It's absolutely disgusting. Why did they this savage thing?
Why did Western cunt commit so much incest?
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It was the Hapsburg plan to create weaponized autism
>literally everyone hates you in Europe except some lessers and your central european cousins
Who do you marry, your sister? Remember, marrying some pleb countess is not possible. You're the fucking king of Spain.
Isn't it not only Spain but also other Europe cunt, Isn't it?
Its sad but there are books and movies about this topic. People in those days suffered from war. Lots of it they didnt know if their children would live to see adulthood. So fathers would often screw their daughters. Mothers/fathers would show their sons how to screw. Siblings would fuck. Cousins would fuck. People looked the other way. They needed more soldiers. they lived on abortificants the church gave. Some of the holy plants are abortificants. If she got pregnant itd be to their cousins whom most likely need the permision of a duke to change surname to legalize the procession.
The rest of Europe needed more centuries to achieve that degree of inbredness.
Australia has one of the worst examples
Incest was the norm since forever,even Darwin married and had children with his cousin.
Stop being a a hate filled fool.
>Kiwis bringing their sick fuckery over
what the fuck did i just read
So this is Anglo culture.
Stop being a xenophobe, most cultures had incest, only in modern western countries it seems weird.
And in the case of the Habsburgs, politics.
Parts of it is to try to maintain peace.
Also, who had a high enough ranking to marry a Habsburg King/Emperor or a King of France? The daughter of the King of France, the daughter of the King of Spain, the daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor.
Louis XIV's mother was Anne of Austria. Daughter of the King of Spain, Phillip III (Habsburg).
Louis XIV's wife was Maria Theresa of Spain. Daughter of the King of Spain, Phillip IV (Habsburg)
can this thread please just be about crusader kings ii. I know this isn't /v/ but I just wanna forget about my term paper and smoke weed and become the most powerful lesbian ruler ever and make beautiful lesbian bastard children
that's not true, one of the only cross-cultural universals is the existence of an incest taboo. How each culture finds ways to get around that varies. In one tribe in Africa children are referred to by certain names that make them maritally unavailable to people who have the same names, who would be their immediately family. However, get a name change and...
It's a natural result of trying very hard to keep your entire estate "in the family" so to speak. People of high birth generally had a very strong familial aversion to marrying people of lower "rank" and when you're that high up in society, you don't really have any way to "marry up" anymore. You can only "marry down." So they just end up marrying each other.
>One tribe
Thanks, bigot.
Most of oriental cunt is a taboo.
Austria had so much Incest they became a empire. France married someone from another family to aquire more power and became a Republic.
Charlie never had any chance did he?
Sauce? This seems like the same old "medieval period was the worst time period ever" meme.
Mainly to "keep it in the family".
Einstein and Freud, too.
I want to fuck my cousin too, she's crazy hot.
T. Degenerate
So the loving incest families I read about on motherless and incest taboo forum aren't just sick sexual fantasies...
> b a s e d
Your cousin loves you user :P
The Church actually had a ruling in place that required the separation of married partners by eight degrees of consanguinity, which is kind of crazy when you live in a village with 400 people.
delete them from the earth if they sexually like me.