What are the odds of Litecoin mooning?

What are the odds of Litecoin mooning?

Better chance of $1 Digibyte lmfao



get the fuck out of ltc, every time it looks oversold and i buy the fucking thing doesn't move while everything else moons
low volatility is the opposite of what you want if you want to multiply your $

It will go above $60 soon.

no one is willing to get hyped over litecoin
no hype no moon

Which coin do you recommend?

Good chance, unlike these short sighted memers, such a stable and popular coin is bound to moon,

Did bitcoin every stay stable for a long time and just crash? I think litecoin is also too popular for such a thing

Mooning? Eh not really

Steadily going up to 100? Easily

bnb will reach 40k tonight


what the fuck?

i have read these posts before but i'm searching the archive and see nothing

im spooked right now

reading steiner

cornhole cobb lee says its stable. thats shitcoin slang for 'goes down everyday except once a month'

ltc died. went from .02 to .018 to .016 to .015 to .013 to .01 whats the trend? this was only 2 months that corn lees corncovered shit lost half its value

eehhh it's yesterday's news. what's it's raison d'ĂȘtre ?

But its being used by businesses all over the world... Wherever theres a bitcoin sticker theres a litecoin sticker below it...

More bitcoin more litecoin ?!?!?!?!


what is this 2013

"2 months" lol more like two weeks, it's value only got cut in half because bitcoin exploded. By your logic ETH is dead too faggot

yeah litecoin "died" early june as well and then came back to life. It's going to happen again. btc and ltc take turns mooning.