Find a better sword than this
Find a better sword than this
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Zulfikar most likely was an Arabic straight sword considering Muhammad lived in a time centuries before the coming of the Turkics with their curved swords.
Why would you need a gigantic cheese knife? I thought islam forbade cheese.
I seriously doubt the actual zulfikar was like that, considering scimitars were introduced by the turks and early muslim arabic armies used straight swords.
Iberian falcata
Ali is now angry user, good fucking job.
dhul fiqar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>other swords>katana
>implying the Jian isn't the best sword design ever
I came here to post this
Best historical sword right here faggets.
you can actually catch your enemy's sword/spear with it and throw it away
You can easily identify it.
>try to parry an attack
>the enemy's sword slides down and lops off your hand because there's no guard
Parry with your shield senpai
Ancient niggas generally weren't big on extensive guards
Largely because
For cutting cheese? I can't this is ideal
they both have forked tip but this one is doesn't overdo it
My family has a sword like this, its been a family heirloom for a *long* ass time.
Yeah. Its most likely true. The Parthians/Persians and Romans/Byzantines were using short straight swords and later longer larger ones, this likely influenced through osmosis and military ties with the the Ghassanids and Lakamids into adopting similar weapons for their own military forces.
Enjoy thrusting once and losing a third of the blade
Well, the zulfikar it's a legendary weapon (of Ali) but this thing you have posted is a very bad wall hanger user, shame on you.
About best sword, of course, depends of for what you want it. To socialize and kill any bastard than insults you? Ropera/rapier. To kill some one from a horse or maiming a shiter? A sabre, depending of your taste a Polish/hungarian one, a persian shamshir or an Indu pulwar are all exellent.
Do you want to destroy a pike formation or protect some one and you don't have a shield? A montante/Zweihander/Spadone/big ass two handed sword.
If you mean in terms of aesthethics, a Yathaghan or Falcata/makhaira are my prefered.
im sure you can find a convoluted islamic mysticism explanation for it if you asked a sufi/shiite people somewhere but the most common story is how ali swinged his sword so hard during the battle of uhud he split his own sword into two, its just that theres no unique function for the double tipped sword
>early muslim arabic armies used straight swords
Didn't they have cavalry? I thought you needed a curved sword to attack infantry from horseback, otherwise your sword bounces back/gets stuck instead of slicing cleanly.
you don't thrust with these sort of swords
user what do you think happened to european cavalry?
They used straight swords too and they didn't suck.
I've got a British ceremonial sword in my house and it looks straight at first glance, but if you line it up next to a ruler there's a clear curve. I assumed that was the case with all cavalry swords - they might *appear* straight superficially, but actually there's a curve. Maybe not as obvious as a scimitar but definitely there.
Flips and the other Island SEAsians aren't big in thrusting weapons, really. They're all hack and slash weapons.
Though they did use foreign swords, especially the nobles and elites who delighted in the exotic.
is the kampilan a bad sword? cuz it looks really cool
Considering it was the most expensive sword carried by the elites? Nope. Though said elites are also fond of using Chinese or Japanese swords when they can acquire them.
It was used like a long cleaver, though you can prolly stabb an unprotected nigga with the tip.
If it can hack thick vegetation it can hack a human just fine, even the shorter klewang was used a lot in Acheh-Dutch wars.
It's a big cleaver than can be used as a two handed sword, quite useful to hack at other unarmored dudes but outside his niche, not so much. The barong and other machete like "swords" tought are very good, you can learn the basics a lot faster than with a sword, choping comes a lot more natural than stabing.
Let me rephrase that
>Most expensive native sword.
Foreign swords mightve been more expensive. This cunt is from Java, but using foreign swords was also a thing in the Philippines, and adds to the prestige of the elite cunt using it.
Your tripcode is not relevant to your post. Discard it, and stop yelling. You're the most annoying poster on Veeky Forums and you don't even have to be.
those are the most boring kampilan hilts i have ever saw
this one is better
What's the point of that shape?
why were foreign swords seen as a status symbol when kampilans looked more elaborate
This sword is bait.
That's a weird picture, seems like a Chinese trained painter is trying to imitate a Christian codex.
The same reason gold, diamonds, jade or whatever is priced, it's a lot scarce, thus you need more resources to get one, thus you are someone than it's high in the totem pole.
People would pay more for a chanel or even Zara than some no name robe only because status, even when it was probably made in the same sweatshop at more or less the same standards.
Also Iberian, Indian or Japanese blades were of the best quality in they zones, probably much better than the average blacksmith than didn't have the same resource to make good steel.
>Iberian, Indian or Japanese blades were of the best quality in they zones,
how good were filipino swords back in the day compared to other countries?
My knowdlage is very scarce at that user, I'm sorry, but Spaniards there prefered to use Iberian swords in combat but some returned with the most exotic looking ones to Spain to show them off. But Spaniards were very few there, normally some five thousand. People in Sout east Asia, for what I recall, prefered Indian made sword to anything else, probably thanks to the legendary status of Wootz steel.
This to this man
Actually, in pre-islamic arab armies cavalry was very light, small in numbers and relatively irrelevant in numbers. Even a charge against archers (which were also very shitty in Arabia) caused a good amount of horse casualties. The archetypical bedouin warrior mounting a powerful arabian horse came after.
But persians who were obsessed with having super strong cavalry used straight swords too. It was cultural, nobody liked steppeniggers and their curved swords. They needed to invade the whole middle east to get some respect.
Romans and persians actively armed north arabs and of course they armed them with what they already had.
It's beautiful.
Depends on the type of cavalry obviously but in the early middle-ages, a good deal of the cavalry heavy people had straight swords, normans, most europeans for that matter and arabs of course.
There's no absolute need for a curved sword on horseback. It's a matter of usage, as always.
And then you get thrusting cavalry swords which obviously were straight.
Damn someone on Veeky Forums who actually knows history.
It always triggers my autism as well when westerners considers curved swords to be arabic. I don't know why they do that.
>I thought you needed a curved sword to attack infantry from horseback
All kinds of cavalry used straight swords. Romans, Franks, etc. - and of course Arabs too.
>not having a weapon with a monomolecular edge
>This kills the Saracen
More like this kills the spaniards and pagan, Charlemagne had quite courteous diplomatic relations with Bagdad, exemplified with the white elephant gift for instance.
shame about the fragility
Scalpels are only used once, aren't they? As long as they aren't using it as a can opener, that shouldn't be an issue. It's for cleanly slicing flesh, there are better tools for harder materials.
How could obsidian be recycled? Can it be melted and reformed, like typical glass?
ol' chuckie magnus never actually used that sword
fuck no doctors reuse scapels and tools until the hospital buys new ones
>this kills the italian
unique and aesthetic
>what is a joke
Ali used his sword on the quraishis in such a brutal way it split and got a bit bent.but user is right curved swords only appeared after khalids battles where muslims realised curved swords might be better against heavy byzantine armour,around 30 years after the prophets death