Why is this board so obsessed with him?
Why is this board so obsessed with him?
This. Carlos and Adolf Hitler personify Veeky Forums perfectly.
Good post
I'd argue Musso is more Veeky Forums than Hitler.
You don't?
He was a good boy.
>This. Carlos and Adolf Hitler personify Veeky Forums perfectly.
Veeky Forums are a bunch of inbred retards? Sounds pretty accurate to me.
I personally find it fascinating that royalty, in a desperate effort to keep their bloodline "pure", ended up give birth to a man far more retarded than the average peasant.
It's like karma or God's judgement or something like that.
Because le ebin funny meme lmao XD
Because he was as real and you or me are today, and because they accidentally did it on purpose. Imagine being one of those responsible and having to look as this inbred retard drools all over the royal palace. "I did this," they must have thought. "I made this happen."
This, Habsburgs went one niece too far
His mother was a literal unclefucker
Charly was a retard but he was more competent than half the Spanish kings, specially after him. He was humble enough to know than he was stupid as fuck, but he sought the best men for the jobs. Also it's heartbreaking to read about his love history, he was truly in love with his first wife and really wanted a child.
Gods I hate my country politcal leaders, literal retard do a better job than them.
>more competent than half the Spanish kings, specially after him.
>after him
literally what, the first bourbons were probably the best kings Spain had
Imagine being some noble in that thing's court and having to be all like "damn, King Charles, you fuckin' fine, all kingly with your non warped body and horrific monster face. I would totally serve you, both my house and me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old peasant girl in his country villa. Like seriously imagine having to be some noble and not only watch him sit in that chair while Charlie flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his fucked up chin and leathery skin, and just sit there, proclamation after proclamation, hour after hour, while he perfected that scrawl he calls a signature. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his childish fucking attitude as everyone at court tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, KING CHARLES LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and brunettes and later alleged Jus Primae Noctis victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Castille. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the drool that's breaking out on his drooping lips as he sucks it in to spit at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "statuesque (for that is what they call him)" beauty, the beauty he worked so hard for with personal artists in the previous months. And then the steward proposes another law, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the guard could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking nobility. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Dude, the bourbons ruined the Spanish Empire, with all those "free comerce rates" and eliminate the monopoly on America, for Latin Americans it was great tho', but the Spanish Empire didn't keep any money, like EVER. Cash that got into the bourbons hands, cash that goes to England to buy weapons, tools, technology and luxury stuff.
you can lready see she is also mildly retarded. What were they thinking?
> That scrawl he calls a signature
Long Live King yoel Rey LXXVIII
She looks about six too.
What was his reign like? Did he pass laws? Start reforms? Any of the like?
Bump for king of Veeky Forums
I supose that infinite bankrupts, stupid religious wars in centre and north Europe and indifference to govern is better than that.
Charlie did literally nothing wrong.
"During the reign of Charles II, Spanish power and prestige declined at an accelerated pace, that started in the last years of Count-Duke of Olivares' prime ministership in the 1640s. The economy, on the whole, was depressed between 1650 and 1700, with low productivity, famines, and epidemics.[13] Spain's economy (especially in Castile) crumbled. This was partially due to plague outbreaks, for example during 1676–1685, and partially due to the heavy taxation and huge casualties caused by the almost continuous warfare. The period 1677–1686 was the lowest point; there was famine, natural disasters, and economic chaos. Emigration to the New World increased; with the population of Spain decreasing by nearly two million people during the 17th century: nearly 1.25 million from plagues, and 300,000 from the expulsion of the Moriscos. Spanish territory shrank with the loss to France of some territories in the Spanish Netherlands"
That doesn't really sound like it was his fault.
What did he do wrong though?
Things which are Veeky Forums
>this inbred retard
Things which are not Veeky Forums
>stirner memes
>meta threads about Veeky Forums having changed since the good old days
STOP bullying carlos
Dude, the Spanish Empire destroyed Spain. It took a lot of money to guard all that gold and silver from pirates and privateers, all that wealth destroyed the Spanish economy through inflation and then was wasted in stupid wars across the continent.
Veeky Forums never had good old days. It has been /pol/ lite with nazis and redditors leftist dunking it with some naive posters posting good content.
You're retarded,
Investment are more important.
>What were they thinking?
"Muh pure royal bloodline"
What investment?
-Spaniards bow down to Charles II of Spain
-In contact with retarded aliens
-Possess psychic-like disabilities
-Control Spain with a retarded but inbred fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in the new world (Disabiligrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of inbred Habsburg DNA on Spain
-First retard babies will in all likelihood be Charles II babies
-Charles II said to have >2 IQ, such unintelligence on Earth has only existed deep in brazil & designated shitting streets
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a retard who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of impotence and unprecedented mental depression with them
-own retard labs around Spain
-You likely have CNA (CharleoxyriboNucleic Acid) inside you right now
-Charles II in regular communication with the Downangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the unintelligible word of God to the Orthodox Church.
-he failed to speak any intelligible language
-No one entrusts their gold reserves with him.
-The mentally disabled man is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless retard existing in all points of genes and space from the big down syndrome to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plan yet. We hope he's an able bodied being.
He was literally retarded while also one if not the most powerful man on earth. How can you not find it fascinating?
>why be obsessed with the greatest monarch of all time?
Post more rare Chuckys
I like this one
Wtf he actually looks normal here
Carlos I of Spain had luck since he inherited most of his territories from his granparents.
Carlos II "el hechizado" is considered one of the three "Austrias menores". All three left running the country up to the so called "validos". None of the three were competent.
The Bourbons were/are not very good monarchs.
I would rather have a republic in Spain.
The purple and the triple lining ruins the fucking flag.
That is what make Veeky Forums so comfy
Was Carlos a chad like this pic indicates?
post the original charles apu
it's here
much obliged, friendo
Clearly. The other paintings were meant to deceive Spain's enemies into thinking he was retarded. In reality he was a debauched hedonist who banged hundreds of Spanish women and as a result a significant percent of Spaniards are blood related to him
I was about to claim I had the handsomest Charlie but you win.
Japanese have far more productive than Muslim fucks, they are more intelligent, more productive, less criminal, more polite, women have way more right, so they like anime?
It's a form of art, fairly superior to the fantasy book known as the Koran.
uh now they do
..except for sexual harassment on trains,and at work but sure thing.
Yes but that one of the pic is Carlos III, and the bourbons were good monarchs at least from Felipe V to Carlos V, they basically returned Spain to a serious position of power.
I mean Carlos III
yeah that's false bullshit and muslims throw acid on their wife's faces
No, its not. Sexual harrasment is really a problem,there. And unlike U.S and Europe ,they're aren't many laws protecting women from it.
tbf, a few Muslim countries like Pakistan have a sexual harrasment problem too but you get my point.
Can't marr the Charles
>Why is this board so obsessed with him?
You're a retarded guy
Jesus, that's a big dress
Looks like a team sport athlete's signature
Let's see if I can get those numbers
Was being infertile part of your plan?
Made me fucking kek out loud. Im in the metro you bitch
Yes, and the next step is crashing this dynasty. WITH NO SURVIVORS!!
>work of art
pick one and only one...
its more art than splatter of gore from bombs and trucks of peace, face it contemporary Islam produces nothing worthy of note in regards to art that isn't a fucking overpriced rug
He was actually black
His botched appearance is from white people editing his photo
We at Veeky Forums want to honor our black ancestors white people stole from us
Would you Charlie's sister, Veeky Forums?
do you know that those subtitles are fake?
>Mocking someone for having a fully readable signature
>when you write nice letters but they're all the wrong ones
No, that's Habsburg ass,
He was mind-bogglingly handsome.
I don't think so.
>King I the King LXXVIII
What did he mean by this?
>mfw you made me realize it says 'yo el' and not 'yoel'
totally agree with you desu
The writing is correct, or did you expect to the Spanish king to write using English?
And you thought that Charles was stupid...
do you have a link to that memri interview or is this just a fake picture someone made
Nothing would make me happier than to bring Carlos back from the dead, or some other historical figure, just to see their bewilderment at the shitposts of them
Brilliant, made me laugh out loud
Shhhhhh let the autists be autistic
Are you this stupid you can't know it's fake ?
Tip : everything from the memri channel with subs is fake
Can we go to 300?
>Charlie's sister
yeah sure, you don't fool anyone
for you
I got another one for you
>Rumored to posses 48 chromosomes
I have a problem, Veeky Forums. I can't stop fantasizing about Charles II's boipucci.
Just the thought of all those regal spanish clothes concealing his tight, boyish body, and the thrill in his malformed face as he tears off his garments in the heat of passion gets me hard like nothing else. I want to thrust in and out of his royal ass while he mumbles and gargles in pure ecstacy until Mariana catches us in the act, just as we both climax, the magnificent furniture sticky with our love fluids.
I can't continue; my fingers tremble at the mere thought of it.
because he was retarded and it's funny to have a king who's retarded and laugh at his stupid, ugly, dumbass.