Was it justified? Did the ATF go to far? What are your thoughts /k/?
Redpill me on Waco /k/
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>What are your thoughts /k/?
a government that wanted to make an example out of some anti-government folks finally ran into some anti-government folks who wanted to make an example out of government folks
Waco was a mixture of over exerted force by our gvt. And a paranoid fantical leader. I'd say it was a fuck up on both sides of the whole story.
.....but didn't that also cause Timothy McVeigh to blow up the federal building in OKC?
I wouldnt worry about it
go away ghost of janet reno
made me check on my dog
It was a bunch of fascist bullshit. These days people just say "oh but they were pedos", but the pedo character assassination shit was only circulated after the smoke had cleared and everyone was dead. For all the no-knock raids, I honestly think that the feds conduct themselves better now than the 80s/90s, probably because of the greater scrutiny of mass media.
Janet Reno's propensity for using the ATF like her own private Gestapo lead to tragedy once again
and the fact that the average American is now more likely to blast anyone (and succeed now that AR-15s are so fucking widespread) doing a no knock raid
>like her own private Gestapo lead to tragedy once again
They had it coming
I don't even know how the fed should respond back then. Sure they could make a better judgement back then but when the other guy is shooting you with 50 BMG, then the military involvement is plenty justified
Also mcveigh taught them that they cant piss off the public to badly.
The ATF was on the chopping block because they're a useless gov't organization, and the feds were in the middle of a government shutdown, looking for worthless agency to cut.
Janet Reno used the ATF to attack people they knew would respond poorly to an attack, and engineered a standoff. Then they set children on fire. The feds deserved every dead body they got in Oklahoma City.
You're gonna have a hard time extracting much sympathy for kiddie-diddlers.
Kind of fucking hard to prove those allegations when you burned both the alleged victims and perpetrators to a crisp.
>The feds deserved every dead body they got in Oklahoma City.
What about the 70 people who weren't federal employees, not even mentioning all the wounded?
I'm okay with what happened all around. I hate anti-government libertarian sovereign citizen types as much as I hate our current government. I don't hate all government in general, just our current one. We ALWAYS seem to be fighting for the wrong fucking side.
What happened?
Civilian shields before we taught the same tactic to insurgents in the ME. Not their fault that those loons ignore the laws and customs of War and attacked anyway.
Do you think the civilians deserved it, and was the bombing justified?
BAMN and Antifa Needs this kind of treatment...they are basically Domestic Terrorists
But for Waco, weren't they just religious nutters that just lived in their little bubble? What did they do that brought the Ire of Janet Reno?
Didn't they shoot at a inspection crew from local child services on suspicion of mistreatment and pedophilia? Or is that some other siege i'm mixing up with this?
The Oklahoma City Bombing.
Though I kind of suspect that it was a false flag operation, supposedly the FBI murdered a witness providing testimony they didn't like, then tried to fake the autopsy to make it look like he wasn't murdered.
Yeah because that's what the FBI does
>Was it justified?
>Did the ATF go too far?
The ATF could have handled the entire situation astronomically better without casualties.
>Did the ATF go to far?
I don't know, user. Where is far and how would the atf get there?
Scans for something even remotely /k/ related.
This is a shit thread user you should feel bad.
tl;dr Koresh was a wackadoo and admitted child molester (this is part of the public record) and the atf did everything possible to make the situation worse.
>reddit spacing
Find a mortality statistic to make a contribution to.
Oh fuck off, McVeigh got lazy and a lot of innocent people died because of it. had he bothered to do some research or attack a government building that wasn't primarily for cashing social security checks he could have been an American folk hero. Instead, he targeted civilians, and is a terrorist.
>>reddit spacing
Oh, the dreaded >reddit Boogeyman
>Yeah because that's what the FBI does
>Suggesting that's not what they do
user... I may have some bad news for you.
>Instead, he targeted civilians, and is a terrorist.
he would have ended up a terrorist either way. "they" say what you are.
I don't see why they couldn't.
The ATF isn't supposed to murder infants but they did.
I have literally seen "reddit spacing" be used against basically every kind of post and formatting. Most frequently, I see it called out on idiots who spaces out after every single sentence, which is a shitty way to format your text, but I've also seen it used in every other way, both with good formatting, as well as infinitely worse formatting, which leads me to believe it's mostly a meme for idiots who either scared of the good old reddit boogeyman, or people who scramble to come up with a real argument but come up short.
He is a disgusting bootlicking shitcock though, so I won't disagree with you there.
Much easier to make that case when he decided to truck bomb a fucking day care center
well Breivik also "killed children" and 34 year old "syrian refugee" men pose as children in sweden so like I said, facts don't matter. their narrative will end up in the MSM and on wikipedia and all that's left for you is to eat shit or a bullet.
I think I'm the one with bad news for you, sonny.
What are you gonna do now, post some clickbait article or conspiracy theory that probably doesn't even prove your point anyway?
Maybe a Wikipedia article that still doesn't prove your point because your point is that it is the FBI's duty and objective to murder witnesses because they don't like what they have to say? The Federal Bureau of Investigation?
What's next, the fucking United States Department of Education faked Sandy Hook, or some shit?
>I reject your reality and substitute my own
Let me guess, Sandy Hook was a hoax right? Or maybe my aunt has been a 50 year old jewish sleeper cell.
gtfo with your strawmen. you're implying "we" are saying ever low level shit agent is part of an intricate conspiracy. the reality is much more mundane and sinister. people fuck up and want to cover their asses. shit get's bungled under way even more. remember fast and furious? it's what happens when alphabet soup agencies are used to push political agendas. the average agent is much more an incompetent thug than a co-conspiratorial mastermind of the lizard juice.
You're literally proving our point every time you fucking post, you retarded twenty-something autist.
FBI has a long history of setting shit up to be hailed as heroes. like during the Iran-Contra fiasco, and the days of rage.
The FBI has exactly zero history of murdering witnesses as part of their collective mission.
Melvin Purvis murdered people left and right for Hoover. and Tranny Hoover was the Beria of the USA.
Play stupid games, win stupid prices. Like death.
Nothing of value was lost
We live in a post proof world where you can say anything and someone will believe it.
That also goes for the retards that actually believe that it is legal to publically masturbate in Sweden, and that refugees are allowed to rape and murder people and nobody makes any effort to stop them, and so on forth.
When they do it like this it's the only real dead giveaway anything else could be forum habits.
They do make zero effort to stop Muslims from raping because it would be "racist"
You are genuinely pants on head retarded if you believe this, but I wouldn't be surprised if you do considering the general age of most people who browse this site and board.
They were murdered. Plain and simple. If you don't listen to the cops they try to murder you. Either shoot you, torture you, or burn you.
Play stupid games
>stockpiling fuckloads of illegal weapons
Win stupid prizes
>Get raided by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.
Play stupid games:
>Barricade your cultists into a cheaply made tinderbox full of weapons
Win stupid prizes
>It gets set on fire
How, exactly, am I supposed to feel badly about this?
Two groups of retards artistically screeching at each other with weapons ended in tears.
Found the agent
Evidence Shermanfags are Statist cucks.
>illegal weapons
>Dig into noise complaint
>"Oh yeah they fire so much it sounds like full auto! Nice folks though"
>gets set on fire
ATF's fault
>Try to escape burning building
>ATF shoots you and unarmed children while you flee from fire
Las Carpetas would like a word with you user
>southern culture was pure American
>landed elite pretending to be euro nobility while poor whites can suck a dick
The south was shit and deserved what it got
I see we're picking and choosing our truths today.
That's cool. Tell me more.
>Hey guys let's end slavery for blacks..
>.. by making everyone a slave to the federal government!
Fuck off bootlickers
We cant trust the FBI man we cant trust the our government but i'm reasy for them when they come lnocking you know
don't molest kids, set them on fire.
>These days people just say "oh but they were pedos"
Because when children are touched by a pedophile, the natural response to mete out justice is to burn the children to death instead of rescuing them.
>.they are basically Domestic Terrorists
the most they've done is break windows and beat a defenseless trashcan
Are you mad that the side of the war you didn't fight in lost?
Yeah, should have nuked it.
that rooftop shootout was pretty metal
Have a (((you)))
Years later, nobody at Waco had anything to do with McVeigh
>People unironically don't think the egomaniac leader of an apocalypse cult would rather kill off his own flock than let the government take it.
So you have all these unclassified documents about public experiments and other good reads put out by the alphabet agencies THEMSELVES but the occasional cover-up murder is too much to wrap your head around? Do you also believe that vaccines cause autism? Because if so I can assure you you aren't the way you are because of vaccines...
Kenneth Michael Trentadue
>he doesn't know about the guy who got shot in the back of the head in FBI custody while being interviewed off camera which is against bureau policy.
They have a long history of doing bad shit.
Nothing of value was lost.
The feds just decided to pull the plug on this one and have a nice Texan BBQ. Not even kidding, they most likely just set that fire because they knew all davidians would not surrender.
Armed anti-government religious nutjobs living in a compound.
Anti-government religious nutjobs have a right to live in a compound, and to be armed.
Government can't stand armed people, religious people, or anti-government people, so it seems like a no-brainer to them to invade.
Leader of the religious nutjobs was reportedly doing what a lot of them tend to do; namely, impregnating underage children and generally creating a pretty oppressive environment for some of the followers. Someone's uncle's cousin's friend-in-law mentioned that they might have some illegal weapons. Maybe enough reliability in any of that to be actionable and maybe not, but the government sure wanted there to be.
Government decides to flex its muscle and go in hot and heavy. Techniques used even in the initial "psychological warfare" phase, not to mention the bumbling attack with really bad gas and weapons, are all weird, oppressive, scary stuff you'd expect from the Chi-coms. Lots of people die.
American public divides cleanly into three opinions:
1 - Wackjobs got what they had coming, they shouldn't have been weird religious people.
2 - Federal government are assholes and tyrants, time to shorten that leash.
3 - Shhh, I'm busy watching Seinfeld.
found the suit
>trust the media and government
the literal tanker of tear gas they pumped through the whole fucking building before a "flashbang" capable of showing up on a FLIR cam sets off the whole blaze and Dresdens anyone and everyone in the compound didn't help much
there's a place I go in my head when everything is falling apart and I need a little respite from the world
this child now lies interred there and I fear the day I feel the need for a little respite because that body will ensure I find none