Can we have a thread about Denmark, its a tiny country that had a great impact in their region. I recently got very interested in Denmark and would like to know more? Anything will help, people, events, wars, e.t.c. that will get me started, recommend books, documentaries e.t.c.
Denmark has been completely irrelevant since the 30-years war.
t. Dane
>what is LEGO
Fjols! (;
What about before the 30 years war? Danelaw? Denmark pretty much controlled most of Scandinavia didn't it?
>be denmark
>decide to defend protestants
>get btfo so hard you switch sides
>declare war on sweden that declared itself defender of protestants
>get btfo and lose a third of your nation
The history of Denmark was suffering after the death of the Kalmar Union.
If you can read Danish i would recommend "Slagtebænk Dybbol", i just finished it today.
To understand danish history and mentality, you have to read about the war of 1864, it pretty much defined Denmark as it is today.
Sweden is better, we should have a thread about them instead
>The history of Denmark was suffering after the death of the Kalmar Union.
Now i want to know more about the thirty years war.
>If you can read Danish i would recommend "Slagtebænk Dybbol", i just finished it today.
Sadly i can't.
>you have to read about the war of 1864, it pretty much defined Denmark as it is today.
I have, but, to be honest mostly from a Prussian perspective.
Fuck off penis empire, Denmark > Sweden
Danes are horrible people today and have been so since almighty Tor cleared his throat of phlegm by spitting into the ocean and Denmark was created. They will oppress your Inuits and massacre your burghers and nobles the first chance they get.
This user though, he is quick witted and brave like brother herring, heed him
>Denmark > Sweden
The result proves otherwise
What are the soldiers seeing? They look terrified
A speech therapeut
Nice flag Sweden, where did you get the idea?
Nordic banter, what are the other stereotypes?
In short, Norwegians are stupid but loveable because their language makes them sound happy all the time. Danes are verbally handicapped alcoholics in the continental "don't mind If I have 3 beers with lunch"-kinda way. Finns are just knife-wielding alcoholics in no particular way and I belive the others think that we're somewhat stuck up and snobbish, but why would I care what they think?
Norwegians are cool.
>Now i want to know more about the thirty years war.
It's actually a very interesting and sad part of history.
>the last religious war in Europe that developed into a France vs Habsburgs conflict
>large scale continental involvement
>pike and shot warfare, mercenaries
>German towns, cities, and villages looted en masse with local populations dropping by up to 50%, sometimes more
>not making a thread on the best scandinavian country
whew lad
But no one is interested in Swden, unless if it's about laughing at them. The hip Skandi nations is denmark.
.t swede
>Missed out on 700 years
Swedes are pompous, monotonous, and overly political.
A pretty good drama about the war with the Prussians in 1864, is the aptly named Danish series "1864", it features many famous Danish actors, and I'm sure you can find it with English subtitles.
They are going into battle heavily outmatched by the Prussians, this time with no foreign help.
>North Sea Empire
>Kalmar Union
Yeah things were pretty grand