
Fucking hell, I can't take it anymore. The stock market is going to crash in the next months, and I want out. How do I diversify?
>permanent portfolio
Promising, but I want do decrease my exposure to stock by more than 75%, and are the other constituents good for this specific market climate?
Extremely unstable, Bitcoin has the chain split problems and I don't want a large portion of my net worth in any crypto.
>raw materials
Fucking terrible, look at what happened in 2008. This is not a good investment if you believe the economy will suffer a downturn.
>long bonds (7-20 years)
Again, is it a good investment in this market climate? How did the longer bonds fare during the 2008 crash? I can't find any information, my brokerage doesn't have any ones with that long history.
Difficult/expensive to invest in unless you're okay with having non-allocated gold. Otherwise decent.

Gold and long bonds seem fine, is there anything else I should consider?

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>thinking btc won't moon if the markets crash

Silver is going to explode someday.

Well, presuming you're not in a shithole country bonds are fine. What makes you think that the stock market is going to crash?

it's primed to crash, It has before and it will again, Just a matter of what the trigger will be.

True, BTC is basically a more unstable version of gold. But I don't want a large portion of my net worth in any crypto, and BTC right now has large problems.
Yes, precious metals in general seem like they could be good.
Looking at the graphs, extrapolating. Banks can crash, it's not given that I'm buying only gov't bonds. I'd buy foreign bonds anyway, my country is too small to have interesting bonds for purchase.

If you're confident that a crash is coming, why not buy bear funds? I.e. HDGE and the like that bet against the market.
You may also want to consider low end consumer product manufacturers and retailers, as if a recession comes, people seek cheaper products.
Treasury notes are also an option if you just want to park your assets and ride out a storm.

The fees tend to be exorbitant and you have unlimited downside, but I might want to take a small short position. No leverage and

Where can I find the price (not interest rate) of the t-notes/t-bonds?

Fed bonds did well, better than the local gov't bonds, keep in mind insolvency is still a risk. But remember fed interest rates could fall following a recession. Low grade corp bonds generally do better because their yield increases with the higher degree of risk.
Walmart got hit but in comparison to industry peers they did rather well. Link is a list of closing prices from 07- present
>tinyurl com/wmt-closings
Stock price took a hit of 25% or so but did rebound in the following couple years
The price is determined at auction and varies based on the yield. Currently you could get 2.22% yield on about $100 (US t bond)

I should clarify that "low grade corp bonds did better" in comparison to high grade corps.

Where can I see auction price history for federal bonds? I can't find anything on Yahoo Finance or my brokerage.

Assuming this is what you're looking for regarding the long bond data.


Looks like it dipped in about '09.

>extremely unstable
Grow some balls user.

Thy are talking about a coming crash even on Bloomberg...

IMHO farmers will become rich when shit goes down. If you can't buy a tractor - buy some non-teminator seeds.

The trouble with long bonds is they are very sensitive to interest rate changes. A good rule of funds is to look and the bond or bond fund's duration. For every 1% market interest rates increase, the value of the bond will fall by the (duration in years)%. E.g. if rates go up 1% a 30-year bond will decrease in value by 30%. Interest rates are at the lowest in history with not much scope for decreasing further.

PER ratio suggests stock market won't crash anytime soon.

Fuck, you're right about that. So I should stay away from bonds too. What else is there?

If you have a decent amount buy some cheap properties and take the rent pill

Your portfolio needs to embrace multiculturalism? One word: Bancor.

Bitcoin faggot. When the stock market falls or war comes, crypto prices soar to the fucking moon.

Yeah but that analysis is flawed. You never lose money on a treasury unless you sell.

The US gov will pay you on time and give back your principal

it can crash tho
read about USA bull market

It's illegal to rent out stuff in my country unless you're charging Socialist Rents™.
I was considering bitcoin, but what's going on now with blockstream is too worrying.
I'd buy them via an ETF or something, I just want something to invest in that isn't the stock market.

My grandparents just gave me $500 through Scottrade to start investing with.

I don't know what I'm doing and how I should start if the market crashes.

short cyclicals, long defensives
thank me later
long silver, short banks with heavy net short exposure to silver.
in the risk-off theme with increasing volatility PMs will need to reduce risk exposure.