in Weimar Republic.
The only reason you'd care so much about some sluts in 1920 getting fucked is because you can't do it today
How exactly were the Jews responsible for the social and economic upheaval following Germany's defeat in the First World War?
Great. More bait on a fishing/pol/
I'm always amused how wrong are American documentaries when they portray Nazis rise to power.
It's true though. Read Mass Psychology of Fascism.
>Wilchelm Reich was right, fascism is deep down a cause of severe sexual repression.
The Weimar Republic was vulgar - not "sexually liberated." The Jews will always take purity and call it perverse and the deviant and call it normal. The National Socialists could have been much more in line with proper theocracy - but they were closer than nearly any European has been in centuries since the abolition of paganism in Rome.
I am so fucking sick of seeing your posts
Ah yes, the fabled Nazi purity.
>I am so fucking sick of seeing your posts
"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended." - Romans 13:3
You have nothing to say.
>You have nothing to say.
Being someone who is unwilling to learn is not the same as being someone hearing someone who has nothing to say.
If muh Nazis were so pure why did so many ayran women women willingly spread their legs for the BSC?
Your shizoid infographs and youtube links bring nothing to the discussion. If you want to leave a meaningful argument just type it out, it's that simple.
They dragged America into the war. The sinking of American ships in the Atlantic by supposed Germans was a false flag.
The Jews did it during the six day war against Egypt. They attacked USS Liberty and tried to blame it on Egypt so that America would join the war.