I’ve read the Qur’an and come to the conclusion it is in general a very Pro-Zionist book. Why aren’t there more Muslim Zionists? It very clearly says that Allah gave the land to the Jews and before the end of days the Children of Israel will return to their land. Zionism is the logic outgrowth of the Islamic faith.
Islamic Zionism
Other urls found in this thread:
Al Kuds means the temple. Doesn't it?
any verses in particular you wanna share with us?
>Chapter 17 (Al-Isra), verse 104
"And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell in the land. When the promise of the Everlasting Life comes We shall bring you all together."
>Sura 5 Verse 21
"[Moses said]: O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers."
>Chapter 5 (Al-Ma'ida), verse 20–107
"And [remember] when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, ... enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin."
There are some more about them being the "inheritors" which imply it being permanent.
There actually were Muslims who converted to Judaism and fought with the early Zionist militias. Most notably Baruch Mizrahi. His story is pretty interesting.
>Etzel fighter Baruch Mizrahi was born Hamoudeh Abu al-Aynin to a nationalistic Muslim family from Safed.
>He converted and changed his name after joining the Revisionist Zionist youth movement Betar and learning about Judaism and Zionism.
>He was exiled in 1946 by the British to a prison camp in Eritrea, where he was wounded in a shooting incident. When then-Chief Rabbi Herzog came to visit him, Mizrahi asked him to bring him back to Israel for burial should he die there.
>The Samaria Regional Council has "adopted" Mizrahi's memory, and even ensured he was recognized as a fallen IDF soldier. Every year, about a dozen people from the evacuated settlement Sa-Nur hold a memorial service for him at the military plot in the Netanya cemetery.
Then why are all islamic countries such hypocrits and don't accept this truth?
I think he means muslims who stay muslim and are zionists, not people that convert.
The Quran was written under the influence of Satan who disguised himself as Gabriel. It plagiarized the Bible with its own twist.
This was more common than you'd think. My grandpa was a native Palestinian Jew from Hebron, and he joined the Irgun after the massacre of Hebron. Even though he himself was saved by an Arab family, he would never forgive them. Hebron is the 2nd holiest city, that massacre made a Zionist out of all the religious Jews in Palestine. One of his best friends was an Arab muslim from a huge family of Arabs that converted to Judaism in the 30's and took part in some of the most brutal Zionist violence.
I read a book called ''Good Arabs'' by an Israeli left wing historion, its about the aftermath of the 49 war and describes how many of the former military commanders of nationalistic arab militias were called back out of exile and given leadership positions and state jobs in Israel to counter the threat of communism spreading in the arab population. These guys returned and joined Ben Gurion's party. It actually makes sense since the Israeli government wanted to rely on existing clun based power structures and the former arab leaders who lost everything had the chance to regain their positions.
Utter nonsense.
>Islam supports the ideology which promotes stealing the land of Muslims to give it to Jews, and the killing of Muslims, and the subjection of Muslims.
You are taking this out of context. Just because God gave Israel to the Jews at one point in time does not mean that modern "Jews" have an inherent right to steal land from the Ummah. Besides the real Jews like Moses (peace be upon him) were not a racial group. In fact Moses (peace be upon him) was a black African man and perhaps even Solomon (peace be upon him).
He was a Muslim Zionist at first though. He got into Zionism, and by proxy converted because he realized he was only an Israelite who converted to the Ishmaelite faith and some point in the past. Then he wanted to get rid of all the Ishmaelite invaders.
>who converted to the Ishmaelite faith at some point in the past*
>Islam supports the ideology which promotes stealing the land of Muslims to give it to Jews, and the killing of Muslims, and the subjection of Muslims.
>t. butthurt Arab who doesn't know what Zionism actually means
Zionism - The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland.
By stealing it and evicting the people who were their for generation upon generation.
If you actually think Zionism is compatible with Islam it's obvious you have studied Islamic eschatology in any way, shape, or form. You know that part where the Messiah of Islam Jesus (peace be upon him) returns and kills the Jewish anti Christ with a spear and then proceeds to slaughter every Jew on the face of the earth.
>be Arabs
>be so cocky you think you deserve the world
>annex all of the Middle East by force
>annex all of North Africa by force
>annex lots of India by force
>annex Persia by force
>subjugate the indigenous populations unless they convert to your faith
>destroy peoples language, destroy their culture
>destroy peoples holy sites and appropriate them into mosques
>have 10+ kids pretty much everywhere you go, outbreeding the locals
>take foreign woman everywhere you go as sex slaves
>create half-breeds, raise them as proud Arabs
>do this for over a thousand years
>be Jews
>haven't had any true power or self-rule since the Hasmoneans
>in humiliation everywhere you live except Georgia, India & Azerbaijan
>decide you deserve a homeland like everywhere else, in your homeland, where the majority of your DNA traces back to, even after thousands of years
>buy land from rich Arabs from Damascus, evict the Arabs from the land you just bought
>in response to Arabs massacring the ancient Jewish population of Hebron, form violent militias in order to defend Jews
>respond with violence every single time an Arab decides to kill a Jew
Jews showed more restraint then Muslims ever have. They acquired that land more peacefully than anyone else ever has. You are right about Zionism not being compatible with Islam, Muslims wouldn't have even tried to obtain it peacefully like the Jews did. They would just steal it like they always have.
Stop equating Islam with being Arab. Simply because it started in Arabia does not mean Arab=Islam.
Also to state Jews have not historically had tremendous power and privilege is an absolute lie, because they have always risen to the top of Christian and Muslim societies by engaging in usury.
>>annex lots of India by force
>Jews have not historically had tremendous power and privilege is an absolute lie
No it's not. Most Jews were peasants in the Shtetl or criminals in the Ghetto. You obviously don't know your history. There is a reason there are lots of words for "snitch" in Yiddish. There is a reason Jews were stereotyped as petty thieves for most of European history. If Jews had power they wouldn't have been killed so much. Just because they had "Court Jews," who were exempt from all the typical Jewish restrictions doesn't mean Jews as a group had power. Learn something.
I should have said Muslims, but still. Islam is just an Arab-centric Judaism anyway. This time Ishmael is the cool one and oh look the Arabs descend from Ishmael. It's clear Muhammad was inspired by the Talmud and wanted to make his own version for Arabs.
Islam is Arabism. Both Judaism and Islam are both inherently ethnocentric, both favoring either Jew or Arab. To be a Muslim you need to think God revealed himself in Arabic, to be a Jew you need to think God revealed himself in Hebrew.
>Muhammad was an Arab
>The best example of proper ethical and moral behavior for mankind was an Arab
>Started in Arabia
>You're required to visit Arabia
>You have to speak Arabic
>Don't equate Islam with Arabs
Non-Arabs who practice Islam and Non-Jews who practice Judaism are hilarious to me. I will never forgive Europe for exchanging our religious beliefs for Jewish ones.
Yeah that's why almost all of the plutocrats and wealthy oligarchs, families are Jewish or Anglo Zionist banking families. Oy vey the poor Jews like the Rothschild's who own 50 percent of the worlds wealth, oh the poor Jews.
Not true at all. Simply because Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah upon him) was an Arab he never supported tribalism or Arab supremacy. To paraphrase the Hadith white has no advantage over black and black has no advantage over white. The only proper criteria for establishing supremacy between individuals and nations is by piety, not blood.
Many of the heroes of Islam were white men with blond hair and blue eyes like Imam Malik. There have been prominent scholars and heroes of Islam from all races and obviously the majority of Muslims in the modern world are not Arabs.
To say Islam is Arab supremacist is ridiculous, it's like saying Christianity is white supremacist despite the majority of Christians being non white.
But Judaism is a clearly ethnocentric religion, they are more concerned with establishing genealogy that promoting morality. To claim that a bunch of blond haired blue eyed Ashkenazi Europeans are the physical descendants of Moses (peace be upon him) a black man, is the height of absurdity.
>Rothschild's who own 50 percent of the worlds wealth
[source needed]
You are clearly butthurt. You still didn't disprove the factual statement that most Jews were ghetto peasants. Europeans decided to create a position called the Court Jew, who was to control finances. These Jews were exempt from all the restrictions Jews normally had. The fact that you can take this and say that means Jews were all rich shows how little you can comprehend basic concepts.
>blue eyed Ashkenazi Europeans
What the fuck are you smoking. Ashkenazi Jews can be dark as fuck, i've never met a single one with blue eyes.
>Moses (peace be upon him) a black man
I understand Jews have been persecuted, perhaps sometimes unnecessarily, but such persecution does not come out of no where. There is a reason behind it, perhaps because wherever Jews go they begin oppressing the native population and promoting immorality and enslaving them with usury.
Search iconography of Moses(peace be upon him) and you will find that he has often been depicted as a black man. And we know from Muhammad (Peace be upon him) narrated that Moses(peace be upon him) was a black man.
>In West Asia, a proportion of Israelis are of Ashkenazi origin, among whom the trait is relatively elevated (a study taken in 1911 found that 53.7% of Ukrainian Jews had blue eyes).[45][46]
Not all Ashkenazi but many have a unique eye color specific to them.
>often been depicted as a black man
What the fuck does that prove? There is no proof of Moses, Russian iconography drawn thousands of years later proves nothing Jamal. Unless you think iconography of Jesus proves he was white.
A study of Ukrainian Jews from 1911? You have to be joking. It's just a fact that most Ashkenazi Jews have dark eyes. However even if it were so, Samaritans often have blue eyes and red hair, they are Israelites. They can trace their lineage over a hundred generations back. They are the closest thing we have left to Israelites. They are technically Palestinians but are much closer related to other Jews than with Arabs. How do you explain this, I would love to hear because no one ever can. Look at pic related. What you'll notice is the so-called "European Ashkenazis" don't even cluster with Europeans. They cluster instead with Lebanese Christians and Sephardic Jews, how do you explain that? What you'll also notice is Palestinians cluster with Jordanians and Saudi Arabians. Even the white Ashkenazi Jews trace much more of their DNA to the Levant than the Palestinians.
Source: journals.plos.org
Also heres a Samaritan woman to debunk the idea that Israelites couldn't have had blue eyes.
Look you are getting of topic. I was simply stating that modern Ashkenazi are not physical or spiritual successors of prophet Moses( peace be upon him). Most Jews have dark eyes but many have a recognizable blue/grey eye color that is a unique trait amongst them.
Both Christian and Muslim sources has historically confirmed that Moses (peace be upon him) was a black man. End of story.
I have proven clearly that Islamo-Zionism is not possible or correct, which was my only goal. End of story.
>I was simply stating that modern Ashkenazi are not physical or spiritual successors of prophet Moses
And you are objectively wrong about that. People lie but Genes don't. No one has been more tested than Jews. Pic related is just as much of an Ashkenazi Jew as the one in your picture yet looks more like an Arab or Indian than anything.
>Both Christian and Muslim sources has historically confirmed that Moses (peace be upon him) was a black man. End of story.
Prove it then. Give me a source that proves it Jamal. You can't.
Nigger being involved in usury was viewed as despicable which is exactly why they made Jews do it
You're a dunce
You are lying. That man isn't Ashkenazi.
>the Absolute state of Muslim education
>You are lying. That man isn't Ashkenazi.
You are the one lying. How about a source for once:
>Lerner was born in Brooklyn, New York, of Romanian Jewish descent
Just in case you try to say pic related isn't either
>Goren's original family name was Gorenchik. He was born in Zambrów, Poland and immigrated with his family to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1925.
His family is from Romania fag
Anyone else here ever read Ibn Ishaq and others like him for laughs?
>Zionists hate muslims
>Quran states jews were the most stubburn to believe in God
>modern muslims dont like jews
>jews hate muslims
I was taught to hate jews, but i dont. I know the diffrence between a zionist and a jew the same way i know the difference between a alt right winged KKK member from a christian.
>also zionists are killing muslims in syria and taking over their land.
>Ibn Ishaq
who's dat
And the bible is twisted every 20-30 years to fit "modern society" standards.
It was viewed as despicable because of the theological beliefs of Christianity (formerly) and Islam. No one made Jews engage usury. They practice it because it earns them a tremendous amount of money and power.
>You actually believe kings forced the poor Jews to enslave people via usury.
>And I'm supposed to be the dunce.
It is narrated in Hadith, but you don't accept Hadith as valid. I don't know why you are so obsessed with an offhand comment I made to imply that modern Ashkenazi don't share physical lineage with Moses (peace be upon him) when that is not really relevant. What is relevant is following the religion of Abraham(peace be upon him) in the proper manner, those are the true descendants of Abraham (peace be upon him).
>zionists are killing muslims in syria
Those are actually Muslims, not Zionists. Might be hard to swallow.
You are retarded.
The Jews were pushed in occupations like tax collecting and moneylending because the occupations were viewed as evil.
You can just search "medieval antisemitism" and you'll be able to read about it, but you won't, because you're a faggot.
>It is narrated in Hadith
That Moses was black?
>I don't know why you are so obsessed with an offhand comment I made to imply that modern Ashkenazi don't share physical lineage with Moses
It's because you went kang on me and asserted Moses was black because of Russian iconography. Also it's ahistorical and this is Veeky Forums. If you make false statements, i'm gonna call you on your shit.
This is a guy who thinks God had Ishmael and Abraham build the Kaaba as his first temple 40 years before deciding that building the actual temple in Israel was a better idea, and then thousands of years later changing his mind back to making the Kaaba the main temple again while claiming that it was actually always the main temple
Ibn ishaq was a man who tried re-writing muhammed's (peace be upon him) life and twisting his words to make islam seem radical.
To be fair if I didn't know about the Samaritans I would have assumed that ancient Jews were darker, but they look pretty light skinned to me.
>The Jews were pushed in occupations like tax collecting and moneylending because the occupations were viewed as evil.
So they just had no choice? No free will whatsoever? It sounds similar to African Americans who act like their circumstances left them with literally no option but to sell crack. People always have free will, someone can always choose to do the right thing, no one is ever forced to do something wrong. We as individuals are wholly responsible for our own actions.
>That Moses was black?
Yes here are some narrations from Tafseer and Hadith.
“I saw Musa (Moses) and he was a black-skinned man.”
Musnad Imam Ahmed Hadith # 3365
AL Qurtubi, the famous interpreter of the Qur'an says when talking about Musa's (AS) appearance:
"Musa (Moses) was extremely dark brown in skin color."
At Tabari says in the Tafsir about Prophet Musa's sign of his handing turning white:
"According to what we were told, Musa (Moses) was black-skinned and Allah made Musa’s hand turning white, without being affected by leprosy, a sign for him."
And there are many more.
Peace and blessings of Allah upon all of you and may God bless you and your families, I'm out.
He is also a main source on his life.
They were legally barred from holding a large amount of occupations.
Again, you can find this easily on the internet. But you're a Muslim and you're entire religion is based on even shakier ground than Judaism and Christianity, so you're used to being spoon fed horeshit and taking it at face value.
Oddly enough the Quran is pro-Jesus as well.
He is an honorary Muslim and there is a whole section about how Jesus comes back to save the Muslims and kicks the anti-Christ's ass in the end times. Its a weird fan-fic.
That's kind of cool. The Zionist militias were pretty cool, they prove that Jews are just normal people.
It is a very clear attempt to subvert Christianity with faux-reverence and importance. Muhammad and his conspirators were clever in that they crafted a niche for Jesus where he is still extremely important and maintains many of the titles he has in Christianity (like the word) while also knocking him down a notch and replacing him with Muhammad.
pretty smart, especially when Muhammads immediate successors were fine with not evangelizing too much in order to maintain that sweet jizya. Makes them seem more benign.
The hilarious part of this thread is that the "Muslim" guy in here is probably more intelligent than your average Muslim
>“I saw Musa (Moses) and he was a black-skinned man.”
What? Are you trolling? This post proves to me Muslims are the dumbest people in the world. You believe a Hadith of what Muhammed said Moses looked like. A man born in 571. You can't be this dumb, right?
>>annex all of North Africa by force
Islam spread through the berbers by trade and it was easy because they were mainly irrelegious
The most damning thing about the Quran is the most quoted part of it is straight out of the Talmud. Not even the Oral Torah part of the Talmud either, just one of the Rabbinical argument part where the text isn't even supposed to be considered divinely ordained. Yet to Muslims, it is the word of God.
>Quran 5:32: So We decreed for the tribe of Israel that if someone kills another person — unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth — it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind.
Straight out of the fucking Talmud. Allah decreed the Talmud?
>Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 37a: Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.
For Sub-Saharan Africa, and Indonesia, yes, but you are straight up lying to say there were no North African invasions.
>Islam spread through the berbers by trade
>Musa bin Nusair, a successful Yemeni general in the campaign, was made governor of Ifriqiya and given the responsibility of putting down a renewed Berber rebellion and converting the population to Islam. Musa and his two sons prevailed over the rebels, slaughtered the civilians and enslaved 300,000 captives. The caliph's portion was 60,000 of the captives. These the caliph sold into slavery, the proceeds from their sale going into the public treasury. Another 30,000 captives were pressed into military service.
>The conventional historical view is that the conquest of North Africa by the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate between AD 647–709 effectively ended Christianity in Africa for several centuries.[4]
here's how the entire wars in north africa that were related to muslims went
>Be converted muslim berber
>decide to make a kingdom with arabs
>irreligious berbers and their batshit insane leader (al kahina) say "what the fuck this must be stopped"
>irreligious berbers get rekt
it wasn't about religion, it was about irreligious berbers trying to keep their influence over the land.
have you see the gigantic sign saying "THIS SECTION DOES NOT CITE ANY SOURCES" you dumbfuck?
Holy shit in fact nowhere in that wikipedia article is there any sources
Muslim apologists are the worst.
>The Muslim conquest of the Maghreb continued the century of rapid Arab Muslim military expansion following the death of Muhammad in 632 AD
>rapid Arab Muslim military expansion
You will literally defend this.
you'r changing the fucking goalposts, stop dodging.
literally destroy yourself negro
i'm not even a sandnigger but goddamn this is a history board try to give some facts without bias
holy fucking shit read a book
it was illegal for jews to practice many trades, join guilds, or practice large-scale agriculture you dumb dumb
Just what the hell are Samaritans both culturally and genetically? I have to admit that I know very little about them and only found out about them a couple of days ago
>only found out about them a couple of days ago
They are mentioned in the Bible many times.
People on this board don't read the Bible, user. They just pretend they do.
A Hebrew ethnoreligious group originating from the Levant, they share genetic affinity with the Jews. The Samaritans are adherents of Samaritanism, a religion closely related to Judaism. Samaritans believe that their worship, which is based on the Samaritan Pentateuch, is the true religion of the ancient Israelites from before the Babylonian captivity, preserved by those who remained in the Land of Israel, as opposed to Judaism, which they see as a related but altered and amended religion, brought back by those returning from the Babylonian Captivity.
you dodged an entire point by saying he's biased.
We see you Ahmed
Israelites who follow a religion similar to Judaism but they claim Samaritanism is the true version of the ancient Hebrew religion and Judaism was altered. They used to be a rival to Jews and number in the millions but there's only like 700 left nowadays.
This is some /pol/ retard-tier bait that I'm 100% on board with. Good job OP, I'm impressed.
The Israelites split into two, the North and the South. The Northern Kingdom became Samaria, the Southern Kingdom became Judea. The Samaritans thought the Temple should be on Mount Gerizim, while the Jews thought it should be in Jerusalem. There are other petty grammatical differences that they have bitches at each other about for thousands of years. There were a million Samaritans like 1600 years ago, but today there are less than a thousand. Pretty sad honestly.
Quite touching actually, even though muslims will call him a traitor. But it actually makes sense for a levantine man like him to be a part of the Jewish identity.
That doesntvreally makecany sense at all. Jewish genealogy isnt about your haplomemes but whether your mother is jewish or not.
>Jewish genealogy isnt about your haplomemes
Yes it is. Tribal status has always been paternal (Levite, etc.), while Jewishness is passed on maternally.
Also a convert is as Jewish as any Jew. That's what Jewish law says. No one contests if Dhu Nuwas is Jewish. He was Judaic war lord who slaughtered 20,000 Christians, although he was born a Yemeni Arab who converted to Judaism. Probably the only time in history a Jewish war lord has tried to force Christians to either convert to Judaism or die.
>Also a convert is as Jewish as any Jew. That's what Jewish law says.
Apparently his mother was of Jewish origin: he.wikipedia.org
I'm saying it makes sense for a man of semitic ancestry to a part of the Jewish identity. An anglo amerilard or a tyrone kang converting is straight up larping.
It's always been a thing. King David's great-Grandmother was a Moabite convert. That along with the "we were all strangers in Egypt" line in Exodus has always been used in Rabbinical writings with regards to it. I'm too lazy to find it but I remember reading somewhere it was against Jewish law to even bring up the background of a convert as if they are less Jewish than you.
Why is Hebrew so autistic translated? (((Someone))) needs to make an English version of that.
But that's not the political reality in Jewish communities. Black Jews have always been second-class citizens in Israel for instance.
Shit, I had no idea people could convert to Judaism. Why don't all the Palestinians just convert to Judaism? It would solve all their problems. They could live in the nice settlements paid for by the Israeli government. Honestly, most Palestinians are probably just Israelites practicing the Ishmaelite faith. It makes no sense. Yasser Arafat looks like a Nazi caricature of Jews.
>Black Jews have always been second-class citizens in Israel for instance.
This is not because of racism though. It's because they come from rural villages, while the Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews descend from Talmudic scholars, and the Ashkenazi Jews descended from Lawyers. The Ethiopian Jews were straight up shepherds and shit. They are at some high up positions at the moment, so to pretend they are all at the bottom is false. Do you not know about Operation Solomon and Operation Moses?
It's anecdotal but I know an Ethiopian girl from Israel and she brings up how she's Israeli all the time, it's clear they are just as much of Zionists as anyone else. Never heard her say a bad thing about it.
>second-class citizens
Do you know what that even means? That means people with less rights than others. What rights don't Black Jews have in Israel? I know there are some racists, but what systematic racism is there? Even Kahane rallied for the black Jews and he was someone who was called a racist all over by the Jewish media.
>inb4 fake news birth control
They are the actual Hebrews/Israelites
They never mixed and preserved their racial purity throug inbreeding
Kikes on the other hands are cancerous mongrels that have little to do with actual Hebrews.
He should have realized his ancestors were Jewish converts a long time ago too.
>Not only confidently claims the historicity of Moses, but asserts his ethnicity
You're a very very unique kind of ignorant. I know literal dozens of uber fundamentalist Christian creationists and I kid you not they would look at you funny.
I can only imagine how blissful life must be with your head shoved that deep your ass. I guess Muhammad (may he go fuck himself) truly is an impressive figure.
>i have no reading comprehension and i must shitpost
underage like you should burn forever
Nice b8. This is the 23andme of a Samaritan. Notice something?
14% Italian
Shit maybe Italians really did get PHOENICIAN'D or HEBREW'D if a Samaritan shows up as Italian
That you have no proof that this is from a samaritan?
It was in this forum of Middle Eastern Jewish 23andme results. It doesn't mean they are literally Ashkenazi or Italian, it's simply because they have such similar DNA it will show up as it.
Lmao so you have no proof
Search image it and you'll find it if you really care.
Armenians get the same results, usually 75%-90% middle eastern and 10% Italian. Which doesn't make sense because I do not have any Italian ancestors
It's because 23andme and none of those sites are truly accurate. They compare people's DNA and if they are similar it will show up. It's more of the case that Italians have a lot of Middle Eastern DNA than Middle Easterners have Italian DNA. It's why all Non-Ashkenazi Jews show up as Ashkenazi even though they have zero yiddish-speaking ancestors.
Jew in Arabic derives from "return to." It's quite clear the Qur'an is a Zionist book.
Ya about what you meant concerning the Hebrews coming to their holy land after the end of days thats in the bible which came before the Qur'an. Also how does that make Muslims pro Zionists when Islam itself in Shari'a law states you have to kill infidels to please Allah among the same exact concept in different forms.
>Why don't all the Palestinians just convert to Judaism?
They are dumb.
Speak up.
>Why aren’t there more Muslim Zionists?
Because Jews aren't Muslim.
as far as i know being an ex moslem
there was 3 books which are recognized as valid before the qoran made them outdated
that is tawrah (torah) by Moses
Zabur(psalms) by David and Injil (bible) by Jesus
jews were called equated as majusi yet upon further research i realized that majusi is more closely related to zoroastrinism, and nasrani with christian coming from nazarane
jews were denied with allah's grace as they deviate too far with the teachings and christians are no longer in favor as they practice idolatry
an anecdotal explanation on why islam ban alcohol is that someone during mohammed (PUBE) time shown up during maghrib or dusk prayer drunk out of his ass and thrown up when the imam was concluding the prayers
the aversion to dogs is most likely because of preconceived arabic beliefs and theres on excerpt on that swine are impure