Did the Hebrews build Ancient Egypt like the negroes built America? Also discuss Hebrews in Ancient Egypt fable
Hebrews in Ancient Egypt
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No. There's really no proof that Hebrews were ever in Egypt in any significant numbers, unless you count the period when Egypt was ruling over the Levant.
Although there is no proof of an Exodus, there is archeological evidence of a Hebrew presence in Egypt, specifically as slaves.
Serabit el-Khadim, an ancient camp in the Sinai has the inscription "O El, save me from these mines." Most likely the first ever words from a Hebrew that was ever written down.
>Did the Hebrews build Ancient Egypt like the negroes built America?
Yes. Africans need to give Jews reparations.
It could have been any Semitic group, don't you think? There were tone of them around the Egyptians, Hebrews were only a tiny minority in the zone.
Hebrews are the descendents of many despatched Semitic West Asians from diffeerent ancient cities such as Ebla and Ugarit, so it's possible that they held some memories of being in Egypt or under Egypt rule from their ancestors (Hyksos/Amorites, Canaanites, etc)
Wow, interesting!
I had read that they have found a temple to the golden bull api in the Southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, which of course can be connected with the golden calf, another interesting element, the presence of Semitic slaves and underdogs working in the copper mines of the Sinai Peninsula surely holds some connections with the story of Moses and the Hebrews in the bible: golden calf, now a prayer to El to save them from the terrifying labor.
We cracked the code:
Thirty incised graffiti in a "Proto-Sinaitic script" shed light on the history of the alphabet.[1] The mines were worked by prisoners of war from southwest Asia who presumably spoke a Northwest Semitic language, such as the Canaanite that was ancestral to Phoenician and Hebrew.
There isn't any proof that Hebrews were systematically enslaved whatsoever. So I'm 87% sure the answer is no.
Well we obviously were the or at least part of our ancestors were, I'm not saying the story is 100% accurate of course but it has some basis on reality
t. Jew
Not sure Hebrews were a defined group back than, probably they were random semitic tribes, nomads, slaves, mercenaries, some Egyptian aristocrats that fall out of favor for some reason etc.
The Israelite identity started to form after the bronze age collapse. Such events always cause new quasi national identities to arise, similar to the rise of many modern European nations after the fall of Rome in the west.
How dare you deny that six million Jews were enslaved in Egypt?
Wait but christards will tell me I'm wrong when I'm point out that Judaism descends from Canaanite religion and that Yahweh is El. So now that they found Canaanites shitposting about El in some mine this somehow proves that they were Hebrews and the exodus myth is true?
Make up your minds christards!
I'm atheist...
Yahweh is Midianite. It's the prime reason why the Bible speaks of Moses marrying the cushite Midianite Tzippora daughter of high priest Jethro.
It's the introduction of Yahweh and the formation of a new religion and people.
I love this
love what?
El = Allah
>Africans are only kangz when being kangz is bad
More like a proto-Hebrew, but El was what they called God at the time. IsraEL = struggle with God
I'm not even religious, I just think the archeological find was interesting. Almost all the Hebrew names for God descend from Canaanite deities.
There is no evidence of Jewish slaves in Egypt. There were definitely semetic tradesmen. There is no mention of it and the Exodus tale itself is ridiculous. Going by their figures (600,000 men so roughly double to account for families) Egypts population would have at least halved. Don't even get started on the impossible logistics of a group that large traveling the desert for 40 years.
>There is no evidence of Jewish slaves in Egypt
Not him but this is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. The concept of a "Jew" hadn't existed at that point yet. There hadn't even been Israelites, or a split of them between the Jews and Samaritans yet.
>traveling the desert for 40 years
Christians have really ruined the OT. "40" as a number just meant a long time. When they say 40 days and 40 nights it doesn't mean literally 40 days it just means it took a long time. I'm not even Jewish, or religious, but taking that literally is a very new thing.
Even orthodox Jews would tell you that the Hebrew's ancestors were still pagans during Pharonic times. It was Moses who founded Judaism, essentially after the Levites had left Egypt.
Yes, some Canaanites were slaves in Egypt, and Egyptian slaves generally worked in mines, quarries,and on plantations, much like negro slaves. It would be wrong to call these slaves "Jews" since Judaism didn't exist at the time, they were just "Canaanites".
I'm aware, let's just go with, the people who would be later referred to as the Jews.
>Say 40
Why do you think I meant 40?!?!?!
That still doesn't solve the issue of a fuck ton of people in a desert
Slaves did NOT build temples, houses, or tombs in ancient Egypt. The use of slaves for such "sacred" architecture would be grossly blasphemous, any building intended as a home (for men, gods, or the dead) had to be properly consecrated and was built by free labourers, typically a few expert architects plus a bunch of unemployed farmers (the Nile floods every year, during this season the farmers would be employed as labourers on building projects).
There were Canaanite slaves in Egypt, but no the Egyptians didn't enslave all or even most Canaanites, just a handful taken in war.
No such thing during Pharonic times.
>Even orthodox Jews would tell you that the Hebrew's ancestors were still pagans during Pharonic times.
Yeah, you see. There's this race of people called christards, professing the religion of christardianity, a "peculiar people", who, when confronted with this little piece of evidence, will insist that, on the contrary
Such are the arguments and the style of argumentation of those professing the religion of christardianity.
Pic very much related.
Wait I want the article and educational essays on this topic.
The Hebrews emerged as a distinct kingdom in the Iron Age. Prior to that, they were a class of quasi-nomadic social outcasts known as the "Habiru". Bums, basically.
No, sorry, hobos not bums.