So what does Veeky Forums think about Macaroni joining in on the Africa shitposting?
So what does Veeky Forums think about Macaroni joining in on the Africa shitposting?
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The bogpill is real.
What is racist about telling Africans that maybe they shouldn't have 5 kids per woman? Westerners meticulously plan one or two pregnancies if they even decide to half children, telling Mutumbo not to have a dozen kids is a bad thing now? Lunacy!
>You can choose to spend thousands of euros but you will stabilize nothing
Unless you're chinese
>Pretending like they have a choice
user, kids in the developing world are economic assets, especially males whom can work farmland.
and what happens when you run out of land
overpopulation is a serious problem, countries will have to shut their borders to avoid it soon
How is squatting out 6 crotchlings in the favelas of Lagos considered economically sound? It's always the same nonsensical bullshit. Are you going to start whining about carbon footprints next?
And /pol/ hates this but loves the jew-sucking drumpf? lol
>overpopulation is a serious problem
No it's not.
Yeah it is, look at Tokyo or Hong Kong.
>kids in the developing world are economic assets
No they are economic loads, any poorfag with a brain knows that more kids means less food for you.
Tokyo will soon be a ghost city once all the old generations die. Hong Kong's problem is all the mainland chink invaders who go there for better life quality but don't understand it's because they weren't commie rats for decades.
>Tokyo will soon be a ghost city
Woah maybe the Japs will finally stop $1000 a month to sleep in a capsule hotel
The horror
>poorfags have brains
the meeemeees
This problem will emerge anyway. Why should we feed the retards to come to this conlusion eventually(it's not possible anyway), and not try to solve it ourselves? Get the fuck out of this site we don't need retards here.
Get some tractors you stupid nigger
>ummm whiteys you should stop having kids you're going to make climate change worse
>soon be a ghost city
Great it would be so nice for it to not be cluttered by humans all the time.
I don't give a shit about those niggers provide no value to humanity if they only rape, kill, steal, and need foreign aid just to survive
Sigh. Far-leftism/SJWism is a mental illness. Unfortunately, so is far-rightism/alt-rightism.
We badly need a resurgence of political rationality that avoids both the commie collectivism and egalitarianism-to-the-point-of-ignoring-facts of the far left and the neo-Nazi beta male authority-worship and fascist collectivism of the far right.
>Bill Gates and Emmanuel Macron read Steve Sailer
The 25 year rule needs to be enforced.
How is it racist to tell africans to be careful with their fucking?
It's the same dude Joe Prince again, though. Is there any reason to believe this is a widespread reaction?
When we spend all day on the Internet, it becomes easy to imagine that the loudest and/or most shocking voices are more numerous that they really are.
I dunno like is showering them with birth control and mechanizing their farming sector really such a horrible thing? I mean for them AND for us racist privileged pig disgusting westerners.
Holy shit, was macron /ourguy/ the whole time?
Seems so. I remember how excited the liberals were when he got voted in. Fucking kek
Some frenchanon told me yesterday that he was making some statements that were pro-monarchy and anti-democratic. This a great event for neo-reactionary monarchists.
The moment standards of living drop due to lack of resources, overpopulation is a problem, and we've already crossed that point. Most immigrants have low incomes and pay less in tax than they receive in bennies.
Is it the right thing to do to support them, reduce poverty and allow freedom? It would reduce poverty in the short term, but then your own country will become overpopulated until the apocalypse, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits in the long term.
You got it. I'm french and I didn't even hear about this outside of Veeky Forums. Politis is some organ for fringe-left bobos.
Well Veeky Forums only cares because of some assmad liberals
Did he actually say this shit or are you faggots just sperging out for the memes?
You think mods exist here?
at least in america immigration is a net boon on public budgets
Also Malthus has been wrong for so long because it completely neglects all the progress and innovations people have done over the many many years.
It's not even as bad as Sarkozy's "the African man has no concept of time" or Chirac's "the smell and the noise" speech:
"Having Spaniards, Poles and Portuguese people working here created fewer problems than having Muslims and blacks. A French worker... who sees next door a family with three or four wives and 20 kids, earning 50,000 francs a month in social benefits without having to work - add to that the sound and the smell, and well, the French worker goes crazy."