Stopped listening to Veeky Forums

>stopped listening to Veeky Forums
>finally made money on crypto

Reminder that 99% of what you read here is worthless. Trust your gut even if you have no idea what you're doing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>the following statement is true
>the previous statement is false
thanks for activating my almonds

reminder that some of it's not as well. It's a mind field. I've been telling biz about a coin for the last couple days, it's already quadrupled in value, had people listened to me (some did) they would be up a lot! So just goes to show, use your gut, but also use some damn common sense.

Be honest, people that have youtube, afreeca and twitch as their job are all just part of a money laundering scheme by drug cartels right?

The problem is that for every good advice for mooning coin you get 10 others that make you lose money. How can you know which one is true and which one is gonna fuck your wallet? You can't.

No, it's just entertainment.

>No, it's just entertainment.
people dont actually throw their money at people playing video games right?

You can't really. But you can make the best call on it by looking at the numbers, and doing your own research.

Yeah they use their parents money to do so, you should learn about irl streaming if you think that's bad

I was mostly following my gut day trading and only broke even
Would've made money if I just bought NEO or OMG when the shilling first started
Now everything's down because BTC won't stop rising and even though I'm dollar positive I feel miserable

you must be joking, that little faggot on twitch sodapoppin, i saw him get $60,000 donation and others for 10/30,000 etc from the same guy. And thousands of retarded little autists used to donate $1-50 just to get a silly message read out on screen.
I can't imagine what these semi-attractive women showing a bit of skin are getting though.
It's very good money if you have the right personality for it. You often don't even need to be good.

I would unironically eat her shit straight from her beautiful ass

Really? Because I've listened to biz, then done a small amount of extra research (sometimes I've just jammed a small amount of money into the shitcoin of the week) and I've been making hand over fist

>supply and demand is bad
>the entertainment industry is bad

Is this /v/ or Veeky Forums?
Only aspies get mad at streamers.

you just cant distinguish bullshit from good advice cause u suck ass




Oh nice. I bought 2k TME because Veeky Forums told me to. How long til I am rich?

>tfw you believe in God and help but feel giddy inside knowing that these camwhores will burn in the lake of fire for getting easy money.

Thank God there is such thing a thing as justice in the next life

Are there any asians or asian speakers here? Please tell me what language is on the umbrellas in that clip. I must go to that country. Is it SK or Japan?

I unironically own 250,000 TME. Soon.

not if they repent at the last second

Korean. I speak Korean, it's in Korean. Good luck finding the source though. I want to know.

Are you 15?

if you baught the day the shilling started you should already be head by alot. The coin will continue to increase as it circulates. Each wall gets thinner and it's starting to stabilize very quickly. i say 0.50 - 3.00 by the end of the week


don't think that's how it works m8

no such thing as a genuine last second repentance. prozzies suck a dik

search the usernames in chat

>american education
is Korean........

yes I should have known the difference between korean and japanese. Very important distinctions to understand

한국사람인데 이런 여자 만나려면 해운대 해변에 가야될까?

Agreed biz taught me how to buy and spoon fed me but luckily I now do my duty to troll new fags and tell them to sell...heh nothing personal kids there's only so much room at the top

>t. $300 portfolio

One whole ticket Buddy (1btc) also have ~$300 in shit coins across the nets

So basically same thing.

thanks bro

I'm 22 that's a nice amount of dash for a young man

>I'm 22 that's a nice amount of dash for a young man
I had a car payment and probably $22k~ ish around that age
I do feel bad for you guys