why are ALL leftists anti white SJWs?
Why are ALL leftists anti white SJWs?
Nothing in that image is anti-white, if he wants to act like a faggot that's his business
Because white people still vote 50%/50% for left/right political parties, instead of 90% for left-wing parties like non-whites.
That is only in the West, of course.
why are ALL shitposters saged and reported?
why are ALL rightists neo-Nazis?
>I inhibit some behaviors that might be considered masculine
why are you leftypol shills still shilling?
>I exhibit some behaviors that are considered masculine in our society. I exhibit some that are not.
What in is anti-white? It's just some twink faggot saying he's not masculine, at least choose something that says fuck all white people next time
The funny thing is that the average nu-male gets laid more often than the average /pol/tard.
>this is what nu-males actually believe
Sucking a tranny's enlarged hairy clit does not count as sex
DESU what I have seen of the redditors who come here of all shades:
>retarded normies who use twitter
>suffering from hair loss at a v young age
Seems to be the unifying traits of the amerifats who come here, so I would hardly call either side masculine
Nah, nu-males get laid with women more than the average /pol/tard does. I've known a fair number of nu-males, and while they aren't exactly at the top of the sexual marketplace, they certainly get laid more often than socially conservative neo-Nazis do.
Because they're spoiled kids of safe suburbs taught virtue signaling in college.
Try selling political correctness to Chinese or Russian, lel
I want to know what the fuck is wrong with identitying your feminine traits. Pretty sure everyone has masculine and feminine psychological characteristics.
>Nah, nu-males get laid with women more than the average /pol/tard does. I've known a fair number of nu-males, and while they aren't exactly at the top of the sexual marketplace, they certainly get laid more often than socially conservative neo-Nazis do.
t. nu-male
lol, is this real?
there's a supposed war for Veeky Forums's collective hivemind, what a time to be alive. I say people try to remain as individual as possible and tell both shills of identity politics to fuck off boards that have nothing to do with /pol/ shit.
I'm not a nu-male, but I live in San Francisco, so I've known many nu-males. I'm not a leftist and I don't pretend to be friends with women in order to try to ingratiate myself with them, unless I actually want to be friends with them. Hence, am not nu-male.
>I'm not a nu-male, but I live in San Francisco, so I've known many nu-males. I'm not a leftist and I don't pretend to be friends with women in order to try to ingratiate myself with them, unless I actually want to be friends with them. Hence, am not nu-male.
t. nu-male cuck
Kek. I'm trying to educate you about something you don't understand, but you're just trolling in response. Oh well.
why would I listen to an puny anti white SJW like you?
I graduated from a public college in New York filled with them. Every nu-male I've ever met was either gay or a virgin. I don't know where you get your information from
I'm a numale by appearance, I don't share their ideology
I don't get laid