People like to joke around and say that Africa has never really accomplished anything...

People like to joke around and say that Africa has never really accomplished anything. I was hoping we could prove these racist bigots wrong and compile a comprehensive list of African innovations and accomplishments.

I'll start.


Other urls found in this thread:

That house looks comfy.

1)stone mosque with impressive ehight
4)insanely rich

1)stone mosque with impressive ehight
4)insanely rich
5)Iron metallurgy

All of ancient egypt. Unless you're going to try and tell me egypt isn't in africa.

They copied Europeans

They smelted iron independently and possibly before Europeans, same thing with agriculture and their cities

xDDD pol false flag hihihi xDDDD

I did not mention /pol/ in my post.


No. Anyway we can't ignore influences from outside.


So... it wasn't in africa?

You're a /pol/tard cosplaying as a wewuzer, kill yourself.


yes, they smelted iron since 1000 bc, before that iron tools were only present (in very scarce quantities) in South Europe because of its trade with Cyprus, and Africans achieved iron smelting with no interaction whatsoever with places where iron tools were starting to get popular such as in the Levant
I don't know much about Africa myself but I always found this amazing. The Dogon people knew excelled at astronomy and knew of Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s moons, the spiral structure of the Milky Way and the orbit of the Sirius star system etc etc.

1. Humanity
2. Mummification
3. Circumcision
4. Religion
5. Coffee
6. Chocolate
7. Inoculation
8. C-sections
9. 365 calender year

Ndubuisi Ekekwe

He is credited with the development of microchips used in minimally invasive surgical robots

Ndubuisi is the founder of First Atlantic Semiconductors & Microelectronics Ltd. He holds a U.S. Patent on a microchip used in minimally invasive surgical robotsand was part of the team that created XL sensor inside the iPhone and iPad.

Col. Oviemo Ovadje is a Nigerian medical Doctor who is credited with the invention of the Emergency Auto Transfusion System (EAT-SET), which is an effective, low-cost and affordable blood auto-transfusion mechanism that saves patients in developing countries. He has patented the invention in nine countries.

Cyprian Emeka Uzoh

He holds more than 126 United States issued patents and over 160 patents worldwide in semiconductor technology including U.S. Patent No. 6709562,“method of making electroplated interconnection structures on integrated circuit chips”, which earned him the inventor of the year award in 2006 from the New York Intellectual Property Association.

Philip Emeagwali helped pioneer supercomputers and connecting microprocessors in a cost effective manner

That's what I remember from school

t. Nigerian

the Dogon knows

>You're a /pol/tard cosplaying as a wewuzer, kill yourself.

Nnnnnno, no I don't think I am.
Egypt is in africa, therefore its achievements are african. Was it subsahran or traditonally negroid? Probably not, but that wasn't the question.

You think you're clever you little shit? Like you're original, one of a kind special snowflake shitposter?

Once again, no.
You're distorting facts. It doesn't matter how widespread iron was in Europe because iron technology had an even more restricted spread in Africa.

Not really, no. However I will say it's amusing how buttflustered you are.

Most of these aren't even legit claims and the few that are have nothing to do with Sub-Saharan Africa

Until you have proof that they weren't 50-75% white (but still called black) I won't believe this thread has any substance.

OP just said Africa.

Not that guy and my knowledge on the topic is limited but he's arguing that Africans developed iron smelting independently, he made no claims of how quickly it spread.

Not sure what your point is lad. Iron in west africa arose independently about the same time as in the Middle East/Central Asia.

they got metallurgy from Egypt via Sudan and Ethiopia

Illogical, one cannot prove a negative

Literally just look at any civilisation in west, middle or south Africa.

Nobody really knows if they developed it independently or not and we're talking about a very small subset of all Africans. Egyptians got the tech from Eurasia of course and could have passed it on to West-Central Africans.

The timelines and spread don't match up. The Meroe theory was discredited by the 70's.

African cities were developed prior to European contact and so was agriculture

Carbon dating has long confirmed the native theory

Agriculture spread to East Africa from the Mediterranean and it was a mass migration of people too. That's why Ethiopians and Somalis are so mixed.

No it hasn't.

>Agriculture spread to East Africa from the Mediterranean and it was a mass migration of people too.

No, it arose independently

Accomplishment is a Western meme.

ITT: people pretending to care about history in order to justify preexisting beliefs.

Sadly that is the mindset of many 3rd worlders.

Africans were actually preety well off if you can count the actual countrys and not those tribes with 30 people in them.

Not really. Africa was it it's greatest under European colonial rule.

Chocolate comes from the Americas it was invented by Mesoamericans. And Gobleki Tepe in Turkey is probably the earliest religion known so far.


I'm not dismissing "might makes right" or anything like that, but does a civilization or culture NEED to justify itself with inventions or innovations?

Africans seem to leave everyone else alone and keep their own wars in their own borders (albeit at the cost of getting no vaseline'd by Europe), so does it really matter?

Seems like the only thing you're asking is "Are Africans poor and uneducated?", which doesn't really need to be asked anyway.

I'd be pretty scared of those guys if I had to fight them without guns.

It's insecurity on part of whites mostly. They are the ones always making the we wuz threads in their ironic shitposting and make the what has africa ever produced? The reason is because they attatch their lack of personal accomplishments and boring lives to the accomplishments of entire civilizations, of the past even. And so they must put down other civilizations to make themselves feel important.

Ah so all those idiots who think Egypt was Black have an inferiority complex about their lack of accomplishments

Makes sense

That's how Amerindians demonstrate their superiority against eurangutans.

I mean even if you do feel pride in your own culture, what's the point in knocking on another one just because they didn't really do anything influential?

What measure of "greatness" can you judge a civilization with other than how long it lasts, I guess?

Africa did have many decent civilizations.

between cultures? Why study history and culture at all? We could as easily say that we are all citizens of earth and therefore there is only one culture, one peoples. Using this rhetoric, one can bend history to fit his own narrative. Nazi, nigger, it doesn't matter.

wtf the first half of my comment got cut off. Just pretend I never said anything then.

It took this fucking long to mention an actual sub-Saharan African civilization. I could also bring up Songhai or Axum, among others.

Tell me about Dogon, why do they wear the ballsacks on their chins?

Clearly they are enamored with tanuki...

Egypt is in Africa though.

>before Europeans,



The black has done NOTHING before Europeans.

Those were more primitive than 200 A.D Europe.

There's evidence that they smelted iron as far back as 2000 bc

1)stone mosque with impressive ehight
4)insanely rich
5)Iron metallurgy
6) Jukskei (leads to the game of horseshoes... Fucking hate that game.)
7)Bamum script

Also the art was quite good

Why did africa have no education system of some sort? That i dont understand.
But i think we can all agree if europeans didnt invade and massacre them africa would visually be in much better condition.

wow, I can play armchair psychologist as well.

Your father was either absent from your life or just distant, leaving you to be raised largely by your mother. That is not to say you didn't have fun times with your father, just that they were rare between.

This led to further issues in both middle and high school, bullying coupled with just general unpopularity. This, then, led to your identification with any and all underdogs, being Africans in the case of this thread, to a point that some might call fanatical, mayhaps enhanced by a hate of your own culture and race.

Or you're just a libshit.

Your pick

Nah, he's right

This ironic wewuzzing was maybe amusing one year ago, now it's gotten repetitive and painfully unfunny

Bullshit, the negro cannot even make complex rock architecture yet you think those imbeciles could smelt iron.

Sub-Saharan Africa is mostly shit outside of a couple places but the Mediterranean coast contributed plenty, even natives and not expat Greeks/phoenicians and what have you

90% of these threads are made by literal underage b&s from /pol/ trying to bring their shitty gestalt here.

Most of these threads pick off because there's people with an actual interest in subsaharan cutures here.

Do you even know what board your on?

Yup. Every time anybody tries to talk about Africa it's drowned out by pol memes. I wish some would realize that not everybody who says blacks weren't all primitive is some libcuck shill.

Kys you retard, fucking idiot

Ethiopians were some of the first Christians, I think.

>lel you're a failure if you're not an enlightened """"""race realist"""""" like me

This is a Maasai senate.

I remember reading somewhere that the Maasai may one of the lost tribes of Israel.
>inb4 DAS RITE
It comes from a bunch of odd coincidences
>First, their name: Maasai
>...and Maasai son of Adiel (1 Chronicles 9:12)
>Historical practice of circumcision
>Monotheistic, invisible god (Engai)
>Their origin story says they come from the Nile
>The Shofar, usually made of a Ram’s horn is blown
>Do not mix milk and meat
>Do not the eat the sciatic nerve (Genesis 32, 26-33)
>Averse to eating game, birds, and fish
>Drain all blood from animal when slaughtered

But there is probably a more reasonable answer for this


>blog article features a video about maasai drinking blood, one of the worst sins in Judaism (you don't drain the blood so you can drink it later moron)

Also most of those cultural features can be explained by their proximity to Muslim polities, admixture or not.